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Metaphysical meaning of Ishi2 (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Ishi2 (mbd)
Ishi2, ish'-i (Heb.)--deliverance; help; saving; salvation; salutary; safety; welfare; prosperity. This Ishi2 is in no way related to the preceding one, which is spelled differently in the Hebrew.

a Two men of Judah (I Chron. 2:31; 4:20). b A man of Simeon (I Chron. 4:42). c A man of Manasseh (I Chron. 5:24).

Meta. The inner acknowledgment of God, Spirit, as health for the whole man (salutary means "promoting health; wholesome; healthful"; salutary and healthy are synonyms). This understanding leads to true and full deliverance, salvation. By means of prayer and praise (Judah), attention and obedience to the things of Spirit (Simeon), and understanding (Manasseh) we come into a realization of the divine presence as wholeness, as supply (prosperity), as the source of our every good (welfare). (See also the ISHI that precedes this one.)

Preceding Entry: Ishi
Following Entry: Ishma