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- Discuss what prayer means to you and include the following points in your discussion:
- What is true prayer
- Why the Lord's Prayer is so powerful
- Why we ask in the name of Jesus Christ
- Why thought images and the spoken word are important
- What is unique about Unity's way of praying
- Why some prayers seem not to be answered
- Write an affirmative prayer that could be used by anyone seeking guidance. Write an affirmative prayer to be used by anyone desiring a healing
- Discuss Unity's practice of praying for prosperity and include the following points:
- What is substance
- Why praise is important
- Why daily attention to prayer is vital to demonstrating prosperity
- Why the Prosperity Bank is a helpful aid in the demonstrating of prosperity
- Explain the principle of tithing
- Write an affirmative prayer that could be used by anyone desiring a more prosperous life.