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Metaphysical meaning of Cushan-rishathaim (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Cushan-rishathaim (mbd)
Cushan-rishathaim (A.V., Chushan-rishathaim), eu'-shan-rlsh-a-tha'-m (Heb.)--blackness of injustice; brand; falsehood; wickedness; iniquity; ungodliness.

A king of Mesopotamia, or Aram-naharaim, into whose hands the Lord gave the people of Israel because they served Balaam and Asheroth. This king oppressed the Israelites for several years, but he was finally overthrown and Israel was delivered by "Othniel, the son of Kenaz, Caleb's younger brother" (Judg. 3:8-10).

Meta. A central ruling thought in the error state of consciousness that Aram-naharaim signifies--the belief of the unawakened intellect in man that all his sustenance comes from the outer and that he has no need of spiritual understanding and Truth to sustain him in either body or soul. (See ARAM-NAHARAIM.)

Preceding Entry: Cushan
Following Entry: Cushi