Sheffield, England — I was expecting help from you, and when I read your letter assuring me of God's help, and the statement, "I can do all things in him that strengtheneth me," I was deeply impressed. I can see now that many of my dreams indicated a lack of order and stability; since cooperating with you daily in prayer, I am delighted to notice myself taking on a more stable frame of mind. — J. W. D.
Centralia, Mo. — I am grateful for the divine wisdom that prompted me to write you about my dreams and visions. I am grateful for the interpretation of the dreams sent from the Father within me. In a time of need a great temptation came to me, but a vision saved me. — M. L.
Evansville, Ind. — Your letter giving the interpretation of my dreams was received this morning. In my periods of meditation I had dimly perceived some of the lessons, although I could not have expressed what I felt. When I had read your interpretation I found that some points which I had cleared up in my own mind coincided with your interpretation. Spirit is making plain the things or messages that I should know. I thank you. The inclosed love offering is given with very much love for you and your wonderfully helpful work. — A. B. S.
Seattle, Wash. — I want particularly to thank and bless some one in the Inner Vision department. I felt her letter of love before I opened it. — J. P.
Brooklyn, N. Y. — Two years ago you gave me a wonderful interpretation of a dream. The dream came true, as you interpreted it. I have gained greater spiritual power, for which I am grateful to the infinite Spirit. — E. H. S.
Minneapolis, Minn. — God bless you for your splendid interpretation of my dream. It has helped me more than I am able to tell you. I have followed your advice as nearly as I knew how. I have had many splendid realizations from the deeper silences, far beyond anything that I had had before. I now can truly say that I know that "It is the spirit that giveth life" (John 6:33). — J. M.