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Metaphysical meaning of Resen (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Resen (mbd)
Resen, re'-sen (Heb.)--executive power; reins of government; control from above; restraint; curbed; a bridle with bit; fountainhead. A city between Nineveh and Calah, an Assyrian city built by Asshur (Gen. 10:12).

Meta. Calah signifies a state of consciousness that is built about the belief that age (as it relates to time) and experience bring balanced judgment and all-round fullness or perfection. (See CALAH.)

Nineveh signifies exterior growth, an outer sense of growing vigor, order, unity, harmony, and intellectual understanding that, because of not being always conscious of Spirit, develops into increased materiality. (See NINEVEH.)

Resen (executive power, reins of government, control from above, restraint, curbed, a bridle with bit, a fountainhead), a great city that Asshur built between Nineveh and Calah, indicates a recognition by the natural man that there is a higher guiding, ruling, judging, restraining power in his life than that of the purely human and material.

Preceding Entry: Rephidim
Following Entry: Resheph