Hi Friends,
A few years ago when I was rummaging at the Unity Archives, Priscilla Richards came in and handed me a 12 inch stack of her research papers. In case you don’t know Priscilla, she is one of several people who have devoted decades, literally, digging deep in Unity’s sacred archives for deeper Truths that might be found in the published writings of Unity.
What we have from Priscilla are transcripts of Spiritual Healing classes taught by H.B. Jeffery in 1933 and again in 1934. She found them in the papers of L.E. Meyer. Along with the class transcripts are L.E. Meyer’s thesis papers, which he presented to Jeffery in order to obtain credit for the course.
Both H.B. Jeffery and L.E. Meyer are very prominent in the development and dissemination of Unity teachings. Jeffery may be considered a peer of the Fillmores because, he, like the Fillmores, was a student of Emma Curtis Hopkins and he directly collaborated with her later years. L.E. Meyer became the minister of Unity Temple on the Plaza and his teachings on prayer and prosperity are highly regarded in Unity. Priscilla recently shared the following with me:
H.B. Jeffery continues to be an inspiration to me & his books, pamphlets, etc. continue to hold a special place in my own library where I can easily access them for current support, inspiration, & communion in my own prayer times & study. Both H.B. & Emma Curtis Hopkins have been touchstones for me in making a connection/transition between metaphysics & mysticism…& their spiritual healing teachings are invaluable & so worthy of being preserved & available to current Truth students.
But it may be that Priscilla’s recommendation is enough reason for us to download the PDF file and read them thoroughly. It certainly is enough for me. Last week I introduced Mark Yarnell, who also dug, and dug deep, in the Unity Archives for deeper Truths. Priscilla Richards, like Mark Yarnell, found priceless gems and they have always freely shared their findings with us.

Priscilla is one kind of researcher. Let me introduce you to another: medical professionals who quietly incorporate spiritual healing into and along side their practice. Harold Goodman DO was introduced to H. B. Jeffery’s teachings by students of Alden and Nell Truesdale. There is no doubt that Nell Truesdale, ordained by Unity in 1934, sat in the same class as did L.E. Meyer.
Harold Goodman has collected many Jeffery writings, some passed down by Jeffrey, through the Truesdales. He, like Emilie Cady and many in our metaphysical tradition, practice spiritual healing along with their practice of medicine. You can learn more about Harold and his research at his website, DrHaroldGoodman.com. If you would like to meet him, we will be at the Unity Archives this June (2022) on the Monday morning of the week of UWMs convention. Let me know if you would like to swing by.
So we have two modern day researchers pointing to H.B. Jeffery as someone who deserves our attention. If you download the PDF files and can create an easy to read transcript then I will incorporate it here; that will make it accessible to Google and Google will then make it easy for others to find via Internet search.
Sunday, March 20, 2022
H.B. Jeffery’s Spiritual Healing Lessons (1933 and 1934)
along with
L.E. Meyer’s Lessons Thesis (1933 and 1934)
along with
L.E. Meyer’s Lessons Thesis (1933 and 1934)

Download Spiritual Healing Lessons by H.B. Jeffery (1933) in PDF format
Download Spiritual Healing Thesis by L.E. Meyer (1933) in PDF format
Download Spiritual Healing Lessons by H.B. Jeffery (1934) in PDF format
Download Spiritual Healing Thesis by L.E. Meyer (1934) in PDF format

H.B. Jeffery’s Spiritual Healing Lessons (1933)
Lesson One - “Spiritual Healing” – H. B. Jeffrey (1933)
Spiritual healing is a work of the Spirit. “I of myself can do nothing, it is the Father who doeth the work.” Our first approach in healing is not to the appearance of disease, but to Spirit (God). We are to disregard the cry of mortal man, and give heed unto the Word of God, the Spirit in man. Moses apprehended this law and wrote: “in the Beginning God.” In the beginning of every treatment, God. We are not treating the patient, nor his disease, in fact we are not doing anything. We can do nothing; it is the Spirit that accomplishes the work. All we can do is to turn to the Spirit. The turning is looking away from disease to the cause of all Health. Our work always is to lift our own consciousness to God, the Giver of Health.
The natural desire of man when he hears the distressed cry of his fellow man is to want to help him. Often this desire is to display some apparent power of mortal man, which does not exist. All power is from God. “God is all there is, beside Him there is none other.” There is One Being, One Intelligence, One Substance, One Form, God. When the attention is focused upon Him Light shineth forth out of darkness. “When thine eye is single, then thy whole body shall be full of Light.” Our eyes must be single to heal, single to health and the Giver of Health. We are to look beyond the appearance, for it is the unreal. “The things which are seen, were not made of the things which do appear. By faith we understand that the very worlds were framed by the Word of God.” The Word of God is Creator of all things. It is the Real. The most successful healer gives all his conversation to describing the Spirit, the Reality.
Every case of disease and illness is the result of vain imaginations. The Light of Truth is resident in every man. It is the Light “That lighteth every man that cometh into the world.” In his inner nature every man in conscious of his Divinity and knows the Truth. We are to appeal to this inner Being and Knowledge and call it forth into expression. Spirit is always present in man. It cannot be put into him from the outside, nor is it necessary for it is always present in man. Turning to the Spirit within ourselves causes the Word of healing to be quickened in us that we “may speak a word in season to him who is weary” and he shall go free. We are not dependent upon certain worded formulas or affirmations. The right word will always be given to the one who keeps his attention upon the Most High. God is all. The true being of man is God manifest.
Every case that comes to us for healing is a challenge to our knowledge of God indwelling. We shall give our attention to this inner Man of God. “Be still and know that I Am God.”
Healing is not our own doing, but the work of God. We must be careful to remember this at all times, lest we become puffed up in the work that is accomplished through us and thereby lose a consciousness of its Giver. Spiritual healing is the work of Spirit. The greatest healer and the one who brings about the quickest results is the one who knows that he has nothing to do, and does nothing. He abides by the Truth; and in the Truth. “I am the Lord thy God - there is none other.” Healing is knowing this truth. In the light of this knowledge all disease vanishes. There is no disease. All is health, harmony, peace, wisdom, understanding and their Giver. “Make the Truth real to yourself and it will be real to your patient.” Our conversation shall be in heaven. We shall walk on the heights.
God is Good, perfect without disease. Man is Good, perfect, without disease. All else is delusion, a disturbing dream. Healing is the awakening out of the sleep of disease. It Is beholding the True Self. There are not miracles, all is a natural working under the direction of definite spiritual laws. “God is Light, in Him there is no darkness at all. There is no shadow that is cast by turning. “ In God there is no turning. Disease is a turning from the Light. Health is a returning to the Light. It is not necessary to give formulas to the patient. There is no healing in mere words. They are only vain repetitions, unless they are given by the Spirit, if so then they arise within the individual, and not from the lips of another. That which arises from within us is from the Spirit. There are many quotations in the Bible which are absolute Truth and are safe to give where the Spirit is known. We should weight well the words we speak that they are charged with the fulness of Truth and not half Truths.
It is written that “Jesus went about doing good.” His eye was single to the good. His conversation was good. His deeds were good. The power of healing lies in knowing the omnipotent good. Healing is sacred and the healer must be consecrated. He who would heal must “deny himself and take up his cross and follow Christ.” The healer is not ministering for gain, nor for display. He is ministering because he is called to do so by the Spirit and can do nothing else. His work is sacred. His thoughts and conversations are filled with Truth.
“Many are called but few are chosen.” All are called to the work of healing but only a few who go far enough to cross our self and magnify God. “The tongue of the wise is health. To him who ordereth his conversation aright I will shew the salvation of God.”
Lesson Two: Liver - “Spiritual Healing” - by H. B. Jeffery
In this lesson we are to take up specific ideas regarding healing. We are to begin with the LIVER.
We shall remember that the true spiritual healer’s mind gives no heed to the body or the appearance of disease. His eye is single to the One in whom there is no disease or limitation. However, there is no harm in knowing some of the aspects of the human mind and organization. But I as we progress we shall keep our inner eye on Perfection, so that outer appearances do not enter into consciousness. “Only with thine (outer) eye shalt thou behold evil.” (Psalms 91:8) Only the outer physical eyes shall see the appearance, the inner Eye shall “stay” on God. In other words the picture will not enter into our consciousness.
The LIVER is an organ of purification. Into it is poured blood which is there purified. Blood flows into it from the heart and intestines. The liver represents interior purification. Jesus referred to those who “keep the outside of the platter clean” but neglect the inside. We desire to be clean throughout. “Cleanse thou me from secret faults.” As we think and feel within our minds and hearts so are we. We should see to it that our thoughts and feelings are always in accord with Truth. It is unwise to think one way and feel another. A man of integrity thinks and feels the same. When man thinks one thing and says another he causes a disturbance in the liver, which poisons the blood because the liver is over-burdened in its work and cannot complete it. An impure blood stream affects the whole human system. Regret and remorse bring about hardened substances in the liver which are deposited in the gall bladder and produce what is known as gall stones.
The liver and intestines are closely connected. What affects the liver will also show up in the intestines.
In the blood are fibrin, fats, salts, sugar and starches. The sugar sweetens the blood stream. The blood that passes to the heart has been sweetened. Thinking thoughts of Truth, loving the Truth, causes the blood to become sweet and pure. Truth rejected hardens the liver and retards its action. The cause of this hardening is unknown to medical science, but known to metaphysicians to be in the mind, and not in the organ itself. In healing we deal not with the organ or with the mind either for that matter but with the Spirit. But as the mind is the medium through which the Spirit works, we poise it in such a manner that it harmonizes with the spiritual guidance, every case that comes that presents itself for healing is different from every other. For every person is different from every other person. So each case of healing must be handled in the Spirit, and as Spirit directs, as no two persons are the same inside or out. Thus we can see that specific treatments cannot be outlined; only a general method of procedure can be given.
Dwelling in the past affects the rhythm of the liver. “Look away from the past, for Now is the acceptable time.” The liver can be loosened and shaken out of its hardened conditions through joy and love.
Laughing is good for it massages the liver. Joy at meal time is good for the digestion. Sad news brought at the meal time, causes a lump to form in the throat, which is nature’s way of stopping the passage of more food to the stomach for the juices have ceased to flow and digestion has temporarily been discontinued. The liver corresponds to areas in the mind. Lack of harmony with others slows down the action of the liver. Harmony quickens the action of the liver.
Ideas in the mind must be put into action. Love the good, think the good, act the good. Belief in Good is not sufficient, we must act the good. There is good for each one, without him being envious of another. There are many gifts in the Spirit, we must become, acquainted with, our own individual gift, that which is unique to us; that we can do better than any other person, and that for which we came into the world. “Stir up “the gift within you.” We are not to seek the gift of another, but our own-gifts. Imitating inhibits the soul and Spirit. Quench not the Spirit.” Let it flow freely. Be yourself. Wanting to be and do and and do as others breeds jealousy and envy. Turn to the Spirit, seek its informing, guiding Presence. Constantly seek its fruit, for it alone is able to impart inspiration. When the individual work is found there is joy. “Blessed is that man who has found his work for he shall be joyful in all his ways.
Joy produces strength. It places fibrin in the blood, which is then built into tissue and forms muscles. Our muscles are made with joy. “The joy of the Lord is my strength.” Joy is strength. “In thine hand are pleasures forevermore. “A love of knowing and doing the Truth brings joy. Discrimination must be used in giving truth, where the student is not ready. For this reason Jesus spoke in parables, that only they who were ready might glean His meaning. He said to the disciples: “To you it is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom”. It is unwise to place certain information in the minds of those who are not developed enough to use it rightly. Walking contrary to Truth produces disturbances in the gall bladder, liver and intestines.
We cannot deceive our own Spirit, or Higher Self. We shall not try it. To they who remain free from resentment when under stress of trial, there shall flow from the liver to the heart a pure, sweet, blood stream. There shall be a proper amount of sugar in the blood to sweeten it. Not too much sugar, nor too little. If too much sugar is beginning to be formed it is immediately converted into starch and stored away where it can be quickly returned to sugar in time of need for it in the blood. The blood stream is largely regulated by the liver. It is a very important organ or viscera. Our blood economy is governed largely by the liver and the liver is governed by the mind, and the mind is directed by the Spirit.
Certain diseases of the feet come from impurities lodged in the blood, which are placed there by impure thoughts. So as Paul instructed: “As much as within you lieth dwell at peace with all men.” Others are growing and will open naturally to the Truth when they are hungry enough for it, just as the mouth opens, itself to food which is placed before it when we are hungry. “Blessed are they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled.” So there is to be no criticism toward others regardless of the plane upon which they are manifesting. If we are sincere we shall find many others functioning on a higher plane than we, who are tolerant with us. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” “There is therefore, now, no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit.” Gently lead them who do greatly hunger for Truth, and who are zealous of sharing it with others, before they are sufficiently filled to understand how best to do this . The foundation must be thoroughly laid before the super-structure is started. Headaches, dullness of mind and constipation come from forcing ourselves or others beyond that for which there is readiness. “He gently leads them.” Be patient. Temper the zeal with love and wisdom. Great zeal without understanding sometimes results in tuberculosis.
They who work in the Spirit will sense the disturbances of their patients but will regard not the appearance except as it will suggest to his mind, by means of his indwelling Spirit, the Word of Truth to speak. “It shall be given thee what thou shalt say.” “The Word is very nigh unto thee even in thy mouth and in thy heart that thou mayst do it. Thou has given us the tongue of the learned that we speak the right word in season to him who is weary.”
Lesson Three: Lungs - “Spiritual Healing” - by H. B. Jeffery
Man is the epitome of all that is - the summing up of all nature. In trees there are foliage, trunks, branches, leaves. In man there is a tree in reverse. The foliage and the trees themselves correspond to the lungs. The sap runs up into the leaves, comes close to the surface, takes on air and light, returns to revitalise the whole body. Trees breathe what man discards, and man breathes what nature discards. This is why it is refreshing to get where trees and nature are.
The blood comes from the heart and other parts of the body through the veins and rushes into the lungs through the capillaries where it contacts light and air, where it is purified. In the lungs the blood contacts light and is quickened and revitalized. The pure blood, renourishes and purifies the body. The breath is energizing. Breath is Spirit. In breathing we breath more than atmospheric air, we breath a rarified spiritual essence.
The movement of the lungs moves the whole body, vibrates to the ends of the toes. Trees, fish and man die where there is no movement of air, water and mind. Natural people have 3 movements of the heart to one movement of the lungs. Spiritual people have 4 movements of the heart to one of the lungs.
When there is a difference between affections and wisdom there is a disturbance in rhythm of the lungs and heart. Lack of wisdom affects the heart. High aspirations and love feed the lungs and heart. Ac cording to the desire is the blood fed. “The blood is a register of the affections.” If the affections are high, we draw out of the invisible ether high things. The blood tells us that which we joy in. If the affections are high the higher ethers are drawn in and feed the whole system. The higher the affections, the higher the energy. The lungs are sometimes spoken of as lights. “Lung means Light.” Light corresponds to understanding. The lungs breath deep and strong where the affections are high, light increases, and understanding is increased. There is always a correspondence between the movements of the mind and body.
As we meditate the breathing will change without our conscious thought. As we ascend in consciousness the breathing grows deeper and stronger. We not only breath with the lungs but with the mind. “The inspiration of the Almighty giveth man understanding.” Inspiration - in Spirit - inbreathing gives understanding. As the mind lifts so the body is elevated and becomes light. Where the desires are deep and strong the breathing is deep and strong. Then the body consciousness expands. Fear and anxiety cause disturbances in the lungs.
Pneumonia is caused by lack of air. Air is needed for pneumonia and other lung disturbances. A deep breather is always a good worker. His blood moves freely and is charged with energy and power and expression. The blood is the of the body and is dependent upon the breath. The breath depends upon the mind. The breath feeds the blood stream direct.
Whenever the mind is lifted in the love of Truth and the beautiful there is drawn into the blood the finer ethers.
Joy is a purifier of the blood stream. In pneumonia treat for joy, peace, happiness, contentment. Often in cases of pneumonia there have been disappointments. Awaken the patient to the realization of the source and Giver of Life.
Politicians defeated in elections often become stricken with pneumonia and kidney troubles. Men in all walks of life fall under these disturbances because they do not know the source and Giver of their life. Strain and disappointment interfere with the lung and heart action. Doubt in the mind affects the bronchials. Bronchitis often comes from a pronounced doubt. Sometimes bronchial pneumonia. Strong personal will strikes in the throat and bronchials.
In lung disturbances there is always a lust of some nature. Lust for power, wealth, position, satisfaction are not always of the lower nature. (The heart is a large muscular organ)
The heart is as a transformer, that steps down the vital thrust of the pure, fresh blood so that the arteries can take it without bursting. The veins carry the waste back to the purifying organs and there it is removed and pure, sweet, blood is returned, to the whole system. Many diseases are caused because the breathing is not deep and strong. There is improper breathing because there is improper thought. The mental blood is not pure. Every thought of the mind and love of the heart are pictured in the body. Where the loves are high and noble the blood is purified, with higher and noble essences. “My strength is as the strength of ten for my heart is pure.” Lust after lower things affects the blood stream, the breathing is affected.
Often there is a secret lust and longing which burns the lung tissue and causes tuberculosis. The treatment is for purity, joy, peace, and satisfaction. Bring the eye to rest in the Spirit, the giver of all Life and good.
Asthma is often caused from worry, strong willed people. They are idly curious. Scattered forces are cause of asthma. Sometimes here is a lust which comes from a false conception. Treat for receptivity of mind and heart to Truth and the Spirit.
When the breath is shut off the least bit there is fear behind it. This is caused by an improper breathing of the mind.
Healing is the re-establishing to the harmony of the Spirit. So we awaken the mind to the spiritual understanding. The healer always deals not with the body but with the consciousness and that his own consciousness. “The Spirit of man is the candle of the Lord. The pure in heart shall see God.” They whose affections are on high.
Lesson Four: Brain - “Spiritual Healing” - by H. B. Jeffery
“The brain is the immediate organ of the soul. It is composed of three sections: cerebrum, cerebellum and medulla oblongota. The nervous system is an extension of the brain. It extends to the very ends of the body. Every part of the body including the hair, teeth and nails are fed by the nerves. There are sub-brains throughout the body. These sub-stations have all received training from the major brain. They have been so well disciplined that they know perfectly what they should do. Because of this their work has become practically subconscious. They can do their work without orders from the consciousness, and while the consciousness is asleep.
The life of the Spirit passes through the brain, out through the nerves to every part of the body. This is done through doors into the Invisible known as the ductless glands. Doctors do not know where the energy comes into or leaves these glands, for they can see no ducts leading to and from them. They are fed from the Invisible, and reach nerves which convey vital power to every part of the body, even to the hair, teeth and skin. The nerves are the INDEX to the body. They are the clothing to the Spirit, the soul of the body. The outline of the nerve system is identical to that of the body.
The major parts of the brain are cerebrum and cerebellum, which comprise the consciousness. The medulla oblongota is the center of the subconsciousness, or feeling. The cerebrum corresponds to the love of Truth, and the cerebellum to the love of Good. The medulla oblongota is the center of affections, and controls the physical body. If the affections are high and holy the body will be uplifted and purified. There is a close connect between the cerebrum and cerebellum. To be normal, healthy and perfect in being, these two must be balanced.
The medulla oblongota and the cerebellum are connected, thus the three have an inter-relation. In other words, the affections or feelings, meeting understand or wisdom and love in the top brain. The cerebrum corresponding to the Love of Truth, the cerebellum to the love of Good, and the medulla oblongota to the affections.
Spiritual energy pushes itself through the nerves. Where there is a poor contact with the Spirit, the energy of Spirit does not enter the nerves to as great a degree and there results nervous exhaustion. The cause of this is that the affections have been set on lower things, and the stream of Life, or the Higher things, seemingly cut-off. The doors of the Invisible into the visible is through the ductless glands.
Where the Love of Truth and the Love of Good are balanced there is a balance throughout the body of man. His two eyes will be the same. His arms stretch will be the same as his height, the right and left side of the body will be equal. The left eye corresponds to the Love of Truth, and the right eye to the love of Good. The eyes show whether the intellect and heart are agreed. The eyes of an intellectual are sharp and piercing but cold, while the eyes of the spiritual are radiant with a soft, loving expression.
The love of the Good shows in the face. There is harmony and balance in it.
Materialists think that the brain generates thought, consequently when some of the brain cells are destroyed there is nothing that can be done for the patient. The very opposite is true. The thoughts build the brain. “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” Think the Truth, love the good and true and the brain will be restored. “The soul is form and doth the body make.”
There are interior affections which have been carried over from another time, or handed down through inheritance which act independently of consciousness, until a certain period of spiritual unfoldment. The center of these is in the medulla oblongota.
The organ of consciousness is the cerebrum. When man is naturally conscious of Truth for Truth’s sake the face will show it. Such a man will do things because he loves the good, and not because he has thought it is a good thing to do, or because others have thought it well.
The do good because they love the Good,
The impulses that pass through the nerves form the nerves themselves. Everything in the body is but a “handwriting on the wall”. It shows the loves, emotions and affections of the mind.
Thinking is centered in the top brain and feeling in the back brain. Pressure in the back of the head is caused by anxiousness – seeking the Truth too diligently. Wanted the Truth to be benefited by it, rather for Truth’s sake. The affections are disciplined by the front brain which is the seat of the will, which may be the director of wisdom if there is a love of the good and true.
There must be a perfect balance between love and wisdom, head and heart. We deal with the body only as an indicator of the states of consciousness and subconsciousness. We heal not the body, but the states of mind. When understanding and affection are balanced the healing will take place. Then will there be freedom, harmony and perfection.
“I judge no man - he is judged already” said Jesus. The judgment of every man is written in his own flesh. Let he who has understanding read. The outer shows what is going on within. The nervous system is an outpicturing of the soul. If the nerve energy is anywhere depleted there will be a pulling in of that part. If it is too great there will be an extending of that part. Where it is balanced there will be an even, graceful contour of the body. Read and treat intelligently. There is a lack of love of Truth in all cases which need healing. Treat then for a full, free expression of love for the good and true
Lesson Five: Spleen and Pancreas - “Spiritual Healing” - by H. B. Jeffery
The spleen is an organ situated on the left side near the stomach. Its office is one of purification. The blood is received into it, and certain elements are removed and other elements introduced into it. The spleen and pancreas work together. White corpuscles are generated in the pancreas. Here the worn out dead red corpuscles are destroyed. The spleen and pancreas assist the liver in purification of the blood. They make the blood ready for new chyle. In the pancreas there is much fibrin in evidence. This fibrin is carried to the liver where it is cleansed and used in strengthening the body.
In the spleen, pancreas and liver there is a constant process of purification to keep the body vital and healthy and the blood clear, sweet and pure. The blood is blood only when in motion. It is called the life of the body.
The pancreas takes out the super-abundance of fat from the blood and carries it to a receptacle where it is stored for use in emergency. It also removes other substances that can be stored and used when needed. If there is too much sugar in the blood the pancreatic juice sometimes comes to the rescue to convert the sugar into starch. The spleen, pancreas and liver all work together. These organs all have correspondents in the mind. It is in the mind where healing takes place. Healing is centering the mind in Truth. In the mind is the cause of all disease. In the body is pictured the result. Set the mind right and the body is healed. The pancreatic function of the mind is to purify ideas. We must discriminate wisely. We may love the good, Truth and the beautiful, and yet be selfish in them. The good, Truth and the beautiful must be used for the purpose of helping others. However, we must be careful in placing our ideas before others. Let the Christ within direct.
The spleen has always been a puzzle to medical mind. People who see the good and the true but who do not receive it and use it are called spleeny people. The spleen and pancreas are out of balance. A drop of blood analyzed from any one of these people will be found to be lacking in white corpuscles. White corpuscles are distributed throughout the body to keep the blood moving. When the blood ceases to move it is no longer blood, it coagulates. The white corpuscles attach and destroy foreign substances.
It is good to know Truth, but wisdom must be used in its administration. Lack of wisdom in living throws the lymphathic system out of order. The mind is a body, the outer body is its cloak. Keep the inner body right and the outer body will be kept right. There must be a balance of wisdom and love, that we may know Truth and act in righteousness,
We say certain people are on the SQUARE. We mean that their thinking, speaking, feeling and acting all balance. They live in the fourth dimension. Without wisdom the emotions take control and enslave us. We cannot occupy the place of another upon any plane, the mental, physical or spiritual.
Zeal for the Spirit must be tempered by love. Without active love toward others the pancreas, spleen and liver are disturbed. It disturbs the whole system. Often acute constipation results. In women the menses may be affected. The inner mind must ever be in contact with Christ for harmony. To retain the contact, our attention must be fo cused upon the Author of Love indwelling. Health is of the mind. What are our secret wishes and longings? These things are dissolved as we earnestly seek God. Through the blood the unclean things are washed out.
Often people see, love and desire Truth, but their former ideas bind them. They fear to go forward. This causes liver disturbances. Let not your heart be troubled.
Insanity is not a loss of mind. The mind is still there. There is but one mind. Recognize that mind, speak to it, describe it, call it forth. When the place of balance is reached, harmony will be restored.
There are mental correspondents to the spleen, liver and pancreas in the mind which sift ideas. Where love and wisdom are here balanced there will be harmony also in the organism. Where there are liver, pancreatic and spleen troubles we may know that wisdom and love are needed to harmonize the organism. Lift the mind.
In the time of temptation without a reserve of love and wisdom there will come a moral breaking. This reserve is held in the OMENTUM. There are many omentums throughout the body, there is a large one near the liver. The energy stored in the omentum enables us to do feats of phenomenal strength under great stress. The omentum regulates the temperature of the body, it stores away energy and substances which make for energy. All these things are held through the knowledge that they are present. The omentums store fats. Fat is representative of love for humanity, it is the symbol of affections. Jesus commanded: “Love ye one another.”
Lesson Six: Shoulder - “Spiritual Healing” - by H. B. Jeffery
There has been a reported healing of shoulder condition. Behind this there was perhaps a wonderment as to the protecting, sustaining power of God. Now no doubt that wonderment has cleared. Now this individual knows that God is sustaining, guiding and protecting him. With the new confidence and assurance there will be a new strength in the shoulders and arms.
In the stomach the digestive work goes on in a general way. That which can be easily and quickly digested is introduced into the blood stream from the stomach, as some of the more volatile substances are digested as it passes through the mouth. That which is not digested, in the stomach passes on into the intestine where the heavier and coarser foods are acted upon. That which is broken up and made ready for the blood passes into the lacteals and then out into the blood. Gradually the food moves from the small intestines into the large intestines where if there is an element left that can be used it is wrung out, the rest passes out as waste.
The blood is not dumped by the heart, but is moved by electro-magnetic energy. Medical profession believes that it is driven by the heart, but it is not so. The Holy Spirit teaches differently. The foods digested go to build up the body. Thus the digestion is very important. All of the movements in digestion have correspondents in the mind.
There will come many asking help who have disturbances in the alimentary canal, especially in the intestines. The proper food elements have not been received. There is behind this a great soul hunger. They should be fed. We are to teach them the Truth. “Blessed are they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be fed.” Feed them Truth and the disturbances will disappear. Perhaps they have been living in a low environment, breathing a low breath. They are reaching for a higher Truth and a higher breath. As they come to the center they shall receive what they desire. Abdominal disturbances are not in the intestines but in the soul. They are to be filled with Truth. “Feed my sheep.” Feed them with the super-substantial bread. Some are eager to know the Truth for the Truth’s sake, others will want for selfish use. People who come desiring Truth to prosper their business, usually have trouble in the lower bowels. We cannot give them high Truth, but very simple elementary facts. Later they will rise above the words, into the Spirit. Then the form will be rejected.
People will come who desire high Truth but want to hang on to the old. We may have to speak firmly and incisively to them, to loose them. These will be having difficulties in the abdomen. The old forms have been emptied of their contents. They do not get the good out of the food, thus living elements are lost. There are people who want good yet have secret loves, for something not good. They must be purified or else they cannot progress. These have to be handled vigorously, sometimes they must be entirely ejected from the center. If we are wise and strong in Spirit this will not have to be done in a physical way. Such states of mind have to be eliminated. We must be positive. “Let the filthy be filthy still” but go on with the Truth. Those who are ready will find their teachers. There can be no compromise. If you don’t want your bowels tied up then have nothing to do with evil doers, nor be a party to evil. If we deal ’with them we will be required to eat the heavier and coarser foods, for the finer foods cannot be received by us. The anti-christs are moving everywhere, we must be on the alert, wide awake. The bowels of compassion extending out love just as far as we can. When it is not accepted and rightly used, cut it off. Deep compassion and love are necessary, but no compromise with evil practices are justified. Jesus loved the sinners but not their sins. If there is no response put out the evil elements.
Keep the center clean, if you want light, power and healing strength. There are subtle influences at work, be alert and alive, abide in the Word. Do not twist the Truth into believing a lie . Always the center which permits such practices have difficulties in their finances. They have to resort to all manner of schemes and methods to raise money. Know the Truth, live it and be it. ‘‘He who is - has” Churches always beg for money. Why? Because they are devoid of the Inner Light. They compromise with mammon. They drag into their organization a monied man, and let him dictate. If we would be strong we cannot compromise with the world. If we are True to Truth we shall walk in the narrow path. They who know the Source of their Good are alive. They are alive with the Spirit.
Digestion takes place in the alimentary canal. The most volatile substances are immediately picked up in the mouth and sent directly to the brain. The coarser foods are carried lower and used in the lower parts of the body and to more carnal things. There is a cleansing which is constantly going on in the body, a lack of oiling substance in the body causes friction. That which produces this lubricant is the joy of the Spirit. Where there is joy, the forces of the body move easily freely and are pure. In all departments of physics the finer force are always the stronger and most active. They quicken the intuitive sense. “Thy joy of the Lord is my strength.” It is also spoken of as the oil of gladness. The way to introduce joy into the body is to lift the mind to higher and finer things. “The oil of joy” passes out from the walls of the intestines. We live by the power of the Spirit which passes through the nerves. People who are willing to receive the Spirit are open and receptive to Truth teaching. Pure thoughts are the best blood purifier. Those of low states of mind radiate a foul odor. This can be detected in insane and penal institutions. “What is whispered in the chambers shall be shouted from the housetops.” There are many ways of discerning spirits. Discern the One True Spirit.
Lesson Seven: Pleura - “Spiritual Healing” - by H. B. Jeffery
The office of “the pleura is to hold the organs of the thorax in place and also permit them the utmost freedom. The pleura is fastened to the ribs and also the diaphragm. Its folds extend into the lung tissue to the most minute places of the lungs. The pleura supports the lungs and forms a sack that contains the heart. Within is an other sack protecting the lungs from the heart. The heart beats 3 or 4 times to the one of the lungs. The lungs and heart must always be kept in place regardless of the position or exercise. This is the office of the pleura.
There is a correspondence in the mind for the lungs and heart that of wisdom and love. The pleura acts as an intermediary. There must be a balance of wisdom and love to keep the pleura working perfectly, a disturbance of the pleura is serious. Seeking to know the Truth for selfish purposes often brings an inflammation of the pleura. Knowledge must be used to serve man.
There is a wall between the diaphragm and abdomen. The upper layer is the pleura, the lower is the peritoneum. The peritoneum holds the lower organs in place. The office of the diaphragm is to control the movement of the organs of the viscera. The diaphragm expanding and contracting causes our breathing. The movement is not for breathing but moving the vital organs which means for health. When the diaphragm expands it presses them to empty certain juices. The peritoneum and pleura are as one organ. They permit the organs to hold their place and perform their proper work.
The love of the pleura is akin to the love of ones in the center who love wisdom for wisdom’s sake, who delight in bringing new members to the love of Good. “If man lacks wisdom let him ask of God who giveth to all men freely.” The office of the lungs is that of wisdom. (Inspiration) If there is a love for the good and wisdom there will be a healthy pleura, and the organs w ill be held in place. Love of Good and wisdom w ill hold the members of the body in place. Wherever there is friction in the center look to the mind and heart. There is a need of wisdom and love. There need be no struggling or straining to put over a message. Step aside and the Spirit will put over the Truth. The office of the pleura is to bring a balance action between the lungs and heart. If the pleura of the mind is healthy there is a balanced action between love and wisdom.
Lesson Eight: Mind - “Spiritual Healing” - by H. B. Jeffery
The necessity of keeping the mind pure and clean. “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” Thou shalt not adulterate. We have it in the pure food law. Dr Wiley saw this necessity. Paul warns the churches to BEWARE of false teachings. Keep true to Christ in whom is all treasuries. If we are to heal, we must have a straight line of Action, single eye. “The harvest is white unto the harvest, the reapers are few.” False teachings are put in enticing forms, that the very elect are lured away if they are not aware. “God is in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself.” To whom shall we go, thou hast the words of eternal life. Thou art the Christ the Son of the living God.” Yet Christ be all in all, there is no other way. Jesus said, “Watch” there are wolves among you in sheep’s clothing. We are willing to become a fool for Christ’s sake. “Christ in you the hope of Glory.” There is no presumption about this, we must go the way, and let the will be dissolved. He that is seeking after things are not going the way. “I ask thee for nothing, I want nothing. Only Thee!”
Fear not ye shall be attacked by ravenous wolves, but fear not. Look to the Spirit. “Only the one-pointed succeed.” “The pure in heart shall see God.” BEWARE of fortune-telling with cards, astronomy, palmistry, rosicrucism (The true order of the Rosy Cross is not an order such as theirs it doesn’t teach or do what they are doin,) Where is the Truth. It is the Way of Christ. “Beware of the anti-Christs who are already in the earth.” No one will be led astray whose eyes are open to Truth. If our eye is single we shall be able to see, we need not fear. No one whose life is hid in Christ can be led astray. It is our work as disciples of Christ to have the power of God. We cannot be weak and stand in this work. This is no place for mollycoddles. We may want to do good, but unless our vehicles are pure, we can accomplish nothing. “I can of myself do nothing, the Father within Me doeth the works.” If Christ be formed in you, you need not fear. Then will you speak with authority. God will go with you, and signs will follow. Great works always follow. “Put ye on Christ” - be single minded surrender completely. They who die in Christ shall also rise in Him. “Be pure in heart for out of the heart cometh all of the issues of life.” It it cometh not out of the heart, there will be no wisdom, no strength. “Feed my lambs” with what? No man cometh unless the Father first draw him. God is not mocked, He is present. He will guide us aright. Keep your mindand heart pure, if you would have your instrument sharp. There are no two human beings alike on this planet, there never has been. We must be keen to understand. “Preach the gospel, heal the sick, raise the dead” Only those who are hid with Christ in God can do these things. The Father doeth the work. Look within and see what is right judgment. Is your eye single? Are you one pointed? The universal Christ can instantly personalize Himself any place, any time.
Transcribed by Ed Gwozda on May 30, 2022.

L. E. Meyer's Notes on H.B. Jeffery’s Spiritual Healing Lessons (1933)
Thesis on – “Spiritual Healing” – Class given by H. B. Jeffrey Submitted by L. E. Meyer
Lesson One
Spiritual healing is a work of the Spirit. “I of myself can do nothing, it is the Father who doeth the work.” Our first approach in healing is not to the appearance of disease, but to Spirit, God. We must disregard the cry of mortal man, and give heed unto the Word of God, the Spirit in man. Moses apprehended this law and wrote: “in the Beginning God.” In the beginning of every treatment, God. This is our starting point, God in us, recognizing God in the patient.
We are not treating the patient, nor his disease, in fact we are not doing anything, except turning to the Spirit. We can do nothing. It is the Spirit that does the work. Our work always is to lift our own consciousness to God, the Giver of Health.
It is the natural desire of man when he hears the distressed cry of his fellow-man, to want to help him. Often this desire is to display some apparent power of mortal man, which does not exist. All power is from God and in God. “God is all there is, beside Him there is none other.” There is One Being, One Intelligence, One Substance, One Form, God. When the attention is focused upon Him Light shineth forth, out of darkness. “When thine eye is single, then thy whole body shall be full of Light.”
Our eyes must be single to heal, single to health, and single to the Giver of Health. The appearance is unreal, we must look beyond it. We are to look beyond the appearance, for it is the unreal. “The things which are seen, were not made of the things which do appear.” ”By faith we understand that the very worlds were framed by the Word of God.” The Word of God is Creator of all things. It is the Real. The successful healer gives all his time to the description of the Spirit, the Reality.
Disease and illness are the result of vain imaginations. The Light of Truth dissolves false imaginations. The Light of Truth is in every man. It is the “Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world.” In its presence every man in conscious of his Divinity and knows the Truth. We are to appeal to this inner Being and Knowledge and call it forth into expression. Spirit is always present in man. It cannot be put into him from the outside, nor is it necessary when it is already in him. Turning to the Spirit within causes the Word of healing to be quickened that we “may speak a word in season to him who is weary”, and he shall go free. We are not dependent upon certain worded formulas or affirmations. The right word will always be given to the one who keeps his attention upon the Most High.
Every case of healing is a challenge to our knowledge of God indwelling. Vue shall keep our attention upon the inner Man of God. “Be still and know that I Am God. Healing is the work of this Inner Man. As we remember this we won’t become unduly puffed up in the work that is accomplished through us and thereby lose our consciousness of the Giver. The healer who accomplishes the greatest work knows that he does nothing, he abides in the Truth. “I am the Lord - there is none other.” Healing is knowing this Truth. In the light of knowledge all disease vanishes. There is no disease, all is health, harmony, peace, wisdom and understanding and their Giver. When the Truth is Real to us it becomes Real to our patients. Then our conversations shall be in heaven. We shall walk on the heights.
God is Good, Perfect without disease. Man is Good, Perfect, without disease. All else is delusion, a disturbing dream. Healing is the awakening out of this dream. It is beholding the True Self, coming from darkness into the Light.
There are no miracles. All is a natural working under definite spiritual laws. “God is Light, in Him there is no darkness at all.” There is no shadow cast by His turning, for in Him there is no turning. Man turns and disease is the result, as he turns again, he faces the Light and health returns.
It is unnecessary to give formulas to the patient. There is no healing in mere words. Words are only vain repetitions, unless given by the Spirit, if so then they arise within the individual and are not given by another. Bible quotations may be used under the inspiration of the Spirit which safe-guards them.
It is written that Jesus went about doing Good, bis eye was single to the Good. His conversation was good. His deeds were Good. The power of healing lies in knowing the omnipotent Good. Healing is sacred and the healer must be consecrated. He who would heal must “deny himself and take up his cross and follow Christ”. The healer is not ministering for gain, nor for display. He is ministering because he is called to do so by the Spirit and can do nothing else. His work is sacred. His thoughts and conversations are filled with truth.
“Many are called but few are chosen.” All are called to the work of healing, but only a few go far enough to cross out the self and magnify God. “The tongue of the wise is health. To him that ordereth his conversation aright I will shew the salvation of God.”
Lesson Two: “The Liver”
The true spiritual healer’s mind’s eye is ever single to the One in whom there is no disease or limitation. “Only with thine eyes (outer) shalt thou behold evil. Only with the outer physical eyes shall we see the appearance, but the Inner Eye shall continue on God. As we keep our Inner Eye on perfection, the outer appearance does not enter into consciousness.
The liver is an organ of purification. Into it is poured blood which is there purified. Blood flows into it from both the heart and the intestines. The liver represents interior purification. Jesus referred to those who keen the “outside of the platter clean” but neglect the inside. We desire to be clean throughout. “Cleanse Thou me from secret faults.” As we think and feel within our minds and hearts so are we. We should see to it that our thoughts and feelings are always in accord with Truth. It is unwise to think one way and feel another. A man of integrity thinks and feels alike. When man thinks one thing and speaks or acts another, he causes a disturbance in the liver; which poisons the blood for the liver is overworked. An impure blood stream affects the whole human system. Regret and remorse bring about a hardening of certain substances which are isolated in the gall bladder and produce what is known as gall stones.
In the blood there is fibrin, fats, salts, sugar and starches. The sugar sweetens the blood stream. The blood that passes to the heart has been sweetened. Thinking thoughts of Truth, loving the Truth causes the blood to become sweet and pure. Truth rejected hardens the liver and retards its action. The cause of this hardening is unknown to medical science, but is known to the metaphysician to be in the mind, and not in the organ itself. In healing we do not deal with the organ, nor with the mind either for that matter but with the Spirit. Since the mind is the medium through which the Spirit works, we poise it in such a manner that it harmonizes with spiritual guidance. Every case that comes for healing is different from every other; for every person differs from every other person. Each case of healing must be handled in the Spirit, and as Spirit directs, as no two persons are the same inside or out. Thus we can see that specific treatments cannot be outlined, but only a general method of procedure can be given.
Dealing in the past, affects the rhythm of the liver. “Now is the only acceptable time.” Look away from the past. The liver can be loosened and shaken out of its hardened condition through joy and love. Laughing is good for it massages the liver. Joy at the meal time is good for digestion. Sad news brought at meal time causes a lump to form in the throat which is nature’s way of stopping the passage of more food to the stomach, for the juices have ceased to flow and digestion has temporarily been discontinued. The liver corresponds with areas in the mind. Lack of harmony with others slows down the action of the liver. Harmony quickens the action of the liver.
Ideas in the mind must be put into action. Love the good, think the good, act the good. Belief in the good is not sufficient, we must act the good. There is good for each one, without him being anxious of another. There are many gifts in the Spirit. We must be acquainted with our own individual gift, that which is unique to us; that which we can do better than any other person in the world. “Stir up the gift of God within you.” We are not to seek the gift of another, but our own gifts. Imitating inhibits the soul and Spirit. “Quench not the Spirit.” Let if flow freely, be yourself. Wanting to be and do as others breeds jealousy and envy. Constantly seek its fruit, for it alone is able to impart inspiration to us. When our work is found there is joy. “Blessed is that man who has found his work for he shall be joyful in all his ways.”
Joy produces strength. It places fibrin in the blood, which is then built into tissue and forms muscles. Our muscles are made with joy. “The joy of the Lord is my strength.” Joy is strength. “In thine hand are pleasures for evermore.” A love of knowing and doing the Truth brings joy.
Discrimination must be used in giving Truth where the student is not ready, for this reason Jesus spoke in parables, that only they who were ready might glean His meaning. He said to his disciples: “Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom.” It is unwise to place certain information in the minds of those who are not developed enough to use it wisely. Walking contrary to Truth produces disturbances in the gall bladder, liver and intestines. We cannot deceive our own Spirit or higher Self. We shall not try it. To them who remain free from resentment in time of stress and trial there shall flow from the liver to the heart a pure, sweet blood stream. There shall be a proper amount of sugar in the blood to sweeten it; not too much nor too little. If too much sugar is beginning to be formed it is immediately converted into starch and stored away where it can be quickly returned to sugar in time of need for it in the blood. The blood stream is largely regulated by the liver. It is a very important organ or viscera. Our blood economy is governed largely by the liver, and the liver is governed by the mind, and the mind is directed by the Spirit.
Certain diseases of the feet come from impurities lodged in the blood, which are placed there by impure thoughts. So as Paul instructed: “as much as within you lieth dwell at peace with all men.” Each person is growing and will open naturally to the Truth when he is hungry enough, just as the mouth opens itself to food which is placed before it when it is hungry. “Blessed are they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled.” So there is no criticism toward others regardless of the plane upon which they are manifesting. If we are sincere we shall find many others functioning on a higher plane than we, who are tolerant with us. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” “There is therefore, now, no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit.” Gently lead them who greatly hunger for Truth, and who are zealous of sharing it with others, before they are sufficiently filled to understand how best to do this. The foundation must be thoroughly laid before the super-structure is started. Headaches, dullness of mind and constipation come from forcing ourselves or others beyond that for which there is readiness “He gently Ieads them.” Be patient. Temper the zeal with love and wisdom. Great zeal without love sometimes results in tuberculosis.
Lesson Three: “The Lungs”
Man is the epitome of all that is, the summing up of all nature, in trees there are foliage, trunks, branches and leaves. In man there is a tree in reverse. The foliage and the trees themselves correspond to the lungs. The sap runs up into the leaves, comes close to the surface, takes on air and light, and returns to revitalize the whole body. Trees breathe what man discards, and man breathes what nature discards. This is why it is refreshing to get where trees and nature are.
The blood comes from the heart and other parts of the body through the veins and rushes into the lungs through the capillaries where it contacts light and air, where it is purified. In the lungs the blood contacts light and is quickened and revitalized. The pure blood renourishes the body. The breath is energizing. Breath is Spirit. In breathing we breath more than atmospheric air, we breathe rarified spiritual essence.
The movement of the lungs moves the whole body, vibrates to the ends of the toes. Trees, fish and man die where there is no movement of air, water and mind. Natural people have three movements of the heart to the one of the lungs. Spiritual people have four movements of the heart to the one of the lungs.
When there is a difference between affections and wisdom there is a disturbance in the rhythm of the lungs and heart. Lack of wisdom affects the heart. High aspirations and love feeds the lungs and heart. According to the desire is the blood fed. “The blood is a register of the affections.” If the affections are high, we draw out of the invisible ether high things. The blood tells us that which we joy in. If the affections are high the higher ethers are drawn in and feeds the whole system. The higher the affections the higher the energy.
The lungs are sometimes spoken of as lights. “Lung, means light.” Light corresponds to understanding. The lungs breath deep and strong where the affections are high, light increases and understanding increases. There is always a correspondence between the movements of the mind and body.
As we meditate the breathing will change without our conscious thought. As we ascend in consciousness the breathing grows deeper and stronger. We not only breath with the lungs but with the mind. “The inspiration of the Almighty giveth man understanding.” Inspiration - in Spirit - inbreathing gives under standing.
As the mind lifts so the body is elevated and becomes light. Where the desires are deep and strong the breathing is deep and strong. Then the body consciousness expands. Fear and anxiety cause disturbances of the lungs.
Pneumonia is caused by lack of air. Air is needed for pneumonia and other lung disturbances. A deep breather is always a good worker. His blood moves freely and is charged with energy and power and expression. The blood is the life of the body and is dependent upon the breath. The breath depends upon breathing of the mind. The breath feeds the blood stream direct. Whenever the mind is lifted in the love of Truth and the beautiful there is drawn into the blood the finer ethers. Joy is a purifier of the blood stream. In pneumonia treat for joy, peace, happiness, contentment. Often in cases of pneumonia there have been great disappointments. Awaken the patient to the realization of the Source and Giver of Life. Men in all walks of life fall under lung and kidney disturbances because they do not know the Source and Giver of Life. Strain and disappointment interfere with lung and heart action. Doubt affects the bronchials. Bronchitis comes from a pronounced doubt. Sometimes bronchial pneumonia results. Strong personal will strikes in the bronchials and throat.
In lung disturbances there is always a lust of some nature. It is not always a lust of the lower nature; it may be for power, wealth, position or satisfaction. Many diseases are caused because the breathing is not deep and strong. There is improper breathing because there is improper thought, the mental blood is not pure. Often there is a secret lust which burns the lung tissue and causes tuberculosis. The treatment is for joy, peace, and satisfaction. Sometimes there is a lust which comes from a false conception. Treat for receptivity of mind and heart to Truth and the Spirit. When the breath is shut off the least bit there is always fear behind it. This is caused by improper breathing of the mind.
Lesson Four: “The Brain”
The brain is the Immediate organ of the soul. It is composed of three sections, cerebrum, cerebellum and the medulla oblongata. The nervous system is an extension of the brain. It extends to every part of the body, including the hair, teeth and nails. There are sub-brains throughout the body. The sub-brains all receive their training from the major brain. They become so well disciplined that they know exactly what to do, and often act without orders from the major brain. Their work then becomes subconscious. They can then work while we sleep.
The life of the Spirit passes through the brain, out through the nerves to every part of the body. This is done through doors into the Invisible known as the ductless glands. Doctors do not know where the energy comes into or leaves these glands, for they can see no ducts leading to and from them. They are fed from the Invisible, and reach nerves which convey vital power to every part of the body, even to the hair teeth and skin.
The nerves are the index to the body. They are the clothing of the Spirit, the soul of the body. The outline of the nervous system is identical to that of the body.
The major parts of the brain are cerebrum and cerebellum, which comprise the consciousness. The medulla oblongata is the center of the subconscious or feeling. The cerebrum corresponds to the love of Truth, and the cerebellum to the love of Good. The medulla oblongota is the center of affections, and controls the physical body. If the affections are high and holy the body will be lifted and purified. There is a close contact between the cerebrum and cerebellum. To be normal, healthy and perfect in being these two must be balanced. The cerebellum and medulla oblongata are connected. Thus the three have an inter-relation. In other words, the affections or feelings meet understanding and wisdom and love in the top brain.
Spiritual energy pushes itself through the nerves. Where there is a poor contact with the Spirit, the energy of Spirit does not enter the nerves to as great a degree and there results nervous exhaustion. The cause of this is that the affections are set on lower things, and the stream of life, or the higher energy is seemingly cut off. Where the love of Truth and the love of good are balanced there is a balance throughout the body of man. His two eyes will be the same, his arms will stretch the same as his height, the right and left side of the body w ill be equal. The left eye corresponds to the love of Truth, and the right eye to the love of Good. The eyes show whether the intellect and heart are agreed. The eyes of an intellectual are sharp and piercing but cold, while the eyes of the spiritual are radiant with a soft, loving expression. The love of the good shews in the face. There is harmony and balance in it.
Materialists think that the brain generates thought, consequently when some of the brain cells are destroyed there is nothing that can be done for the patient, according to their belief. The opposite is true. The thoughts build the brain. “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” Think the Truth, love the good and true and the brain will be restored. “The soul is form and doeth the body make.”
There are interior affections which have been carried over from another time, or handed down through inheritance which act independently of consciousness, until a certain period of spiritual unfoldment. The center of these is in the medulla oblongata.
The impulses that pass through the nerves form the nerves themselves. Everything in the body is but a “handwriting on the wall.” Let them that will, read. It shows the loves, emotions and affections of the mind. Thinking is centered in the top-brain and feeling in the rear brain. Pressure in the back of the head is caused by anxiousness - seeking the Truth too diligently. Truth is wanted for its benefits, rather than for its own sake. The affections are disciplined by the front brain which is the seat of the will, which may be the director of wisdom if there is a love of the good and true.
There must be a perfect balance between love and wisdom, the head and heart. We deal ‘with the body only as an indicator of the states of consciousness and subconsciousness. We deal not the body, but the states of mind. When understanding and affection are balanced the healing will take place. Then there will be freedom, harmony and perfection. ”l judge no man - he is judged already,” said Jesus. The judgment of every man is written in his own flesh. Let him who has understanding, read. The outer shows what is going on within. The nervous system is an outpicturing of the soul. If the nerve energy is anywhere depleted there will be a pulling in of that part. If the energy is too great there will be an extending of that part. Where it is balanced there will be an even, graceful contour of the body. Read and treat intelligently. There is a lack of love in all cases which need healing. Trent them for a full, free, expression of love for the good and true.
Lesson Five: “Spleen and Pancreas”
The spleen is an organ situated on the left side near the stomach. Its office is one of purification. The blood is received into it, and certain elements are removed and other elements introduced into it. The spleen and pancreas work together. White corpuscles are generated in the pancreas. Here the worn out dead red corpuscles are destroyed. The spleen and pancreas assist the liver in purification. They make the blood ready for new chyle.
In the pancreas there is much fibrin. This fibrin is carried to the liver where it is cleansed and used in strengthening the body. In the spleen, pancreas and liver there is a constant process of purification to keep the body vital and healthy and the blood clear, sweet end pure. The blood is blood only when it is in motion. It is called the life of the body.
The pancreas take out the super-abundance of fat from the blood and carry it to a receptacle where it is stored for use in emergency. They also remove other substances that can be stored and used when needed. If there is too much sugar in the blood the pancreatic juice sometimes comes to the rescue to convert the sugar into starch.
The spleen, pancreas and liver all work together. These organs all have correspondents in the mind. It is in the mind where healing takes place. Healing is centering the mind in Truth. In the mind is the cause of all disease. In the body is pictured the result. Set the mind right and the body is healed. The pancreatic function of the mind is to purify ideas. We must discriminate wisely. We may love the good, Truth and the beautiful and yet be selfish in them. These qualities must be used for the purpose of helping others. However, we must be careful in placing our ideas before others. Let Christ within us direct.
The spleen has always been a puzzle to the medical mind. People who see the good and the true but who do not receive it and use it are called spleeny people. The spleen and the pancreas are out of balance in them. A drop of blood analyzed from any one of these people will be found to be lacking in white corpuscles. White corpuscles are distributed throughout the body to keep the blood moving. When the blood ceases to move it is no longer blood, it coagulates. The white corpuscles attach and destroy foreign substances.
It is good to know Truth, but wisdom must be used in its administration. Lack of wisdom in living throws the lymphatic system out of order. The mind is a body, the outer body is its cloak. Keep the inner body right and the outer body will be right. There must be a balance of wisdom and love that we may know Truth and act in righteousness. We say that certain people are on the “square”. We mean that they are thinking, speaking, feeling and acting alike. They live in the fourth dimension. Without wisdom the emotions take control and enslave us. We cannot occupy the place of another upon any plane - the mental, physical or spiritual.
Zeal for the Spirit must be tempered with love. Without active love toward others the pancreas, spleen and liver are disturbed. It disturbs the whole system. Often acute constipation results. In women the menses may be affected. The inner mind must ever be in contact with Christ for harmony. To retain the contact our attention must be focused upon the author of love indwelling. Health is of the mind. What are our secret wishes and longings? These things are ordered as we earnestly seek God. Through the blood the unclean things are washed out.
Often people see, love and desire Truth but their former ideas bind them. They fear to go forward. This causes liver disturbances. “Let not your heart be troubled.”
Insanity is not loss of mind. The mind is still present. There is but one kind. Recognize the kind, speak to it, describe it, call If forth. When the place of balance is reached, harmony will be restored. There are mental correspondents to the spleen, liver and pancreas in the mind which sift ideas. Where love and wisdom are here balanced there will be harmony also in the organism. Lift the mind.
In the time of temptation without a reserve of love and wisdom there will come a moral breaking. This reserve is held in the omentum. There are many omentums throughout the body. There is a large one near the liver. The reserve energy stored in the omentum enables us to do feats of phenomenal strength under great stress. The omentum regulates the temperature of the body. It stores away energy and substances which make for energy. All these things are held through the knowledge that they are present. The omentums store fats. Fat is representative of love for humanity. It is the symbol of affections. Jesus commanded: “Love ye one another.”
Lesson Six: “The Intestines”
In the stomach the digestive work goes on in a general way. That which can be easily and quickly digested is introduced into the blood stream from the stomach, as some of the more volatile substances are digested as they pass through the mouth. That which is digested in the stomach passes on into the intestines, where the heavier and coarser foods are acted upon. That which is broken up and made ready for the blood passes into the lacteals and then out into the blood. Gradually the food moves from the small intestines into the large intestines where, if there is an element left that can be used, it is wrung out, the rest passes out as waste.
The blood is not pumped by the heart but is moved ay electro-magnetic energy. The medical profession believes that it is driven by the heart, but it is not so. The Holy Spirit teaches differently.
The fools digested go to build up the body. Thus the digestion is very important, all of the movements of digestion have correspondents in the mind. Where there are disturbances in the alimentary canal, especially in the intestines, the proper food elements have not been received. Behind this there is a great soul hunger. We must teach the Truth. “Blessed are they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall he fed.” Feed the Truth and the disturbances will disappear. Often such disturbances are brought on through living in a low environment, breathing a low breath. There is a reaching for higher Truth and a higher breath.
Abdominal disturbances are not in the intestines but in the soul. The soul must be fed with Truth. “Feed my sheep.” Feed with the super-substantial bread. Some want Truth for Truth’s sake and others want it selfishly. People who come wanting Truth to prosper their business, usually have trouble in the lower bowels. We cannot give them high Truth, but very simple elementary facts. Later they will rise above the Words into the Spirit, and the form will be rejected.
Some people want high Truth but desire to hang on to the old. It sometimes is wise to speak firmly and incisively to them, to loose them. These people will be having difficulties with the abdomen. The old forms have been emptied of their contents. They do not get the good out of their food, thus living elements are lost. There are people who want good, yet have secret loves for things not good. They must be purified else they cannot progress. These must be handled vigorously, sometimes they must be entirely ejected from the center. If we are wise and strong this will not have to be done in a physical way. Such states of mind have to be eliminated. We must be positive. “Let the filthy be filthy still” but go on with the Truth. Those who are ready will find their teachers. There can be no compromise with evil doers, nor can we be a party to evil. If we deal with them we will be required to eat the heavier foods, for the finer foods cannot be received by us. The anti-Christs are moving everywhere. We must be on the alert, wide awake; the bowels of compassion extending love just as far as we can. When it is not accepted and rightly used we shall cut if off. Deep compassion and love are necessary, but no compromise with evil practices are justified. Jesus loved the sinners, but not their sins.
If there is no response, we must put the evil elements out of our center. We must keep it clean if we want light, power and healing strength. There are subtle influences at work, we shall be alert and alive and abide in the Word. We shall not twist Truth into believing a lie. The center which permits such practices have difficulties in their finances. They have to resort to all manner of schemes and methods to raise money. We know the Truth and we shall live by it. He who is - has ??? beg for money. Why? because they are devoid of the inner Light, they compromise with mammon. They drag into their organization a monied man and let him dictate. If we would be strong we cannot compromise with the world. If we are true to Truth we shall walk in the narrow path. They who know the source of their Good, are alive. They are alive to the Spirit.
Digestion takes place in the alimentary canal. The most volatile substances are immediately picked up in the mouth and sent directly to the brain. The coarser foods are carried lower and used in the lower parts of the body and to more carnal things. There is a cleansing which is constantly going on in the body, a lack of oiling substance in the body causes friction. That which produces this lubricant is the joy of the Spirit, where there is joy, the forces of the body move easily, freely and are pure. In all departments of physics, the finer forces are always the stronger and most active. They quicken the intuitive sense. “The joy of the Lord is my strength.” It is also spoken of as the oil of gladness. The way to introduce joy into the body is to lift the mind to higher and finer things. “The oil of joy” passes out from the walls of the intestines. We live by the power of the Spirit which passes through the nerves. People who are willing to receive the Spirit are open and receptive to Truth teaching. Pure thoughts are the best blood purifier. Those of low states of mind radiate a foul odor. This can be detected in insane and penal institutions. “‘What is whispered in the chambers shall be shouted from the housetops.” There are many ways of discerning spirits. Discern the one True Spirit.
Lesson Seven: “The Pleura”
The office of the pleura is to hold, the organs of the thorax in place and also permit them the utmost freedom. The pleura is fastened to the ribs and also the diaphragm. Its folds extend into the lung tissue to the most minute places of the lungs. The pleura supports the lungs and forms a sack that contains the heart. The heart beats three or four times to the one of the lungs. The lungs and heart must always be kept in place regardless of the position or exercise. This is the office of the pleura.
There is a correspondent in the mind for the lungs and heart that of wisdom and love. The pleura acts as an intermediator. There must be a balance of wisdom and love to keep the pleura working perfectly, a disturbance of the pleura is serious. Seeking to know the Truth for selfish purposes often brings an inflammation of the pleura, knowledge must be used to serve man.
There is a wall between the diaphragm and abdomen. The upper layer is the pleura, the lower is the peritoneum. The peritoneum holds the lower organs in place. The office of the diaphragm is to control the movement of the organs of the viscera. The diaphragm expanding and contracting causes our breathing. The movement is not for breathing but moving the vital organs which means for health. When the diaphragm expands it presses the organs to empty certain juices.
The peritoneum and pleura are as one organ. They permit the organs to hold their places and perform their proper work. The love of the pleura is akin to the love of ones in the center who love wisdom for wisdom’s sake, who delight in bringing new members to the love of Good. “If man lacks wisdom let him ask of God who giveth to all men liberally.” The office of the lungs is that of wisdom (inspiration). If there is a love for the good and wisdom there will be a healthy pleura, and the organs “will be held in place. Love of Good and wisdom will hold the members of the body in place. Wherever there is friction in the center look to the mind and heart. There need of wisdom and love. There need be no struggling or straining to put over a message. Step aside and the Spirit will put over the Truth. The office of the pleura is to bring a balance of action between the lungs and heart, wisdom and love. If the pleura of the mind is healthy there is a balanced action between love and wisdom.
Lesson Eight: “PURITY”
The necessity of keeping the mind pure and clean is vital to Christian living. “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” Thou shalt not adulterate. Dr. Wiley saw this necessity and we have the pure food law. Paul warns the churches to beware of false teachings, keep true to Christ in whom is all treasuries of wisdom. If we are to heal, we must have a straight line of action, single eye. “The fields are white unto harvest; the reapers are few.” False teachings are put in enticing forms, that the very elect are lured away if they are not aware. God is in Christ, reconciling the world to himself. “To whom shall we go, Thou hast the words of eternal life, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Let Christ be all in all, there is no other way. Jesus said, “Watch”. There are wolves in sheep’s clothing. We are willing to be accounted a fool for Christ’s sake. Christ in you the hope of glory.” There is no presumption about this, we must go the way, and let the will be dissolved. He that is seeking after things IS not going the Way. “I ask thee for nothing, I want nothing, only Thee.” Fear not ye shall be attacked by ravenous wolves, but fear not. Look to the Spirit. “Only the one-pointed succeed.” “The pure in heart shall see God.”
Beware of fortune-telling with cards, astronomy, palmistry, rosicrucism. (The true order of the Rosy Cross is not an order such as the Rosicrucians - it doesn’t teach or do what they are doing. Where is the Truth. It is the Way of Christ. Beware of anti-Christs who are already in the earth.” No one will he led astray whose eyes are open to Truth. “If thine eye be single”- we shall be able to see, we need not fear. No one whose life is hid in Christ can be led astray. It is our work as disciples of Christ to have the power of God. We cannot be weak and stand in this work. This is no place for “mollycoddles”. We may want to do good, but unless our vehicles are pure, we can accomplish nothing. “I can of myself do nothing, the Father within Me doeth the works.” If Christ be formed in you, you need not fear. Then will you speak with authority. God will go with you, and signs will follow. Great works always follow. “Put ye on Chris”, be single-minded, surrender completely to the Christ. They who die in Christ shall also rise in Him. “Be pure in heart for out of the heart cometh all of the issues of Life.” If it cometh^ not out of the heart, there will be no wisdom, no strength. “Feed my lambs” with what? “No man cometh unless the father first draw him.” God is not mocked, He is present. He will guide us aright. Keep your mind and heart pure, if you would have your instrument sharp. There are no two human beings alike on this planet, there never have been. We must be keen to understand. “Preach the gospel, heal the sick, raise the dead.” Only those who are hid with Christ in God can do these things. “The Father doeth the work.” Look within and see what is right judgment. Is your eye single? Are you one-pointed? The universal Christ can instantly personalize Himself, any place, any time.
Transcribed by Ed Gwozda on July 30, 2022.
H.B. Jeffery’s Spiritual Healing Lessons (1934)
HEALING PRACTICE — Lesson 1 – H. B. Jeffrey (1934)
According to the appearances the world is very sick. They who look upon the appearances only see how sick the world is but know no remedy to cure its ills. Most people think that healing is a matter of changing the appearances and has to do with the body. In our healing study and practice we shall go beyond the appearances, and the body, to the Spirit which has made the soul, which in turn has made the body as it appears. If the body appears distorted the distortion is not in the body but in the mind or soul and must be there remedied.
In healing we shall consider and put into operation the principles taught and practiced by Jesus regarding healing. He taught men to look beyond the outer to the inner Man "It is not I, but the Father who doeth the works."
So called scientists advance many theories regarding men. These theories are constantly changing because they are not based upon the Spirit or Real Self of man. There is no stability or security in the science of medicine because it deals with the outer form. The body or outer form of nan is sustained and upheld by an inward spiritual Principle. In healing we consider the inward Spirit. Man has in his nature all the elements as they are found in nature. It is not necessary that some elements be taken from nature to heal him. He has the medicine of the Spirit within him to heal him.
Health comes from an Anglo-Saxon word meaning “Wholeness". Jesus said: “Go thou and be made whole,"- “Thy faith has made thee whole." The essence of wholeness is holiness. The holiness of the mind is reflected in wholeness of body. The ancient Hebrew priests would not enter the high places if they were not well. They would not enter the Holy of Holies if they had any appearances of unholiness on the body. The Hebrew people believed that Health came from the One Source of Life. And they sought comfort and relief from sickness by going to the High Priests who ministered in a spiritual capacity, and who were regarded as those who lived in close contact with God.
There arose however some division of thought. Some began to believe in forms and outer manifestations, of nature. Here began the theory and practice of medicine.
Plato believed that the soul was the Real man. Out of this arose the order of the numaticists. Numa (Pneuma) means "breath", life-principle. Jesus was in accord with this school of Plato’s, only He went farther to the embodiment of the Spirit of his teaching. Jesus knew that if there was some outer disturbance, there must be an inner disturbance. He knew that the numa, inner breath or Spirit needed to be acknowledged. He said: "The flesh profiteth nothing, the Spirit giveth life." The outer eye does not see. It is the inward Spirit that sees. "Judge not according to appearances, but judge righteous judgment." The outer is only an index to the Inner.
Sickness is always a partial death, that is there is a partial cutting off of the life Principle. Healing is a restoring of a full flow of the Life principle or Spirit breath. "I came that ye might have life and have it more abundantly.” Where there is any disturbance, the inner breath is not flowing properly. The cause of this disturbance is in the mind. Healing is a restoration of the balance and harmony of the mind, and the flow of the Spirit, which brings wholeness or holiness. Healing is regeneration, a fresh current of life that renews, revitalizes and energizes. Recognition of the inner principle of life or Spirit. It may be likened to Light. It touches any and everything, but nothing touches it. It is immaculate. It touches the mind, but the mind does not touch it. It is the immaculate. The Spirit liveth, the Spirit quickeneth, the Spirit giveth life. "If the Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, the Spirit that raised up Christ shall also quicken your mortal bodies." In healing we recognize that Spirit.
We accept the theory of Plato that the Spirit animates and permeates the whole being of man. It is a more subtle thing than thought itself. If man will recognize it, he will find his thought changing. It is like a shadow of the mind. The Spirit is like the Light of the Mind. lt is the Light of the mind. "I am the light of the world."
We can know the character of thought by the expression written on the face. In fact, it is expressed in every cell of the body. As the Spirit is quickened the body changes. The body is changing constantly according to the character of thought. Of itself, the body cannot be relied upon. It has no life of itself. It is a negative thing played upon by Life. There is an infusion of life through the body, but not in or of the body. Spirit is the activity of the body.
The breath or Spirit of God gives the body life. It moves the body. Disease is a lack of ease in the mind. Healing is a restoring of ease to the mind. It is a restoration of mental harmony. "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee." As the mind is quickened or elevated, it is easy to see the movements of the mind. They who have eyes open can read. When the mind is brought to a high state of perception it can sense false states of other minds. We want to emphasize that the outer form is not the real man, but the Inner. The science of medicine is not real because it looks upon and deals with the outer form and appearance. There are constantly changing theories among the medical minded, because they deal with the outer. This is materiality. The principle of life never changes. God never changes. The movement of the Spirit is the Real Science, man is a spiritual being. He must be treated scientifically. Truth is the One Science. God is the animating Principle of life, the Giver, Sustainer of life.
Healing is founded upon the Truth of man’s spiritual nature. The reestablishment of man’s relationship to the Spirit is healing. “Wilt thou be made whole?” Turn to that which is whole and perfect.
Every disease in the body is the result of false ideas. The mind is turned away from the Spirit. There is a contagious Principle everywhere present. There is a contagion of health which quickens the mind and body, which is shed by the Spirit. We should get our contagion direct from God. As we walk with God, we become Godlike. “There is a Spirit in man and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.” As we come into a better relationship with God, there is an immediate change in the mind and body. To be well we must turn to the Almighty. "Return to the Almighty and be thou built up." "I will put my Spirit in man," saith the Lord. "I am the healer of all diseases.”
HEALING PRACTICE — Lesson 2 – H. B. Jeffrey (1934)
In the person of Jesus, we have the very embodiment of the principle of healing, for He was conscious of the Source of healing power. If we watch his acts, we see He was conscious of an inner realm of strength. Man, essentially is a spiritual Being. Jesus knew this.
There are three phases of man’s being, the outermost or physical, the realm of sensation - next the intellectual realm - and the innermost realm of love. The body of itself has no power, sensation or movement. The Spirit animates it. As healers we need to remember that there is no life in the body. The Spirit infuses itself through the body. Knowing this we are not swayed by the appearances. There is no life or sensation in the body. This we need to know. It appears so to the sensory man, but it is not so. Pain is an impulse sent over the sensory nerve. It is picked up by the motor nerve which is a false movement. When the impulse is driven back to the sensory nerve where it belongs the pain ceases. An understanding healer may by an act of his will drive it back where it belongs. The senses cannot be relied upon. They report that the sun rises and sets. They report that fire burns, this is not so. An iron heated until it is red has the same effect upon the senses as an iron at zero temperature. We cannot rely on the senses. Jesus said: “Judge not according to the appearance but judge righteous judgment."
We turn within to learn the Truth, to establish order and harmony. Whenever we find disease or inharmony there is a partial withdrawing of the soul from the body. There needs to be a quickening of the soul to restore ease and harmony, there must be a refreshment direct from the Fountain of Life. In healing it is vital that we maintain a certain relation with the inner Source of Life. There is one Universal Life Principle. Man has behind him the power and force of the universe. As he becomes conscious of it, he is quickened. Touching the within we contact the angelic sphere. Jesus said that He was attended by twelve legion of angels whom he could call upon to deliver Him from His tormentors. He was aware of his relationship with the Source of Life. Man in his inmost being is related with all life. When he is conscious of this, he draws on Infinite Power.
People who live in the senses are constantly drawing attention to the false states of mind, and their false manifestations. As healers we must be careful not to be drawn from out true center, we must be constant, watch, steadfast in His Presence. We must walk in His Presence. Patients love to draw us away from the Source, as ministers we must keep contact. Jesus spent much time alone with the Presence of Life. Often, He spent whole nights in recharging His conscious with the Spirit of Life. He spent much time alone in prayer and conscious unity with God. As ministers we have to take time alone and learn to draw from the Fountain of Life.
Our first act in healing is to withdraw from the external appearances to the within. Jesus dwelled here. We should follow Him. "If man will come after He, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." "Follow Me and ye shall do as I do, and I do as I see my Father doing." As we walk with Him, we do the things He does.
The body is purely temporal, it comes and goes, hence we say that it is not real that is it is not abiding. As the body attempts to dictate to us we must assert our authority and speak to it saying: "You move as I wish you to. You can do nothing without me." We thus speak from the soul. It is important to discipline the body that it may do marvelous things and obey us in all that we require of it. We do this in the consciousness of Divinity and from the Christ center in us. We must live always in the consciousness of the Spirit within and about us. When people come localizing their pains, we must remember the Truth. They will try to tell us that sensation is in the body, it is not so. The disturbance is in the human Spirit or soul. As we direct the attention back to the Divine, harmony is restored. The universal life principle is everywhere responsive to man who is the epitome of center of Divine authority. He is given dominion. There is one Spirit and One Life. All things will respond to the Divine Word of command. Jesus communicated with an intelligence as He walked on the water, multiplied the loaves and fishes and healed. He knew His relationship with the Source, and He commanded from this center in cooperation never in violation.
When we know and understand miracles cease. We see exact laws. No man has ever had as close a contact with the Divine as Jesus, hence no man has ever done the works He did. They who do marvelous things do not boast of unusual ability. They claim unity with only natural laws. Jesus’ work was scientific. His soul had union with the Oversoul as mentioned by Emerson. "The Father and I are One."
In healing we must consecrate ourselves to the Fountain of Life and love, God. Out of God flows life. To minister to others, we maintain the flow of Life. On the intellectual plane by an action of the will we may deal specifically to heal. This is possible but is not the highest form of healing. The highest form of healing is in the realization of the allness of Life, the unreality of the body and disease. Refusal to recognize disease will call forth the Spirit life. Healing may be extended to everything - plants, animals - human beings. We may do this by maintaining our relationship with the Source of Life.
Wherever we are we shall radiate healing life as we keep contact with the Fountain of Life. People delight to talk about disease and magnify it. This is foolishness, we must not heed it, but keep our attention on the truth. The error is in the human Spirit in false judgment or thought. Living outside of the Self brings depletion to the forces of our being. People who are always hurt over things said have a weakness sooner or later somewhere within. People who suffer nervous exhaustion are trying to evade some responsibility. It is a form of selfishness. One who lies attention is selfish. He needs to be shocked. He needs awakening. In place of being ministered to he needs to minister.
"We are ministering angels sent forth to minister.” Jesus went about doing good. He never asked others to do for Him. He was ever doing for others. We shall watch and study the life of Jesus and work as He worked. The more intent we are in doing good, the greater will be the influx of heavenly power. Keep the mind open to the Spirit of Life, and you shall walk with the angels.
HEALING PRACTICE — Lesson 3 – H. B. Jeffrey (1934)
The element of faith. In Jesus’ system of healing the element of faith was a very large one. He attempted to arouse faith in those who came seeking health. Salvation is not merely saving of the soul from punishment, it is the saving of the body also. Jesus devoted much attention to the healing of the body, where there was no faith, it is said that He did no mighty works. By faith He knew that it was something inherent, in man's nature. Without it He would not be, he would not do. Faith grows through use, as any other talent. Faith is inherent, usage is drawing it out. Faith can be led forth and is a part of man's education. Faith is the free gift of God; It is a grace. Jesus knew faith was a part of the omnipotence of God. "We know that through the Word of God spoken in faith that the heavens were made." Man made in the image and likeness of God has within him faith. To this faith Jesus appealed, we find a quickening of our faith through prayer or turning to the Divine. When His disciples asked Him to increase their faith, He pointed them to God. As one turns to God there comes an increase in faith. The Divine instills confidence as we contact it. This is the law of induction. "Thou restoreth my soul as I come in contact with Thee." After prayer one’s store of faith is increased. The disciples wondered why they were not successful in certain cases that came to them for healing. Jesus said they lacked faith. They said to Him: "Increase our faith." He bade them repair to the Divine Presence. After a season of waiting upon the Lord they went forth doing mighty works.
Faith is a work of expectation. In healing we give our attention to the quickening or restoring a weak organ or part of the body. Disease is simply a result of a disturbance in the soul. By directing the attention to a certain part of the body we can fill that part with a new charge of life. This can be done easily. If we hold our attention upon any part of the body until we produce a distinct sensation, as the vital force increases the blood stream increase in activity. This is purely a mental process. Jesus worked in a deeper and higher manner, He worked with the soul. The range of the senses are limited. If we accept their judgments, we incorporate in ourselves many false things. If the judgments are untrue a part of the body will be affected. Certain schools of metaphysics term the cause a belief. The thought may not be fixed directly on an organ, yet certain untrue judgments will manifest in the organs. We do not judge by the appearance. The picture does not state the Truth. Conditions of the mind often arise in disguised forms. Jesus was able to heal the most difficult conditions because He could detect where the trouble was in the soul. He had faith he could do it. He also aroused faith in His patient.
If we can maintain a certain conscious contact with the Spirit, we can build an organ where it has deteriorated or been removed. Faith arouses new power, creative energy, building strength. "I will set the house in order when I come." He comes when we call on Him or turn to Him. "I will give to them my Spirit. I will place my Spirit in you." Those who give themselves to prayer find this is true. The Divine imparts itself. When we partake of the Spirit there is a strengthening, quickening, freeing. Thus, Jesus admonishes us to pray.
In healing the first act is to turn to God. The attention is on God, not on the patient. The expectation aroused in the patient is faith. If there is expectation much of the healing work is done. Faith is a power. It is a Principle. It is behind everything that was ever done. Faith is a power. "It is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen." It lifts us to a realm beyond our common understanding. It lifts us above the sense world into the Spirit realm. Faith transcends science. The time will come when physicians will know how to apply faith rather than drugs. There is no limit to faith. ’’According to your faith be it unto you." According to the degree of our faith shall we receive. We instruct people in Truth to arouse their hope and expectation. Christianity is practical in so far as we have aroused the element of faith. It is a gift of God inherent in us. It must be used; be drawn out. By faith the use of faith we develop it. As we have some success in its application we pass on to the accomplishing of larger things. By our word of faith, we shall do mighty works, we increase our capacity to use faith as we use it. There is an inner seeing that comes with faith. As we use faith there is an increase in virtue and power. Jesus perceived that power had passed from Him in healing others. Through knowledge of it He immediately recharged His being. Through knowledge He received an increase or influx of new energy and vitality. "All things are possible with God." Can God set a bone? "Why not? He has all intelligence and all power. With God it is easy. Jesus said you may all do as I do, only believe. Prayer increases faith. Prayer is attention to God. We walk in prayer as we keep our attention on God. As the appearances seem too real, we must go apart to pray. Jesus spent much time in prayer, as healers we must repair in prayer, receiving power to speak the quickening, freeing word. If we did not have faith in us, we could not heal. Faith is not purely an intellectual thing. At first there will be a belief, but as the belief deepens it becomes a conviction, and the feeling nature is aroused. The feelings are next to the Spirit, a musician could not produce music unless He felt it. As he feels it in his soul, he imparts it. So, faith is generated as we feel it. Without feeling thought is impotent. Feeling is of the Spirit. When belief becomes a conviction, the feelings are quickened.
Healing comes from the Spirit. We may use words like another has used in successful healing, but unless there is an inward feeling accompanying them, they are impotent.
All things are done by and through faith. It is the underlying principle in all creation. It is the creative force in man. Jesus dealt scientifically when He taught man to believe and had faith Himself.
Faith is essential to arouse an expectant attention. If we can arouse this in our patients, we shall have good results. Behind every form of sickness there is a fear, when fear is removed, harmony is restored. Fear is just the opposite to faith. The cause is in the mind and the remedy is in the mind. We deal with the law of causation. "Be ye therefore transformed by the renewing of the Spirit of your mind." "Have this same mind in you which was in Christ Jesus." This is the mind of faith. This is the substantial mind. Believe and God will work in and through you according to your faith. As faith increases which is the instinctive sense, the seeing power of the mind also increases, as we realize the allness of God we easily manipulate matter. It is done not by working with matter, itself, but in dealing with and in the Spirit.
Jesus upset many laws which seemed fixed until His day. He reversed the law of chemistry in turning the water into wine. He transcended the law of gravity when He walked on the water. He overcame the law of labor when He increased the loaves and fishes without effort.
HEALING PRACTICE — Lesson 4 – H. B. Jeffrey (1934)
Today we shall continue the lesson on faith. Faith is very essential in the matter of healing. Without faith there would be no healing. Paul’s definition of faith is doubtless the best ever given. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” As James says we must be able to give a reason for our faith. We have that faith in the constitution of the universal. "God is the only Presence and Power, beside Him there is none else." "God is Spirit." According to the materialist Spirit it is an ethereal form of matter, generated by matter. Spiritual teaching is the reverse. The Spirit is all. All things have life because of Spirit. Spirit is the Source of all things. All things have life in the Spirit, and because of the Spirit. Spirit is the life-principle underlying all living things. We now know that all things are alive, even rocks and minerals. We have so long lived in the material belief that spiritual substance is usually conceived of as matter. This is the reason many fail in demonstration. The numbers in mathematics are not mathematics. Matter of the form is not the Spirit. The Spirit is Principle. Spiritual substance is a Principle. The thing that underlies mathematics is like the Principle that underlies spiritual substance. We shall think in terms of Principles. Jesus said: "God is Spirit and they that worship Him must worship in Spirit and in Truth." We might paraphrase this by saying: "Mathematics is Principle, and they that become proficient in mathematics must work in the Principle of mathematics." Working in the Principle we become a mathematician or a musician. We see Spirit or Principle with the inner eyes of the heart. We must learn that there is a Principle and meditate upon it. We shall go often to this Principle and meditate upon it and contemplate it. In healing this is essential. There is one universal, vital principle, that inheres throughout the universe. That Spirit is in man, placed there by God, This Principle upholds, sustains, supports life. Disease is a partial severing of the soul from the Principle. Death is a total severing. Healing is the restoring of the vital Principle in all its fulness. It is essential that we become saturated with a consciousness of the Spirit. In healing we are awakening another to the Principle. "Feed my sheep." To feed the sheep of the Spirit we must have spiritual substance. Healing is finding our relation to Spirit, as we become conscious of it, we become at peace. In Principle there is always peace. Principle is without change. It is reliable. We can depend upon it. As we acquaint ourselves with this Principle we find it stable, we recognize and acknowledge it, it will work. As we see it work, it quickens confidence which develops into a very stable faith. Faith is an expectancy. An expectancy when it is made full is realized as NOW. "Now is the acceptable time. Now is the day of salvation." In healing we must awaken an expectancy in our patient. Faith has many degrees. We do not always awaken the highest degree of faith in our patients. We may arouse a hope, a belief that there is a possibility. If we have done this, we have done much, for we have opened the soul to influx of new life. It is awakened in our patients and in us. They will look to us, we must point them to the Spirit, as their hope grows the element of time begins to diminish, until it is done away with and they believe that their healing can be accomplished now.
To those who doubt that they can be healed, we say little. Often, we deal with a friend as the medium of faith which is very helpful. To say that we do not work in a case because a doctor is on it, or because it is in the hospital is foolish. Nothing hinders the action of the Spirit. Physicians often help to allay fear which is a definite help. Often as we work in the consciousness of the One Presence the physician will swing around, even though he is unconscious that he is coming close to the Truth. They will begin to change their diagnosis. It will become more favorable, until soon they begin to doubt if the patient was ever sick at all, that it was all in the mind. We never fear to work on a case in a hospital, no matter how severe it appears. In treating we not only treat one case, but we are working in Truth which is universal. Others who are in the same degree of consciousness will be helped, no matter where they may be, even on the other side of the earth.
We look to the Spirit and the inner eye opens, and we look beyond the appearance. When the state of mind is corrected, health will spring forth, we shall not become discouraged because of appearances. We simply know that it indicates a disturbance in the human spirit, caused by an improper contact with the Spirit. A closer Unity with the spirit must be established. We must see with the eye of Truth, to judge rightly. Me must learn to function in the heavenly realm. There is a point in man where heaven and earth meet. Jesus calls this the inner chamber. This is a place, not of geographical location but of consciousness. It is not in the body but in consciousness. ”He that seeth in secret shall reward thee openly." An awakening in consciousness is a returning to the Father’s house. One who has seen his own soul will never again be disturbed. He cannot be touched or hurt. Nothing can hurt the immortal soul. Awakening to the Self the mortal puts off mortality and puts on immortality. This is a high and beautiful experience. It is a mystic marriage. When the inner and outer are one. Healing is bringing this union in consciousness. This is the coming of the Kingdom. "Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven." Healing is man awakening to his true estate. True healing is returning to the realm of reality within. Healing is awakening man to the consciousness that he is a living soul.
Language is a man-made thing. It is an attempt to communicate the Spirit which is incommunicable. Spirit communicates itself. Nothing else can. Until we go beyond words, we do not touch the Spirit. Unity works with words. This is a mental process. When we get into Spirit, we transcend words and all mental processes. We transcend even thought and ideas. We come to a place of knowing. Knowing is above language.
In spiritual healing we arrive at the Spirit. It is not necessary to speak when we touch the Spirit, when we touch the realm of reality we go beyond language. Language is the mind attempting to explain that which arises from within itself. Absent healing is very possible and is a higher way of working. We work in the realm of reality which knows no space or time. Whenever we touch it is present in all its fulness. In the inner chamber we touch omnipresence, when we work in consciousness we rise above the physical, we can transcend the mental atmosphere as we are in Spirit, as light shines through the window pane without regard to the form, so Spirit shines through the mental and physical forms without regard to the forms. Every case of healing is a challenge to a consciousness of the allness of God.
HEALING PRACTICE — Lesson 5 — The Feet – H. B. Jeffrey (1934)
The feet are quite like the hands, but have a different office. The thumb of the feet does not adjust itself as readily as does the thumb of the hand to the fingers. It maintains a straight line. It has much to do in maintaining balance. There is a direct connection between the soles of the feet and the top of the head. The highest and lowest are in direct, connection. The feet correspond with the power in man to move from Truth to Truths. They correspond to the love of obedience. Man is saved by knowing the Truth, but he is not saved until he learns to love the Truth. The outer man can come to the love of the Truth when the interior man draws him. There is a direct connection between the feet and the cerebrum. The cerebrum is the instrument through which wisdom acts. The voluntary movements of the mind are in the cerebrum. The feet signify the love man should have for the law of the Divine. The love for the Divine will and to carry out that will. The left side and the left hand are correspondents of thought. The right side and the right hand correspond to the will. The right arm and hand are stronger than the left, because the will moves more freely through this side. When the will of another controls, the left hand and side are weak. With the feet it is just the opposite.
In military training the first step is always on the left foot. This is a correct thing to do, according to spiritual law. We are acting right as we place the left foot forward. When we are acting right there is a more positive action of the left foot. When we are not sure we are right we will find we are prone to turn to the left. When we are positive, we will go to the right. When we have a sense of obedience to the right we mov to the right. The reason for this is that when we are in the right the forces of our being gyrate from the left to the right. In doubt the action is the reverse. When we have the love of the good and true the body will always swing to the right. These are determined by the turn in the mind. The body is an open book to them who can read. In healing it is helpful to read aright. (The right foot corresponds to the will and the left side to understanding.)
The feet are of great importance. The balance of the body is maintained by the feet. If the feet are out order, the whole body is out of order. Often a disturbance which shows in the upper part of the body is due to a disturbance in the feet. It is well to understand the office of the feet, knowing that they are directly connected with the cerebrum and understanding. If there is a disobedience it will show in a disturbed condition in the feet. The arches of the feet will drop if the human will is too strong. The toes lose their flexibility. The power of discretion will show in the feet. There is a good foot action if the love of the good is present. A good judge of a horse looks to its feet. If the feet move freely, the horse is spirited. "The gait (gate) of a man determines the fate of man." The feet are very sensitive to the right. The foot used rightly senses the ground at every step. They select a right place to step. This corresponds to the faculty of discrimination or judgment of the mind. “How beautiful on the mountain are the feet of them that bring good tidings and preach peace, and say unto Zion, the Lord reighneth.” "Great peace have they that love Thy law, nothing shall offend them.” Love of obedience brings peace. There is a baptism of wisdom as one moves to the interior of his being. Only those who obey can move into the Presence of the Most High. When the consciousness is right our paths are straightened and we walk in high places. Doors open in human society which before were unknown.
"He hath made my feet like hinds’ feet." This species of the deer are sure-footed. They run over crags and rocks and almost perpendicular mountains. "He maketh the mind to walk in higher spheres” which reflect in outer activity. As one arises high in mind there is breathed into him finer ethers, which bring revelations of mysteries. This all comes from love of obedience. Walking is symbolical of living. Living is a moving forward. Often, we say of a quick, alert student that he just walked through a certain subject with ease. Walking corresponds to living. When one moves freely, he is more alive. We can tell the way a student walks whether he has his lesson or not. The feet are symbolical. They register the state of the mind, the state of the will, the love of obedience to the right.
Dancing in the right state of consciousness will help correct foot ills. The feet in women are different than men because their minds work differently. Women work intuitively, while men work intellectually. Of course, this is only generally speaking.
We impart through the hands but receive much through the feet. The feet are very important, bunions are caused by states of consciousness in which there is a belief in opposition. When traced down we find behind it is selfishness. The human will is overriding the Divine. When traced down we find behind it selfishness. When traced away back, it is found as disobedience. A wrong movement in the mind produces wrong foot action, which brings friction, corns and bunions. The shape of the feet is determined by ones loves. A student often has a long foot which indicates that they are reaching out for newer and greater things. Different states of mind produce different movements and shapes, of the body. (A woman insisted upon having shoes smaller than she should wear. When asked why she said that her feet felt so good when she took off her shoes.)
The higher the reach of the mind, the lighter and freer is the step. One who lives in high places walks on air. A child is always climbing when it is a certain age. This is but symbolical of his desire to reach up and out with the mind. When we recognize this, we shall help him to make higher contacts.
HEALING PRACTICE — Lesson 6 — The Hands – H. B. Jeffrey (1934)
The hands are the extremities of the arms. There are four fingers and one thumb on each hand. The hand is a very useful instrument. It is a marvelous mechanism. We take hold of things with the hands. It can be brought to various degrees of action. With a strong will there is a strong grasp. What man likes determines his hand. The hand signifies ones love of service - of doing things. The heart expresses itself through the hand. By the touch of the hand, we are able to largely determine one’s likes and dislikes. No two hands are alike. If we read the inner hand, we find that the lines differ.
No two fingers, or prints are alike. The fingerprints are different in all people. The lines are records of what man is, showing his affections. It indicates also one's grasp on spiritual principles. It corresponds to our power of determining Divine Ideas, and to grasp and hold them. The hand indicates one’s power to take hold of the good, also to impart the good. The hand indicates our ability to give and receive ideas. The more we give ideas, the stronger our minds become. We strengthen the mind of Good by giving it, the good, away. The more the hand is brought into service the stronger it is. The hand is a reflection of one's state of consciousness. It indicates the degree of wisdom and love one has.
The higher we ascend in consciousness the more that it is reflected in the hands. There are finer muscles built into them, and they are quickened in sensibility. They act more quickly and freely. Sometimes auxiliary muscles are developed in a musician’s hand, which are not found in other hands. Very often those who play musical instruments have muscles placed there by the Spirit which are not present in other hands.
One who has a good grip on Truth, has a firm, strong grasp, and a firm strong, but flexible hand. The hand is not so sensitive in a man who is doing common, ordinary things. His hand is strong and firm, but not so flexible. Different ideals and aspirations build different instruments through which to do their work. The wrist and fore-arm give the hand a rotary motion. The upper arm and shoulder permit a large sweep of the hands. The whole body throws itself largely into the hands. The one concentrated instruments of the body are the hands. They reflect the inner wisdom and love.
Man’s speech is an organ of thought. Through speech he directs the hands. The hands are better indicators. When writing the thoughts, we really show whether we know a thing or not. Writing brings us to exactness. “Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.”
The hand holds the office of ministry or service. There is a love of service, the hands are very sensitive. When people are in harmony there is a pleasant sensation felt by both when they grasp hands. Through the touch of the hand, we are able to read the character of another. When the hand desires to withdraw, there is something which is sent out which the soul does not desire to receive. By the hand we can read the whole man. Women and mothers like to take hold of babies and fondle them, because they desire to grasp youth and innocence, a mother is wise who does not permit everyone to handle her child. One who has been in a very angry state who takes hold of a child passes along to the little one a condition which is not helpful to it. Children are very sensitive. Watch who handles your children.
Jesus worked much with His hands. The state of mind will determine how much one receives. Where there was no receptivity, Jesus did no mighty works. Jesus blessed little children which were brought to Him. He did much with His hands. He knew that an energy was going forth from Him, and He also knew that there was a vital energy coming into Him. He kept contact with the Father hat the charge of energy strong shoulders, arms and hands.
If we are called upon to give physical solace, we had better do it. It is our ministry to help where help is desired. One must have a strong mind and a strong body to heal. There must be a balance. It behooves us to spend much time in prayer to be charged with power. Jesus was a balanced, normal, healthy man. He was well balanced. We too must be well balanced if we would heal.
HEALING PRACTICE — Lesson 7 – H. B. Jeffrey (1934)
Jesus went about healing with instantaneous results. It was by and through his acquaintance, with God so he carried with him the great peace that surpasseth understanding. "Acquaint now thyself with him and be at peace." He lived in the Presence of God. Previous to his greatest works he spent whole nights in prayer. When He spoke the word Peace there was potency in it. In the largest per centage of sickness all that is required is peace, peace is a great medicine. To be proficient in healing we must be at peace. To know Peace, we must walk with God. "To know God and Him whom the Father hath sent is life eternal." We must acquaint ourselves with God and know the Truth. "Great peace have they that love Thy law, nothing shall offend them." We must have peace which comes from knowing the One back of the Law. Seeking the author of Divine Law, we have imparted to us wisdom, and order. Law always means order. The word when it goes forth brings harmony and order, where before there was confusion. The office of the healer is to restore order, Jesus said: "Feed my sheep." There is more in proper feeding than in drugs and medicine. Before we can feed, we must have the food. The world is spiritually hungry and thirsty.
People are seeking that which will feed them. There is a great search. We are to stand firm and uphold, we are to extend helping hands. The whole world is in distress and sick. We are called upon to heal the sick, to preach the gospel. We are to make them see that in the midst of evil is good. "The Kingdom of heaven is at hand." The old order will never be restored. We are moving forward in a new era. It behooves us who have felt the call, to be strong in the Lord and the Power of his might. "We must be sure it is his might.” "Not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit” saith the Lord. Healing is done by the power of the Spirit. Trying to force by mental power is not spiritual healing. Suggestion is not spiritual healing, it is mental. Its effect is not good. To bring in futurity is a false factor in healing. There is not time in God. “Now is the only time. Now is the acceptable time." “Now is the day of salvation." Now is the fulness of time. Futurity did not come from God. To say ’’You will be better soon” is not spiritual. Now is the only time. Jesus spoke and immediately it was done. The word immediately appears, much in connection with His works. Eliminate Futurity. The man God made in his image and likeness is not a creature of time. We need to remember this in healing.
Jesus said: "l do not these things of myself. The Father within me doeth the work. He gave Himself, His will, His all to the Father." “The Father and I are One.” If we would be healers, then we must be imitators of Christ. One reason why we do not accomplish more, the self, gets in the way. Jesus went about doing Good, but there is no record that he did anything for Himself. We have no record where He said: "Look what I did." He never said "I" did anything. He said the Father doeth the work. If you know the Truth, you can do as I do. We must have a constant conviction of His Presence. We must be as conscious of His Presence as we are of His breath in us. Not in our selfishness but in Spirit and in Truth. He must be empty of self and desire for the self. Empty the self: "I came not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me.” It is my will to do God ’s will. “Thy will be done." We must lay aside our wills. "Many are called but few are chosen." Many are called in this work, but self gets in the way. They are not channels for the flow of the dynamics of the Spirit. People do not hearken to them because they feel the personal presence of their will. When man becomes empty of self, they do the work of the Spirit. Get rid of the self is all that is necessary. The day of occultism is past, there is nothing hidden. I do not judge any man; they are judged already. Their speech betraeth them, their walk betrays them. He can lift our vision to the heights and walk with God.
We need not to judge. They are judged already. We need not to handle people’s thoughts. Jesus had hid in Him all the treasuries of wisdom and knowledge. If we are filled with wisdom, it will shine out. “If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God." Many stick their noses in books seeking wisdom. The scribes spent their time in copying books, they knew the letter but not the spirit. Knowledge of the Spirit is wisdom. Do not look in books, look to God. Wisdom transcends the intellect. It does not violate the laws of mentality. It fulfills them. Go direct to God. Wisdom is from above. We cannot impart wisdom, but we can shine with it, but it will cause him to shine who hath it. Let God be all in all. "What I do I have seen my Father doing,” said Jesus. Become nothing that God may become all in all, even as He is all in all. Our own will makes us tired. The Will of the Spirit refreshes us. “Walk with Me and be ye perfect." Walk with the Spirit. Walk with the wisdom of God. Walk in the Way of Truth. Know Him - this is the secret of healing. There is nothing mysterious about healing. "Whosoever will, may come and partake of the waters of life freely.” Let man see your Good works, not to glorify yourself, but to glorify God. We shine with the Godshine, others will see and feel it. "I will restore” saith the Lord. It is God that healeth. We must know this if we would do healing, we are interested in the way of Christ. The Unity school is meant to be a school of Christ, we would have in us the mind of Christ. If we have the mind of Christ, we cannot help healing. If we are conscious of Christ, we will heal.
Thought has no power in itself. Thought is only a form. Thought must be charged with Spirit. The disciples tried using the words of Jesus and failed. When they received the Spirit, they healed, they were full of the Spirit. It is not by holding thoughts but by the Spirit. This is life, to know God. God is the health of the nation. He is our health, all health, all strength, all power. The Father is the One Strength.
HEALING PRACTICE — Lesson 8 – H. B. Jeffrey (1934)
There are many forms of healing. One form is that of faith. There is no healing in the human of carnal mind. The body reflects the mind. A stronger will may change the mind, for a time, but it is not healing. Hypnotism is a false teaching. It is of the carnal mind, which the Apostle Paul said is at enmity with God. The more constant we are in walking with God, the more proficient we become. Love is manifest in many degrees. There is human, intellectual and spiritual love. The human love is lowest. The love of a mother, for her child is the highest form of human love. We are exercising intellectual love, when we are instructing our fellow man in Truth. Love tempered with wisdom is the secret of life. When we are instructing others in Truth, we are following the command of Jesus: "Feed my sheep." There must be within us a deep yearning for the welfare of others. "Love seeketh not its own." To perfect human love we must have a higher yearning than the physical, a bowing down of the human to the Spirit. We are ever on the watch to instruct others in the Truth, to give of such as we have to others.
As the mind which is trained musically senses a discord, so he whose mind is ever on God, sense a downward thought or word and corrects it. This is the exercise of intellectual love. The intellect is an instrument of great value. It can be trained to a high work. It must be trained to a high work. On this plane we affirm and deny.
The leader and teacher should be alive and awake. The intellect is not something to be denied, it is to be disciplined. "Be ye therefore transformed by the renewing of your mind." Lift up the mind to Christ. It is necessary to mental life. The teacher and healer must be alive and alert. One grounded in the Spirit will meet trials with understanding. This is done in love. Where there is love there is righteousness. There is spiritual love which moves without effort, when another meets us and is inspired to a higher life we have shed a high, spiritual love. If we have walked with Christ in mind, we move into the higher Realm.
When the human ego is too active it stands in the way of the influx of Spirit. Unless we hold ourselves in accord with Spirit there is not an inflow. Often, we do not attract hearers because the ego stands in the way. Men will hearken in the day that the spiritual power enters into us. Of ourselves we have no power. By being surrendered to God His Spirit works in us. If we are constant in our attention to Spirit, our work will be constant: our work will have quality and quantity. However, we never work for quantity, but for quality. The higher the love, the freer it is. The lower love is never free. As we arise in consciousness the more impersonal becomes our love. The higher we reach the farther we reach. When we transcend earth consciousness, we are given a white stone in which is a new name.
Love enables us to be long-suffering, not in pain, but in steadfastness, standing firm. One is low states of mind cannot be lifted to the heights at once, any more than one who has lived in the lowlands can be lifted to the mountain tops. Love enables us to become gentle and firm. As we rise in consciousness, we express more love which tempers our being. Love is the redeeming power. The closer we walk with God, the more we will be able to do. Where there is any fear as to our inability, we are not yet made perfect in love. We need to walk with God, and in God.
Healing is done as we get out of the way. The Spirit must have its way. The mind must be clean. Jesus said: "Ye are clean because of the Word I have spoken unto you." Unless sin and false states of mind are corrected, healing is not accomplished. We may know we are working in the Spirit when the character is renewed. When they are given the white stone and have been made clean. This comes through the action of love. The less attention we pay to the body, and the more we pay to the Divine the swifter the healing, as we are steadfast there will be one instantaneous healing after another. Jesus followed the Spirit and walked in it.
HEALING PRACTICE — Lesson 9 – H. B. Jeffrey (1934)
Our ex-president Hoover said: “Poverty is a disease." It is an insanity. The victims do not realize the sickness. It is of the mind; the trouble is not outside. People look out thinking prosperity is without. "Man’s riches consist not in the things he possesses." “Happy is the man who getteth wisdom - with all of thy getting, get understanding." “Riches and honor are in the right hand of wisdom.” “The man of wisdom is strong.” Riches are of the Spirit and in the Spirit. Solomon was very rich; he knew wisdom is the core of prosperity. He said: "wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom." Wisdom is beyond riches, get the core of riches. God understandeth the place of wisdom. Depart from evil. This is understanding. Do good, this is wisdom. The one that has wisdom shall walk and not stumble. He shall lie down, and his sleep shall be sweet. Where is wisdom? God knoweth the place thereof. If any man lack wisdom let him ask of God, who giveth to all men freely." Wisdom transcends the intellect; wisdom is from above. Every good and perfect gift is from above. If we would understand the place of wisdom and receive, let us turn to the Giver. Wisdom makes the mind alive. It quickens the perceptions. It sharpens the power of the mind. Have discretion, keep discretion. David said: "He that loveth the law of the Lord and doth meditate upon it day and night shall prosper in all that he doeth." Jesus said: "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." Away back in the early ages, eastern sages said: “When man is indifferent to things and is aware of their Source they shall receive abundantly of things." "Ye shall not want." Many struggle to get. They plan, plot and scheme to get things. “They that understand shall rest from their labors and great works shall follow them.” “Wisdom is the principal thing.” God to the Giver. You will not get wisdom from men, from books, from things. It comes from within. Go within, shut the door, commune with the Giver.
Here is the only place to find it. “I will instruct thee in the way thou shoudest go,” saith the Lord. “He that imparteth wisdom shall direct thy path, he shall direct thy feet and they shall not slip." “He that lacketh wisdom, let him ask of God." He that hath wisdom, hath substance. Seek the essence, the reality, within, the outer things will be added. "In the day of the Lord, they shall cast their money in the streets." He who is indifferent to things shall draw them toward him. The late Mr. Herriman, a great railroad builder who handles millions of dollars, says: "Money itself is nothing, wisdom is all." The earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof." No man owns money, no man owns anything. Even the government can own no money. The government calleth in the gold, what does it amount to? It is only a symbol. It symbolizes power, but where is power? God is all power, power is in man, it works through man. Man has conceived money as a medium of exchange. The idea working is the Real thing. When we are wise enough to place our silver and gold where they belong, we shall have an abundance. "Silver and gold belong to thee."
J. Pierpoint Morgan said: "Money is nothing.” People handed their money over to him by the thousands and millions. He said I care nothing about money, take away all I have and I will have it all back in three months. Take away that thing I have in me, and I will have nothing." Each day, Mr. Morgan stopped at St. George’s chapel on his way to work. He gave God the praise for what he had. Here was the secret of his power and wealth. In a great eastern bank, there is a silence room into which any one of the employees can go anytime and be perfectly free from interruption. There he can seek wisdom of God. Every employee from the lowest to the highest have the same privilege. These men seek wisdom, to them is given great works to do. "Durable riches belong to wisdom." Finding the source of wisdom we find the Source of riches, and symbols come to us in very natural, and normal channels and not through mysterious, foolish ways. “He that owneth the earth and the fulness thereof" finds that all things
move toward him. "All that the Father hath is mine." "And if I be lifted up will draw all unto me." The one who has wisdom shall not want for any good thing. They shall have an abundance of all things. Their cup shall run over. Spiritual principles shall be brought into every activity of our ministry. “He that soweth bountifully shall also reap bountifully." It is well to take care of everything in order. “He who is diligent in business shall prosper." Our business is to serve. The happier one is in his service - the greater will be his service, no one should be in any business who does not love it and his associates. Love will distil substance to its possessor. "God is love. He that hath love hath the owner of the spheres; whatsoever he doeth shall prosper." He will not strive and struggle. He knows the Truth; he shall walk in it and be free. He shall shine wherever he goes. So long as one moves with you in his work shall he prosper. The joyous, happy, loving person is the one who draws. He is magnetic. Every living thing instinctively moves toward the Light. If we are all aglow and alight, all things will move toward us. No power can keep from us substance. When we work with and in the Spirit, the Giver. If we know our sonship we need not want. In time of famine, we will have plenty. "They that walk with Him shall not want." They who walk with God do not know lack. The world about us in governed by the Divine law. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." Right knowing, right doing, and right moving are right usness. Orderly living is living according to righteousness. Jesus hath all He wanted and could use although he was never encumbered by things. An appreciation is wealth. Understanding is wealth. Understanding is appreciation. Possession of things do not constitute riches, the man who goes free shall have all he needs, and all he wants. "We are ministering Spirits, sent forth to minister."
HEALING PRACTICE — Lesson 10 — The Eye – H. B. Jeffrey (1934)
The eye is a marvelous instrument, wonderfully adjusted. The optic nerve goes back to the brain and is protected in the front by the curtain of the eye. The eye is somewhat like the ear but is more delicately formed. The eye is connected with the cerebellum which has to do with intelligence, the ear gathers sounds in a general way, and brings them into the inner ear, where they are sifted and received according to their need.
The eye gathers in the rays of light from the ethers and sifts out that which is useful. Those that serve the purpose of the inner man are retained. We see by a light from within, that meets with the light from without. The outer light has no intelligence, it may be called the Light of the world. We see with the Light of the Spirit which emanates from within. An unconscious person’s eyes may be wide open, yet he sees nothing, because the inner light is not moving out. The intelligence is from within, an activity of consciousness. The consciousness is an activity of Spirit or God. Seeing is a spiritual process. God is without change, eternal. If we can see this clearly, or perceive it, we know God and have the key to good eyesight. "There is a Spirit in man, and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.” We say, "I see” when we understand. Seeing corresponds to understanding and understanding is of God. All we really see or understand is of God. This is Truth. There are many beliefs, but a belief is not necessarily True. Knowledge is Truth. We can only know that which is True. Man’s capacity is spiritual, seeing is spiritual. To understand Divine Mind is true sight. The eyes correspond to the spiritual capacity to know God. It is a Christ capacity to perceive or understand the will, the way, and the ideas of God the Father. The Spirit of the Father is possessed by the Son. “The Spirit in man is the candle of the Lord.”
Understanding has its outer correspondence in the eyes and ears. The ears have to do with one’s love of obedience. The ears correspond with the love of obedience. They who will hearken are blessed with good hearing. They who will not hearken are afflicted with a tightening in the ears, a shutting out of sounds. They get into a tense state through the exercise of their own will, rather than the Divine Will. The "I Am holier than thou" people have trouble with their ears. They are intolerant with those who do not agree with them. If we are obedient as far as we understand, we shall have good hearing, the eye corresponds to a finer perception. It is a good thing to do, why is it so? One who has reached a high vision does not obey blindly, he finds the reason. He asks why then obeys. Seeing and understanding correspond. There is a correspondence between inner understanding and outer perception. We do not deal with the appearance or outer, but with the Spirit. We deal with the inner man, particularly the sense of understanding. We know positively that man does not see with his eyes. Sight cannot be destroyed for it is a spiritual faculty or function. We know it cannot be destroyed. Another who has no intelligence will say: "We are not telling the Truth.” We know we are, and we stand in the Truth. We know the Truth and stand firm. "I will put my Spirit in man.” This Spirit sees. The eye was constructed by this Spirit within in the beginning. This is the creative power. The eye was created by the Creator. "He has not changed; nothing has hurt Him.” He is all wise, all knowing. He has all might and intelligence. He has not changed. He who created the eye can recreate it. “I will restore”, saith the Lord. If we under stand this, believe it, and know it, and know what it is Good we can find the Truth that the Promise of God is eternal. Turning in understanding we see. Calling upon Him immediately the creative life begins to move and destroyed eyeballs can be restored. "I will answer when they call.” Return unto Me and I will return unto you. The prodigal when he returned to the Father, found that the Father had returned to Him and met him before he had reached the Father’s house. God will meet and rebuild the eyeball and restore sight. Having the inner understanding we shall have the outer correspondent, clear seeing, perfect organs, of sight.
The outer perception is like unto the seeing of a child who looks about and sees many objects, but who does not know their relations one to another, as yet. As he begins to discriminate and bring things into a better relationship, he draws into the second chamber, and as we clearly understand and perceive the Light of the Spirit. The inner chamber of the eye corresponds to the love of understanding. If we do not have this love, we do not get into the inner side of understanding. They who have a love of understanding, love to see the inner correspondence of the outer symbol. The love of art goes deep to sense the Spirit, of the artist. He continues to look at a picture until he goes into the heart of the artist which is one with God. As we go deeper into Principle the eyes see clearer. The Principle is pure, immaculate. The one who has an innocent eye has one which is clear, pure, soft like the eye of a child. When we go deep, we touch the purity of Spirit, within us. The eye is flexible, easily moved or held to vision as it wills and as long as it wills. The eye is a great protection. The eye of innocence and under standing knows where to go. The man who loves the Truth is like an eagle, who flies about in the heavens. He knows what is good for him and goes after it. He who loves Truth will have an outer eye which sees his good. He does not visualize, making mental pictures of his good. He is enthroned in the Spirit. He casteth out all evil with his eye.
The left eye corresponds to the love of intelligence and Truth. The right eye to the love of good. When we see that Truth and Good, we see one. We have two eyes which are the same. If we have one eye which is not functioning, we need to turn to love of understanding, and love of Good. The eyes will focus when we center them on the Spirit. A mind confused; the eyes will have the peculiar disease known as astigmatism. Being lighted from above, the eyes will return to the right focus. To quicken the understanding and love of Good, return to Spirit.
The eyes correspond to the capacity to know God, to see and understand Divinely. The eye tissue is like any other tissue. It is being constantly renewed, as we keep the attention upon God, the eyes will be ever new and clear. We receive direct from the Spirit. Let us turn and rest in the Spirit and know for ourselves.
HEALING PRACTICE — Lesson 11 — The Heart – H. B. Jeffrey (1934)
The heart and the lungs are closely related. They work together. Their movements harmonize. These are usually three movements of the heart to the one of the lungs, the blood circulates into every part of the body, and brings away worn out matter, and carries new materials to build up. There comes down from the brain blood which has been acted upon by the lymphatic laboratories in the brain. Blood containing certain matters is poured into the heart from the liver, the lungs and also comes up from the small intestines.
The heart corresponds to the will and the affections and loves. The natural man loves the things of the flesh. His are grosser loves. The lungs correspond to wisdom, man’s love for wisdom, as the blood coming from the lungs to the heart is purified, so wisdom purifies the loves.
The body is a reflection or outpicturing of the man, so the departments of the body. There is a delicate relation between the heart and the lungs. The movement of the heart and lungs is transferred to the viscera and the whole body. The movement of the heart and lungs correlate into one, which is the life of the body. When love is governed by wisdom it becomes purer. Then the heart is strengthened by pure blood. The blood goes to the lungs in a larger measure than it returns to the heart. The quality of the blood which returns however is finer than when it goes. The tissues of the lungs are double. The blood flows between these layers and is oxygenated. That which is useless is expelled. The lungs are organs of purification and correspond to intelligence. The affections of the heart are purified by wisdom. Over some ancient Greek temples there is written: "Love tempered by wisdom is the secret of life." The loves and affections of the natural man must be trained. If man follows his natural impulses, he is prone to do that which is destructive. "Man is prone to evil as the sparks fly upward.” When the light of intelligence shines in, his loves are purified. His love becomes higher and finer and more useful. As man turns his attention to things above there is a purer essence which enters his being. This is outpictured in the breath, a long-drawn breath often follows illumination. There is a direct influx from the realm of wisdom. When there is a dawning of new Truth there is an expansion of the lungs which reacts in the blood. The blood receives a greater purification. ’'There is a Spirit in man and the inspiration of the almighty giveth them understanding."
When we have an influx like this it is inspiration, the inbreathing of wisdom. The higher the thought the finer will be the essence extracted. There are ethers within ethers. The lungs will breathe an essence which doubtless has never been breathed before. As the mind is lifted there is the breathing in of more subtle ethers. There are little cells of the lungs which cannot receive the coarser ethers, they are meant to breath finer substances. This corresponds to the elevation of the mind. The blood is purified and made stronger. The mysterious thing called vitality will be present. Scientists cannot see or analyze it but they know it is there. In this way the temple is cleansed. "Know ye not that your body is the temple of the living God?" The temple is made more clean as the mind is exalted. In case of heart trouble, we purify the consciousness by lifting it to the love of God, the pure. Where is our affection? How are we acting? We act according to our affections. We act according to our will. The will is the man. The will must be educated, turned toward the source of wisdom. The movement of the will is felt throughout the mind, as the whole body is moved by the blood. The love of heavenly things will change to the movement of the will. When the will is surrendered to the Divine it does right things. One of the causes of heart trouble is that of being smothered by the love and affections of others. One may be literally "loved to death". The natural man whose love is not yet raised has an element of fear in it. So fearful parents instill this fear into their children, and they come down with varying diseases. "Fear hath torment." Children are hurt this way. The Spirit is quenched. The Scriptures say: “Quench not the Spirit.” Love not governed by heavenly wisdom is full of fear. We need not be anxious about the child. Know who he is, and where he lives, in the Spirit. God will protect. Divine Understanding will direct. The natural man is too concerned. To relieve heart trouble, get back into your own consciousness and stand firm in the Truth. Stand in the midst of the one Mind, and the patient will receive his help. The heart will be increased in strength. The breath will change, and the heart action also.
For general treatment of a disease, treat for purity. The body is tired and weak when filled with foreign materials. Keep the channels clean. The arterial blood courses from the lungs. It is the purified blood, that which has been aerated. Man is as strong as his heart. "Give me thy heart." When the heart is inclined toward the Lord, wisdom will be given. "The feet will not slip when the heart is given wisdom.” Wisdom also gives graceful necks. When the heart and will are inclined toward wisdom they are purified. The movement of the heart determines the strength of the body. Leakage of the heart is caused by strain. The human will is forded too far. When the child is born with heart trouble it is prenatal. The mother has had a struggle with something weighting on her heart. Treat the mother and go beyond this separating the mother and child in the Spirit. Link the child with the Spirit. It is a child of God.
Angina pectoris is caused by forcing the love outward. They love their work too much, neglecting the home until this love cools - then they want to change. This cools the blood, and it hardens, poor circulation is due to lack of the vital principle. Love has been directed externally, seeking satisfaction from without. Anxiety and fear cause shortness of breath. They strive to know but seem not to attain.
Pericarditis is inflammation of the heart covering due to disappointment. Also often comes from curiosity to know things which do not elevate. The forces are scattered by scattering our interests. The lungs cause the bowels to move. They press the diaphragm which in turn presses the abdominal organs. Sighing comes after the strain. It is a sense of release. The lungs restoring balance.
HEALING PRACTICE — Lesson 12 — The Nose – H. B. Jeffrey (1934)
The nose corresponds to perception, more to the Truth in the abstract, while the eyes correspond to the perception in the particular. The nose discriminates as to the food and passes it on to the mouth and stomach in impulse before the bulk arrives. The nose sifts out the atmosphere, the air is a food. The nose warns the lungs as to the kind and quality of air. If the quality is good, the nose opens wide. If the air is stale or unfit, the nose contracts, and almost closes at the upper part. The nose has to do with the finer essences, while the mouth deals with the coarser foods. The nose receives the more volatile food. The air food is most vital to our well-being. We can do for a time without the coarser foods, but we can do only a matter of a minute or so without the air food. The food taken through the nostrils is more important than other foods. The nose is a correspondent to states of consciousness. Where the mind is on things above, the inner lining of the nose becomes very sensitive, sifting out the good air. It senses out the finer elements in the air. The lungs in their higher state of being are able to sift out finer states of being, just so with the nose. Where the mind is set on coarser things, the cartilages of the nose are hard, the mucous is heavy, and the linings thick. Certain forms of catarrh arise from this. If the mind is set on higher, finer things, the membranes are delicate, the mucous light and almost volatile. Forceful or willful people have a large nose. The sensitiveness and delicacy of the nose is governed by our affections. When our attention is fixed on heavenly things it is reflected in the nose. Those who have catarrh better treat for purification. People who are browsing around and curious about others and prying into their business are nosey. The curious mind is not necessarily an interested mind. It does not require a high mentality to gossip. Those who give themselves to gossip will lower their mentality, the brain becomes less vibrant. If the mind is set on things above, it is reflected in the nose.
The sense of the nose shows our ability to follow an idea. The outer nose is but an outpicturing of an inner body. The real body is not the body of flesh. The mind is the man, not the body. Our body is not the flesh. "I judge no man after the flesh. I judge after the inner man." Looking to this, Jesus was able to bring out the Real Man. Jesus must have had a very good nose for He could read the thoughts and intents of the heart.
The Liver
The liver is the largest gland in the body. It sifts out and purifies the blood, getting it ready for the heart to be sent again throughout the body. This has its correspondence in the mind. The liver has to do with Truth, the love of Truth, and the desire and will to put this Truth into practice. There are two lobes of the liver, which correspond to the love of knowing the Truth and putting it into use. It corresponds to that part of the mind that loves Truth. It is connected directly with the cerebrum. The liver sends four qualities of blood: one to the heart; one to the brain; one to the intestines; and one to the gall bladder. It throws into the intestines that which is of little or no use. What cannot be digested elsewhere is digested in the intestines, this corresponds to states of consciousness and departments of the mind. That which we cannot make any use of in the mind we cast it out. We have found Truth useful, so we lay hold of it. Often there is presented to us many facts which may or may not be true. The mind discriminates. The liver is very discriminative. The physicians are careful not to cut near the liver. This indicates the vital nature of the organ. There are people who say they want Truth, but they want if for selfish purposes, often for mercenary reasons. These people will have contracted livers. Regrets are reflected in the live. Regret for the past results in hardening of the liver. Physicians do not know what to do with this condition, so they say it is incurable. It is not so. If we take the admonition of Paul of forgetting the past, we can restore harmony. Self-willed people give rise to inharmony in the liver. The liver functions with all the parts of the body, so selfless people harmonize with others. The mind must know its relation with other beings. All of us should be interdependent, we are branches of the One Vine. The mind must know this. The spiritual sap flows through all. There must be a Unity with the whole race. The liver imparts warmth to the heart. In the liver there is a vital principle brought into play. The liver takes up its motion from the lungs, and the lungs takes its vitality from the air. We must do away with our littleness and narrowness. By resentment we only stifle our good, he must take Truth for what it is, dropping all prejudices. This the liver does physiologically. The mind normally works this way. If we want to know Truth, to use Truth, the liver will be strong and healthy. Love God with your liver as well as with the heart. Love Truth.
The Brain
The brain is the general organ of consciousness. Its circuits run throughout the body. The gray matter of the brain is through the nervous system. Generally speaking, the head represents the capacity to know God. The brain is the office of intelligence. Consciousness uses the brain. Consciousness extends throughout the whole being. We do not think entirely with the brain, neither do we feel entirely with the brain. People who lose the use of certain faculties, often develop other faculties to compensate. For example, blind people may develop little brains at their fingertips. The brain impulses come from within and from without. It is an organ of harmony. "The breath of the Almighty giveth man understanding." When one looks with the eye of the mind, he develops true judgment. He can properly understand and harmonize the within and the without. See, hear, feel and sense with our understanding. The brain corresponds to understanding. That which is good and true. Unless we have the inner Light, we have really not seen nor understood. The brain is an organ of the affections. The will is born out of the affections. The brain controls and is master of the whole organism. The impulses of the brain, go to every part of the body. It interprets the sensations and often causes us to act subconsciously. There are subsidiary brains which have been disciplined by the main brain, so that they, in many cases, act almost involuntarily. We do things intuitively. The brain is the general supervisor of the body. The brain is the organ of consciousness. The Spirit is the Real ‘Body. "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he." The inner Self is the Real Self, the only living Self.
Transcribed by Ed Gwozda on August 23, 2022.