STRESS IS A KILLER — a killer of consciousness as much as it is a killer of the body. That is why I am so thankful that the family of Winifred Wilkinson Hausmann has given us permission to digitize and share with you the 37 suggestions she made for Dealing With Stress Through Spiritual Methods.
The graphic you see to the right is from her essay "How To Cope With Everyday Living." Do you see the 4-point plan she offers for dealing with this type of stress, circled in red? Click on the graphic and then click on the links and you will be taken directly her practical and profound formula for dealing with that type of stress.
In less than 5 minutes you can read these four points, then memorize her formula, and then begin to apply it throughout your day to achieve a more relaxed, fuller life.
Winifred Hausmann offers twelve of these practical lessons with profound 3- or 4-point plans for raising consciousness through reducing stress—what she calls a Bible-based guide for 20th 21st century living.
The image you see here is a postcard that will be sent out in January 2018. Let me know if you would like one or if you would like a deck to distribute in your Sunday service. If I have extras I will be happy to send them.
I hope this is useful for bringing light to your holiday season, for preparing for the burning bowl services in our churches, for group study in healing and wholeness and for offering fellow congregants short, powerful formulas for raising consciousness.
I am immensely grateful to the family of Winifred Hausmann for permission to digitize this book and make it available to the Unity community she served for so many years. Her blessings as a Unity minister and author carry on.
December 2017

Winifred Wilkinson Hausmann

Download a PDF of Dealing With Stress Through Spiritual Methods
DEALING WITH STRESS Through Spiritual Methods answers a vital need in living today. Winifred Hausmann, longtime Unity minister and author of four earlier books, shares her expertise gained through years of dealing with people and helping them to handle their challenges and improve their lives through spiritual methods. This book deals with such vital areas as:
- Handling "guilt trips"
- Overcoming harmful habits
- Handling money with confidence
- Coping with sudden change
- Living with the modern pressures of time
- Coping with emergencies
- Handling divorce
- Dealing with difficult people
- Conquering worry and anxiety
- Working without strain
and many other subjects related to successful living.
— From the Back Cover
TruthUnity thanks the family of Winifred Wilkinson Hausmann for permission to digitize this book and make it available to the Unity community she served for so many years. Her blessings as a Unity minister and author carry on.
© 1985, Winifred Wilkinson Hausmann
All rights reserved by the author.
Reprinted with permission.