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Metaphysical meaning of Nahamani (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Nahamani (mbd)
Nahamani, nå-ham'-a-n; (Heb.)--compassionate; comforter; consoler.

One of the twelve head men, or leaders, who returned with Zerubbabel from the Babylonian captivity (Neh. 7:7).

Meta. A comprehension of the Spirit of God as tender, merciful, long-suffering (compassionate), as comforter. (Many are now used to thinking of God and the Holy Spirit in this way, but it is a great step forward, for the individual who has believed in the "wrath of God," to come to a place in his development wherein he knows that God is good only and expresses only as love and good to man.) "Oh give thanks unto Jehovah; for he is good;For his lovingkindness endureth for ever."

Preceding Entry: Naham
Following Entry: Naharai