This tract is important because it illustrates an important influence on Charles Fillmore as he responded to inquiries about the ethics of war and the ethics of participating in war. This is discussed in James Teener's 1939 dissertation, chapter 3, pages 71-73.

based on the writing of
Frederick L. Rawson
London, Dec. 14 — Shellproof and bulletproof soldiers have been discovered on the European battle fronts!
Heroes with "charmed lives" are being made every day, according to Frederick L. Rawson, a London scientist, who insists he has found the miraculous way by which they are developed. He calls it "audible treatment." "Practical utilization of the powers of God by right thinking," is the agency through which Dr. Rawson declares he can so treat a man that he will not be harmed when hundreds of men are being shot dead beside him. This amazing treatment includes a new type of prayer. It is being administered to hundreds of men audibly, and to hundreds more by letter. Nothing since the war began has aroused so much talk of modern miracles as have many of the statements of Dr. Rawson.
In one case, he said, a whole regiment was given the prayer treatment for an hour before being rushed to a struggle on "No man's Land." In the fiercest possible encounter not one man was knocked out.
An officer reported that his regiment was eight weeks under fire without a man being touched, while other regiments were losing men daily.
"All the other officers have been killed. I am the only one left," is another report from the front. "Men were mown down like corn under a scythe, yet I came out when everybody else went under," is included in the contents of another letter which Dr. Rawson announces he has received. To these strange, most astounding reports, is the further statement, "Causes the nonbursting of an immense number of shells. It even dematerial-izes bullets."
Dr. Rawson gave a demonstration of his method to a newspaper reporter the other day. Fixing his gaze, as though looking into space, he apparently became absorbed in deep contemplation and said aloud: "There is no danger; man is surrounded by divine love; there is no matter; all is spirit and the manifestation of spirit."
The treatment is the complete negation of all tangibility. In the interview Dr. Rawson produced many letters he says he has just received, which are full of most astounding reports. Some of the most startling incidents have been specially selected for reproduction.
"Perhaps one of the best proofs of the results is that I have over two hundred cases a week," Dr. Rawson said, "and over one hundred assistants. Each week I have two or three 'hopeless cases.' I have just received this note: A relative of a man who had an amputation, telephoned from the hospital requesting immediate treatment, as the patient was given only one hour to live. That was last Friday. One treatment was sufficient, and he is now doing well.
"Capt. ________ will be here tomorrow. At the taking of a wood there were five hundred yards of 'No Man's Land' to be crossed. Our troops could not get across. Then Capt. ________, who practices this method of prayer, treated them for an hour before they started, and not a man was knocked out. He was the only officer left out of eighty in his brigade. He simply held on to the fact that man is spiritual and perfect and could not be touched. A bullet fired from a revolver only five yards away hit him over the chest, tore his shirt and went out at the shoulder. But it never penetrated his chest. He was frequently in a hail of shells and bullets which did not touch him."
Dr. Rawson referred to a letter from Col. McGregor at the front. He had his regiment eight weeks under shell fire without a man being touched, when all the other regiments were losing men daily. He since has been promoted direct from captain to lieutenant colonel for his work on this occasion, a most exceptional thing. Dr. Rawson then said, "Read this letter," and showed the interviewer a letter from the mother of a man at the front, giving a copy of a letter from him as follows: "Have just come out of the 'big push' without a scratch, quite safe and sound. All the other fellows in my company were killed or wounded. I am the only one left. The _______ took all before them and pushed the enemy soldiers [editor's note: disparaging terms for German soldiers in the original editon have been replaced] back for miles. We suffered heavy casualties, but my life seemed to be charmed: shrapnel and bullets whizzed all around me, but did not seem to find a home in my body."
"Now read this," and he handed across a second letter, lately received, in which the same officer writes as follows: "We were absolutely surrounded by enemy soldiers, and in order not to get taken prisoners we had to make a dash for it under cover of darkness, amidst a veritable hail of lead. Hell on earth isn't the word for it. Anyhow, we have finished for a bit now, as the brigade no longer exists, to all practical purposes. Our men were mown down like corn under a scythe and yet we pushed the enemy out of it. I am still dazed, and don't know what really happened. Four days and nights without sleep, and no food could be got to us. When we came out of it we were like raving lunatics. I can't say more because it makes me ill when I think of the lads that went under. Only two officers came out unhurt, a captain and I. You and I know the reason why I got through when everybody else went under."
"The nonbursting of shells around me was so remarkable," said the colonel, "that a report was made of it." The colonel mentioned various other illustrations of protection of himself and men, describing a special piece of work at Loos for which he received the D. S. P. treatment. The colonel, however, admitted failure on one occasion. "I lost half my kit and could not get it back again," he said.
"Col. McGregor has been in command of about five regiments since he has been at the front," said Dr. Rawson, "and wherever he goes his men are protected. Another never had a man touched during the eighteen months he has been at the front. You can protect men there as you can protect them here."
While the reporter was in the office, two military officers visited Dr. Rawson to relate their experiences. The first was Lieutenant Colonel B______, of a famous Midland regiment, the same who was promoted direct from captain to lieutenant colonel. He "treated" for himself while at the front; he returned to London after short leave, and testified to extraordinary results. His battalion was under fire in the front support trenches for eight weeks continuously and during that period not a man was touched. He himself was wounded in the left shoulder. The bullet entered by the collar bone, but when the doctors examined him, though there was no trace of the bullet having passed through and out, no bullet was to be found. Lieut. Col. B________ is of the opinion that it was dematerialized by "treatment."
The other officer was Capt. N________, acting in command of his battalion who had a similar tale of hairbreadth escapes. Once he was in a railway smash and though his car was telescoped, he got out without a scratch.
A naval airman, whose name is known to every Englishman, was lying seriously injured in a hospital. A friend of his telephoned for "treatment." A day or two ago she wrote to Dr. Rawson: "He was lying in a critical condition when I telephoned. He was certainly better by evening and the wound did not bleed again."
Perhaps even more remarkable in its way, is the testimony of H. J. S. Snell, of London to Dr. Rawson's power over a two-horsepower oil engine which suddenly failed to act. Dr. Rawson was told of the difficulty. Going a little apart, he came back in a few minutes and said: "That engine is all right now and will work satisfactorily." And without any further difficulty it did.
Mr. Snell says he was cured by Dr. Rawson of gout, rheumatism, sciatica, neuritis and heart disease of long standing, and also reduced his weight.
In explaining why his method differs from that of other so-called mental cures Dr. Rawson added: "Nearly all the other kinds of practitioners think of the spiritual reality of the man. I don't; I think of the perfection of God and of Heaven, without thinking of the patient at all in any way."
"You suggest that miracles can be done as in New Testament times?"
"Absolutely, and in the same way."
"Raising from the dead?"
"Yes. Before twelve months are out you will see that done. In about twelve months' time. "Why twelve months?"
"Because by that time the whole world will know the effect of thought. Everyone is recognizing that every thought a man thinks has an effect for good or evil. When you think good you must not think so-called good. If you have a headache, don't think a lie — that you have no headache — but think of absolute good, which is of God and of Heaven.
"Heaven is not a future state. It is a perfect state of consciousness and, mathematically, is a world of four dimensions, of which we see three and see them all wrongly."
"And it brings prosperity as well?"
"Oh, yes! If you think rightly you will never be in want."
"That will commend itself to a lot of people."
"The beauty of it all is that you needn't believe a word I say. You can prove it yourself."
Tbe verity of cases submitted for treatment is in some respects one of the most interesting features of Dr. Rawson's work. He has complete confidence in the efficacy of treatment, a confidence born of success, though admits that he is not successful in every case. When he fails he applies himself scientifically to seeking the cause of his failure.
— From the Boston Post, sent in by S. M. Lee, Uplands, Fleminglon, N.J.
Since the foregoing article appeared in the columns of "Weekly Unity," a periodical that is devoted to scientific thinking and living, many calls have come to us to publish it as a pamphlet, so we are issuing it in this inexpensive form that it might have a wider circulation. We are informed that it has been published extensively throughout Europe, where it has caused thousands to investigate spiritual healing.
On the following pages we are mentioning other literature that explains the principles of spiritual and scientific healing. We call your especial attention to "A Truth Student With the Soldiers," a very timely book that is answering many questions regarding the protection of soldiers in this present world crisis.
Tenth and Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri
The author of this book was in Europe at the outbreak of this world war, surrounded by tumult and disaster. In the midst of millions of terrified people she proved the power of God in most practical ways. Her experiences are related in this book.
The Trench edition of "A Truth Stuent with the Soldiers" is almost an "indestructible book." Within the covers of Khaki binding, in which no glue has been used, the book is found printed on a heavy bond paper which will be little affected by water. Having withstood the practical test of being soaked in water, we know the soldier boys will find the book very serviceable.
This little book has been designed to fit conveniently in the soldier's pocket. In a khaki binding that is in keeping with military trappings, this book sells for $1.00.
Another edition of this book has been printed on eggshell book paper and bound in a paper cover. This edition is not waterproof. Price, 50 cents a copy.
Tenth and Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri
A limited number of our two standard textbooks, "Christian Healing" and "Lessons in Truth," have been bound expressly for the soldier boys. This special edition has been printed on a very thin bond paper so the books would be light in weight and small enough to 6t in a soldier's pocket. The type, however, is large and easy to read.
The binding is the same as the trench edition of "A Truth Student with the Soldiers." No glue or paste will be found in the cover. The durable binding is practical and serviceable for the rough handling which the books are destined to meet. When ordering this binding do not confuse it with the various other editions. We shall call it "Trench Edition." Price for "Christian Healing," $1.50; "Lessons in Truth," $1.50.
Other bindings of these two textbooks are as follows:
"Christian Healing," paper cover, 75 cents; cloth binding, $1.50; limp binding pocket edition), $2.50.
"Lessons in Truth," paper cover, 50 cents; cloth binding, $1.00; limp binding (pocket edition), $2.50.
Tenth and Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri