![Cover for An Overcomer Though Jesus Christ by Sr. Rev. Agbai Agwu](https://s3.amazonaws.com/truthunity/assets/international/nigeria/publications/agbai-ompa-agwu-an-overcomer-through-jesus-christ/agbai-okpa-agwu-an-overcomer-through-jesus-christ-cover-web.jpg)
An Overcomer — Divine Empowerment
John 20:19-31
I am an Overcomer through Jesus Christ; I rest in the realization of His Grace and power
Jesus Christ truly is an Overcomer and whoever identifies himself with him automatically becomes and Overcomer.
Do you believe this? Affirm: “I am an Overcomer”.
When we reconcile ourselves with Jesus Christ, we will no longer sing the chorus of the majority who keep on saying death is inevitable. Jesus overcame death and gave us the authority to become Overcomers. His appearance gave hope to His disciples when the doors were shut for fear of the Jews. There is hope for you right now wherever you are for Christ is appearing before you. His presence now ushers you into the peace of God... PEACE BE UNTO YOU.
Jesus identified himself with the FATHER. From the Father He received Authority and He passed the authority to the disciple. Who do you identify yourself with? Those who identified themselves with Jesus are given authority. Your authority to overcome comes from God.
There is a special in-filling of the Holy Spirit to all that have identified with Jesus Christ. The breath of the Almighty is filling you, strengthening you, guiding you and leading you to overcome all challenges. Man was created but did not come alive until God breathed into his nostril. The disciples could not move into the city but hid themselves for the fear of the Jews until Jesus appeared before them and imparted on them “Receive ye the Holy spirit!” Can someone open himself to the inflow of the Holy Spirit by affirming “Through Grace I now receive the Holy Spirit”?
You are now on a spirit-guided mission. You are now on a spirit-powered mission. You are now an Overcomer through Christ Jesus.
Doubters may come your way. Unbelievers may come your way as did Thomas who wanted Jesus’ physical presence. Christ is with you now and always. JESUS CHRIST had not limited himself to one physical body. He is present with you in the form of the Holy Spirit. He was not hard on the doubter. Doubt leads to question, question leads to answer, and the answers are accepted, and then doubt has done a good job. Wonderful answers are coming to you if there seems to be questions in your mind.
WHO IS AN OVERCOMER? An Overcomer is one who recognizes the truth of his being. Myrtle Fillmore recognized the truth of her being. When people around her were talking about sickness and doctors were talking about death, she identified herself with God. “I am a child of God and therefore I do not inherit sickness.” Those that excommunicated her in fear of being infected finally came to ask her for the secret of her overcoming. From all corners of the, world people will be coming to ask you to secret of your overcoming if you identify yourself today with the Truth of your being.
An Overcomer is always renewing his thoughts from the old mortal beliefs to the new as he sees it in Divine Mind. What are you thinking? What is your belief structure? “Have this mind in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” Can someone affirm with me “I have the mind of Christ”?
An Overcomer is always demonstrating the divine law not only in surface life but in innermost consciousness. He functions from within to outside. He takes actions and is not a reactionary. He is always in control of his thoughts, his feelings and his actions not because he is with members of his church or not.
ACHIEVEMENT OF AN OVERCOMER: Jesus said “you who have followed me in the regeneration will sit with me on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” The overcomer receives Spiritual Powers, Mastery and Dominion.
An overcomer places himself by faith in the realization of sonship. Identify yourself with Christ — the divine pattern that overcomes all errors. Be wise and identify yourself with the Christ. No external condition or circumstances can hold him in bondage when he makes contact with God. The overcomer is assured of divine restoration “I will restore to you the years that the Locust hath eaten”.
As soon as you identify yourself with the Christ spirit of an overcomer, start praising God for the abundance of all things. The omnipresent ethers will crack by your praises and thanksgiving and good will flow from all directions, creating a new race consciousness, a new heaven and earth wherein dwells righteousness.
Whatever it is that is facing you, you are now equipped with the overcoming spirit and you are bound to overcome.