E.B. Weeks is known as the person who told Myrtle Fillmore "You are a child of God, therefore you do not inherit sickness" which is generally considered the seminal event that started the Unity movement. This photograph of E.B. Weeks was found in a large box of loose photographs at the Unity Archives.
At least one hymn written by EB Weeks shows up in Clara Scott's 1896 hymnal, Truth in Song: Hymn 25, Children of God.
James Dillet Freeman says in the Household of Faith that "Doctor Weeks was sent to Kansas City from Chicago as a representative of the Illinois Metaphysical College, which had been founded shortly before by Emma Curtis Hopkins." Tom Witherspoon speaks disparagingly about EB Weeks in Essence of Unity (clip 20). Other than that, and a few genealogy records, not much is known about him.