Rev. Ed Townley was an ordained Unity minister and well-known Bible teacher who was ordained in 1991.
Since his ordination in 1991, Rev. Ed, as he was so fondly called, served Unity ministries in Beaverton, OR, Dallas, TX, Hartford, CT, and most recently at Unity of Central Massachusetts in Northborough. We were blessed when Rev. Ed joined Unity Chicago, to serve as Senior Minister from 1991 to 1998.
Rev. Ed was known for his enthusiastic metaphysical interpretations of the Bible, and for his understanding of the Hero’s Journey as a roadmap for our own, individual spiritual unfoldment. His book Kingdom Come: A Guide to the Book of Revelation was published in 2012 by Unity Books. He also authored The Secret According to Jesus, a guide to the Sermon on the Mount. Rev. Ed also founded Spirit Expressing, a ministry dedicated to exploring the creative process through which we are called upon to bring a new dimension of spiritual consciousness into manifestation. Rev. Ed loved social and spiritual gatherings, often incorporating concerts, theater pieces, and other expressions of creative energy into his ministries.
Rev. Ed Townley made his transition in December 2020, suddenly from respiratory failure due to COVID-19.