A Spiritual Interpretation of Revelation
As taught by:
Unity School for Religious Studies
Unity Village, MO 64065
Lesson Outline
- Metaphysical meaning of the church of Laodicea.
- Praise for the church.
- Criticism for the church.
- Promise of reward for overcoming that which is criticized.
- Rev. 3:14-3:22
- Metaphysical Bible Dictionary: "Laodicea"
- Be Ye Transformed 217, 218
- Metaphysically, what does the church of Laodicea stand for in human nature?
- Give a general summary of praise given to the church.
- Give a general summary of criticism given to the church.
- Give a general summary of the reward for overcoming to be given.
Lesson Text
The word Laodicea means "judgment of the people." Metaphysically, it stands for human judgment. Judgment is our faculty of discerning, evaluating, and making decisions. It is not surprising that the Christ Mind has very little praise to give this church in its present state. All that is said to it is, "'I know your works...'" Even though this is but scant praise, at least it is something. It indicates that at least we are "working" to develop better judgment. There is obviously much that is still wrong in our human judgments, but at least the Christ Mind is aware that we are working to improve it.
Rev. 3:15, 16 "'... You are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue you out of my mouth.'"
The lukewarm state so criticized by the Christ Mind symbolizes human reluctance to make decisions of either yea, yea, or nay, nay. It pertains to the fear many persons have to avail themselves of opportunities for choice and freedom of choice. It also includes the strange sort of reluctance some people have toward the fact that they are free to decide where to connect their sense of I AM. Too often we wait until someone or something outside ourselves tells us how to discern, what evaluation to make, and what decision we should make. This keeps our judgment faculty (church of Laodicea) in a non-creative (lukewarm) state. The Christ Mind indicates that for purposes of further spiritual unfoldment, this is unsatisfactory.
Rev. 3:17 "'For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing; not knowing you are that wretched, pitiable, poor', blind, and naked.'"
This criticism of the Christ Mind toward human judgment refers to the fallacy of believing that our human judgment does not need further improvement ('"I am rich... I need nothing'") or that it is in any way fallible. No matter how good our judgment may seem to be, human judgment is always in need of improvement. In our human judgments, we need constant light from higher levels of being. That higher level is the Christ Mind, which needs to enter into our human judgment. The Christ Mind is always willing to do this. It is symbolized in these words:
Rev. 3:20 "'Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.'"
If we want the illumination of divine guidance in our decision making, we need but acknowledge our willingness and ask for that guidance. If we open our minds and hearts to it, it will enter.
Rev. 3:21 "'He who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I myself conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne.'
In Bible symbolism, a throne stands for a state of using good judgment. We are told here by the Christ Mind that if we want to sit on the throne (attain a high state of good judgment) we should remember that at any time we are discerning, evaluating, or making decisions, we should first take time to ask for the light of Christ to enter our judgment faculty (church of Laodicea) and work through us to illumine and guide us. If we do so, the Christ Mind will not fail us.
Preceding Entry: Revelation Metaphysics 6: Lesson 6 Revelation 3:7-13
Following Entry: Revelation Metaphysics 8: Lesson 8 Revelation 4:1-6:8