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Metaphysical meaning of Aram-zobah (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Aram-zobah (mbd)
Aram-zobah, a'-ram-zo'-bah (Heb.)--high warriors; highland warriors; Aram of Tsobah.

A part of Syria, though a separate kingdom at the time of David and Solomon; it spent much time fighting against Israel (Psalms 60, title).

Meta. The assembling of the warring thoughts of the intellect (see ZOBAH and ARAM), thoughts that believe in the enforcement of personal rights, thus stirring up strife and inharmony. These thoughts intend to stay in the consciousness; they encamp; they make man believe that he cannot get along in the world without fighting his way. Rut Solomon (peace and wisdom) captured the capital of Zobah, or Aram-zobah, Hamath, and the country became subject to Israel.

Preceding Entry: Aram-naharaim
Following Entry: Aran