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Ed Rabel-Gospel Mysteries 3

This talk was given by Ed Rabel on August 16, 1993.


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God’s living spirit of truth. Together. I am open and accepting of to God’s living spirit of truth. And Father, we are grateful. Amen.

Friends, as we go along, I want to remind you that many of the things I will bring up as mysteries in the Gospels and questions, unanswered questions in the Gospel, I’m very much aware that through the centuries, organized religion has come in their church presentations with what they call solutions to what I am giving you as mystery.

Also, many of them have come up with what they call the codified, or accepted, answers to certain questions that I will bring up as unanswered questions. And many people, especially in the Christian religion, have grown up in these religions and are convinced that what their churches have been telling them are the solutions to the mysteries just because this church I belong to said so.

I mean, Billy Graham knows all the answers, except he doesn’t know anything—except how to quote literally, from the Bible. Also, these questions that I will be throwing at you, many churches claim to have the answers. But are they answers or are they opinions? You see, if these solutions and these answers were verified in the Gospels, then I would present them as solutions and answers. But they are not verified in the Gospels, only in the churches’ statements about the Gospels. So, I hope I’ve made that clear.

Now, one of the questions, one of the mysteries we’ll start off with today, many churches claim they can tell you the answer to it. I can’t. I say, “Why did Jesus do this?” And there’s no answer in the Gospel. Only a report of what He did, not why did He do it. Am I making this clear? You’ll know better after I finish reading this. In the Gospel, there’s no mention made of, “Why did He do this crazy thing?” Only a report on a crazy thing He did. So, it’s a mystery.

Mark 5—Why does Jesus give the unclean spirit permission to enter into the swine?

This is found in all three of the synoptic Gospels. I will read to you the Mark version. You know, the synoptic Gospels are Mark, Matthew, and Luke. John is not a synoptic Gospel. John is a symbolic Gospel. But the other three are what they call, what did I say? Synoptic, right. They are biographies of Jesus. The Gospel of John is not really a biography. It’s more of a system of symbolic and mystical concepts concerning Jesus.

Now, in Mark 5, beginning with the eighth verse, Jesus is approaching a man who is suffering from demonic possession. Now, you’ll notice something peculiar. In every part of the Gospels that talks about casting out of demons, in each case, there is only one demon possessing the human being. One evil spirit, one unclean spirit. But when the demon or the unclean spirit speaks to Jesus, it refers to itself in the plural, “We, us, we.” But it’s still just one critter talking. So, that’s a mystery too, isn’t it? Why would this single entity speak of itself in plural pronouns? Do you know the answer? I don’t. It’s a what? It’s a mystery, right.

And so, Jesus is approaching this man. And it says that,

“The unclean spirit cried out with a loud voice, ‘What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the most high God? I adjure thee, by God. Torment me not.’ But Jesus said unto him, ‘Come forth, thou unclean spirit, out of the man.’ Then He asked him, ‘What is thy name?’ And he saith unto him, ‘My name is Legion, for we are many.’”

Did you get that? It’s a single entity talking for what? Talking like a group. “My name is Legion, for we are many,” right.

“And he besought Jesus much that He would not send them away, out of the country. Now, there was there on the mountainside, a great herd of swine feeding. And they besought Jesus, saying, ‘Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them.’ And Jesus gave them permission. And the unclean spirits came out and entered into the swine. And the herd rushed down the steep into the sea in number about 2,000. And they were drowned in the sea.”

Can you guess what my mystery is, my question? No? Does it all make perfect sense to you? Knowing Jesus as you do? Why does Jesus give the unclean spirit permission to enter into the swine, which resulted in their drowning? In all other cases, when He casts out demons from people, He just cast them out, period. And they become harmless. Neutralized. But why, in this case, does He give these demons permission to infect this 2,000 herd of swine and drowns them? See, there’s no explanation given as to why Jesus permitted that. It’s not like Jesus. Jesus didn’t hate pigs. Even I don’t hate pigs. And I would not send demons that I can cast out and get rid of into a herd of poor little animals so that they would drown.

We can’t answer the question, “Why did He do it?” because the answer is not given where? In the Bible. It might be in Billy Graham, but it’s not in the Bible. And so, any answer given would have to be assumption, opinion. Can you see that this same mystery might apply to the withering of the fig tree? Do you all remember that story? What did the poor fig tree do to cause Jesus to curse it and it withered the next day? When it wasn’t even the right season for the figs to be brought forth in the tree? So, you have two examples there of mysteries of why Jesus did something harmful, first to vegetable life, and then to animal life.

I hope you can see why I’m calling this mystery and unanswered questions. Very interesting, but frustrating. I wouldn’t have done it. I would not have sent those demons into those swine. And I would not have cursed that poor innocent fig tree, because sooner or later it’s gonna bloom. And I love figs. So, there you go.

Mark 5—“And He commanded that something should be given her to eat.”—Why?

All right. Jesus did a lot of healing, a lot of healing, a lot of people. He did a lot of casting out of demons. But He did not do a lot of raising of the dead. And again, the Gospels contain no information about the details of that. Were these people really dead? Had they really expired? Did Jesus actually bring them back from legitimate death, or were they only in a what? Coma. Or inert or unconscious. We’re not told those details. All we are told is, they were supposed to be dead. Right? And that Jesus comes on the scene, and by sharing the power of His consciousness, is able to restore a corpse to be no longer a corpse. And if it wasn’t a corpse, if it was a moribund or a coma patient, but He’d bring them back to life, to me, that’s a miracle.

Friends, if I could walk into a hospital room, the patient is in a coma, is a vegetable, in a coma, and if I am able to bring that patient back to life, I call that raising from the dead. See?

Now, He does this in an incident where He is surrounded by a crowd, such a big crowd, that there is a woman who had been suffering from a hemorrhage, a severe hemorrhage for many, many years, and not getting any better. So, I would imagine this was a very thin woman, wouldn’t you think? Very frail and thin, from all that loss of blood. And there’s this crowd, and she knows that she’s not gonna be able to receive much attention from Jesus, being so small and such a big crowd. But, she says to herself, “If I can somehow get in there and even touch the hem of His garment, I shall be healed.” Now, right there, who healed that woman? Right there? She did. She became her own healer. But, she needed this outer demonstration for justification.

So, being so tiny and slim, she could sneak through that crowd. I’ve done it. She got through. But, she didn’t do what I would have done if I was in her case. What I would’ve done, I would have run toward Him and taken a flying tackle and pinned Him to the ground and say, “You ain’t gettin’ up, Mister, until I’m healed.” But, she didn’t do that. She just got in there and she touched the hem of His garment. And He knew it. He knew it immediately, because He could read into people, friends. He knew what had happened without even, yeah. And so, she was healed.

But, just before that, He was approached by some friends of the family of a very important man named Jairus. And Jairus had a little daughter, 12-year-old daughter who was dying, and seriously ill. And they couldn’t do anything for her. And Jesus said that He couldn’t leave right there, because of this crowd. But, He kept that in His mind. And he said, at that time, when they first asked Him, He said, “The child is not dead, she sleepeth.” So, He went and did whatever He had to. Then after this woman was healed, it seems He was able to get away from the crowd and go to the house of Jairus where the little girl was. But, meanwhile, she had died. And, let’s read this, and then I’ll ask you the question.

“He goeth in where the child was, and taking the child by the hand, He said unto her, ‘Talitha cumi,” which is being interpreted, “damsel.” (Mark 5:41)

You know, I love that word, damsel, but you never hear it. You know what a damsel is, a young girl. And it used to be a very popular word in spoken English, damsel. But now, you don’t ever hear it. Hey, you guys start using it, and I’ll use it, and maybe it’ll come into the language again. All right. Which means damsel.

“I say unto the, arise, and straightway, the damsel rose up and walked. She was 12 years old. And they were amazed with a great amazement. But He charged them much, that no man should know this.”

Now, here’s my mystery, my question. Why, after Jesus produces this unbelievably wonderful miracle, why is His only comment about this, this? “And He commanded that something should be given her to eat.” That’s the end. What if you were in that role, and first of all, the hem of your garment had just healed a woman in terrible shape? Well, that’s wonderful. Then you’re told that the little girl of this very important man has died. And still, you come to the house. You walk through a room full of mourners, and you go into the back room where the little girl’s corpse is. And you are accompanied by her two parents.

Now, you can imagine the state of the two parents, can’t you? Try to. Their little girl has just died and the house is full of mourners. And here comes this guy who’s supposed to be able to heal, but He’s too late. And He comes up, and all He does is say, “Damsel, arise.” Reaches out His hand, she takes His hand, she gets up. She’s well. She’s alive.

Now, would you, would I, would the only thing we have to say after doing this, “Give the kid something to eat”? Come on, use your imagination. You would do what I would do, and don’t kid yourself. You would say to these parents, “Do you see what I just did? Didn’t I tell you that I could heal the sick and raise the dead? Where’s my love offering?” I’d make a big scene about it. Call attention to myself. I’m human, and human nature is like that. But here we have this magnifico, this super, super, magnifico, who has just done a magnificent thing. And all He cares about is, the kid get something to eat.

Now, friends, that tells me more about the real Jesus Christ than all of the Billy Graham ballyhoo about, “Jesus is God.” “Jesus died on the cross.” That stuff is, to me, that’s malarkey. But, a Jesus who heals a child who was in a state of death, returns her to his parents, and all He cares about is, the kid’s hungry. Does that tell you something about the real Jesus? Not the ridiculous image that the churches are painting Him as being, but the real Son of God that He was in human life. “Give the little girl something to eat.” Oh, well.

Mark 6—Why were the fellow townspeople of Jesus so angry and offended that He had such wisdom and power?

Okay, now we have another mystery. Jesus now, has become famous. He was a small-town boy made good. His reputation was all over that part of the country. In fact, His reputation was so vast that He posed a threat to the religious establishment of His time, of that religion. Now, that is easy to understand why the religious authorities would be threatened by Him. Do you understand? The man was overshadowing them. The man was superseding all of their religious teachings. So, it’s very easy to understand their resentment of Him and their hostility toward Him.

But here’s something I can’t understand. When He goes back to His own hometown, famous, celebrated, they should have been delighted to see Him. Wouldn’t you think? Proud of Him. Supportive of Him all the way. Now, the mystery is, just the opposite happened. Let me read to you. Let’s read the Mark version, Mark 6. [TruthUnity note: Ed is confused. He is reading from Mark 6] Now, He’s in His own hometown, among the neighbors and friends He grew up with, okay? Now, it says,

“Then when the Sabbath was come, He began to teach in the synagogue, and many hearing Him were astonished, saying, ‘Whence hath this man these things? And what is this wisdom, which is given unto this man? And what means such mighty works brought by His hands? Is this not the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James and Joseph and Judas and Simon? And are not His sisters here with Him?’ And they were offended of Him.”

Can you imagine? Not proud of Him, but what? Offended of Him. They were angry, they were resentful.

“And Jesus said unto them, ‘A prophet is not with honor, except in his own country.’ And He could there not do mighty works, except that He laid His hands upon a few sick and healed them.”

Now, and every other place it says He healed them what? All. But in His own hometown, He could only heal a few. Now, let me read to you the Matthew version of this. Same thing, Matthew 13.

“And He taught them in the synagogue and they were astonished and said, ‘Whence hath this man this wisdom and these mighty works? Is this not the carpenter’s son? Is not His mother called Mary? And His brethren James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? And His sisters? And are they all not here with us? Whence then, hath this man all these things? And they were offended of Him.’ And Jesus said unto them, ‘A prophet is not without honor except in his own country, and his own house.’ And He did not many mighty works there, because of their unbelief.”

This is the only record of any failure in the healing ministry of Jesus, in His own hometown. And not because He failed, but they failed. Did you get that? Now, my question is, why were these fellow townspeople of Jesus so angry and offended that He had such wisdom and power? Why weren’t they glad? Mystery, isn’t it? It’s a question, and we don’t have the answer, except that perhaps, the answer could be stated in reference, contrariness in human nature.

Many times, human nature reacts by being angry and offended about the very things they should be proud and grateful for, see? How dare you be smarter than me when you never went to school, and my parents spent a fortune on sending me to school? Human nature. What I ought to say is, “I’m so glad you were able to be educated without making your parents go broke like I did.” But there again, they were angry because He had not gone to school.

In another place, they say, again, the same situation, they said, “How knoweth this man letters?” (John 7:15) In other words, He could read and write. “How knoweth this man letters?” never having learned. In other words, they knew that He had never gone where? To school. But He could read and write. And most of them couldn’t. And so, they were what? Offended, and angry.

Now, I know, these theories going around that Jesus went to Tibet, or He went to a mystery school here or there. And these statements have been made by people who claim they know it as proven truth. Nobody knows, folks. Nobody knows where Jesus got His, there’s not a word of it in the Gospel. All that we’re told in the Gospel is, He grew up normally. But, He grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and with man.

Now, Charles Fillmore, for years and years and years, wrote about Jesus and taught about Jesus in the very conventional way, the way most Orthodox teachers and ministers talk about Jesus. That is, either He was born the Son of God, God come down to earth, or that He acquired Christ consciousness while He was incarnated for those 30-some years. That is the most popular theory, that Jesus was born an ordinary mortal, and reached a level of consciousness while He was in that incarnation, and finally, touched Christ consciousness. Well, that couldn’t be, folks. It just couldn’t be. But however, Mr. Fillmore, for years and years, did lean toward that.

But, as Mr. Fillmore grew older, he seemed to receive more and more light and depth in his understanding. He could view things that in a way differed from the way he did when he was young and ambitious. Now, he was no longer young, he was immortal. And he was not ambitious. He didn’t need ambition. He didn’t need it anymore. But he had time to do more meditation and prayer work. And his intuition and his super-consciousness became intensified. And in the last few years of his life, he received revelations different from what he had been sharing in his younger years.

And one of the most important was concerning Jesus. His relationship to Jesus took a quantum leap. And he understood many things about Jesus, which you will not find in any published books.

This was what he said about Jesus and the fact that Jesus did not have to go to school to have all that knowledge. And that Jesus was not an ordinary mortal born and grew up and got the Christ consciousness. This is what he realized, that Jesus was a fourth-dimensional meeting. Jesus had attained fourth-dimensional consciousness in a life wave prior to the one in which He did His Messianic work.

Did you hear what I’m saying? We are a life wave. All human beings on this planet are a life wave. And we are on an evolutionary journey. Are you with me? And we are evolving from three-dimensional physicality. We are evolving toward fourth-dimensional transcendency. The kingdom of earth into the kingdom of Heaven. Three-dimensional limitation into fourth-dimensional freedom. Are you with me? But, we are not the only life wave that ever was or will be. There will be life waves succeeding us who will have to go through third-dimension experience. And there are life waves which have preceded us, who have gone through the third-dimensional experience and are now in fourth-dimensional transcendency.

And every once in a while, under certain conditions, the life wave in three-dimensional physicality is in great danger of getting stuck. Because, their religion is all about preserving the status quo. Ancestor worship, tradition worship, calling God a mechanical cause and effect. An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. Now, that stage is okay. Every life wave has to go through that stage.

But, if they get stuck there, they have status quo. But they don’t have what? What? If you’re preserving the old tradition, and you are worshiping ancestors, and you’re worshiping mechanical cause and effect, you can survive, but you can’t grow. You get stuck. And life waves are not meant to get stuck. They are meant to continue to evolve. And so, when life waves get stuck, especially in their religious thinking, Divine Mind sends what is known as Messiah, Savior.

And so, the soul who accepts that role will come back to where it has already graduated. Jesus keeps saying, “I was sent. I was sent. The Father sent me. You are from beneath. I am from above.” You see? So, a Messiah is a being who returns to a level from which it has transcended. A Messiah cannot be the product of the level on which it is to do its work. It has to come from a level higher than that in which it is sent to do its work. You can have holy men. You can have avatars. You can have saints who come from the same level where the problems exist. But Messiah can only come from a level higher than the level where the problem exists.

That’s right. Jesus didn’t gain Christ consciousness on this level. He brought Christ consciousness to this level. And Mr. Fillmore was very sure about this. He was very, very positive about this. That Jesus is an example of a true Messiah, that is, a soul that had already overcome this third [dimensional consciousness] and was now in fourth-dimensional kingdom of heaven level, but consented to come back and do a Messiah job by sharing His consciousness with our race consciousness. And He did it perfectly.

Otherwise, why would He keep saying, “I was sent. I was sent. I was sent”? Why would He say to people, “You are from beneath,” that is, “you’ve come up to where you are now. I have come back to where I used to be”?

And I love a phrase Mr. Fillmore used in class once. It never got published in his books. And in a way, I’m glad it didn’t get published, ‘cause I think a lot of readers would’ve fainted when they read it. Or thrown a fit. He said, “in a sense, Jesus incarnated from the future.” He incarnated from the future. He is from above. We are all from—do you understand, friend?

We have all risen to where we now are from where we have been. Upward, from below. Jesus came back to where He used to be from above, higher level of consciousness, a Christ consciousness. And He gave it all to our race consciousness. How? In His words. His words. His teachings. Jesus lives in His words. Jesus is not in a physical body on this level. But Jesus is with us how often? Always. “I am with you alway.” But how is He with this? Not in a body. But He lives in His what? In His words, His teachings. “My words are spirit and they are life.” He lives in His words. The second coming of Jesus is now, in the form of His words. And we are the congregation of the second coming of Jesus Christ. When and where? Here and now. Right.

John 6—Why was Jesus concerned that all the leftovers of the loaves and fishes be gathered up and conserved?

Okay, let’s take another look. One of the most spectacular works performed by Jesus is in many ways, very unusual, because all four Gospels record it. Now, that’s very unusual. Usually, only one or two, sometimes three, of the synoptic Gospels will report the same miracle. But only, I think, twice, do all four Gospels, including John, report the miracle. And this is one of the times. And this is His multiplying the loaves and the fishes to feed the multitude of over 5,000 people. Most of you already know that incident. He starts off with an initial supply of how many loaves? How many fishes? Five loaves, two fishes.

But, out there is a crowd of over 5,000 people who’ve listening to Him for hours. And they’re hungry. And He realizes they’re hungry. And so, He asks that the available supply, the seed supply, be brought to Him, which it is. And it’s five loaves and two fishes. And then He lifts up His eyes, looks up to Heaven, puts His hands on the supply, gives thanks in advance, and begins breaking, piece by piece, the loaves and the fishes. And the disciples and others come up and get the supply and distributed through all the crowd. Everybody’s fed.

But, here’s my question. Though, that’s a mystery. But, we’ll not deal with that. But, here’s my question. After this wonderful miracle, with all these thousands of people witnessing it, all four Gospels recording it, everybody getting a free meal out of it, wonderful. But this is the part that I have a question about. This is the version found in John 6. It says that,

“And having given thanks, distributed to them that were sit down, likewise also the fishes as much as they would, and when they were filled, He saith unto His disciples, ‘Gather up the broken pieces, which remain over, that nothing be lost.’ So, they gathered them up and filled 12 baskets with broken pieces from the five barley loaves, which remained over onto them that had eaten.”

My question is, what is the symbolic meaning of Jesus, sorry, why was Jesus so concerned and so definite in His concern that all the leftovers of the loaves and fishes be gathered up and conserved? See, that’s not explained. Why would He be so concerned about that? I mean, look, He’s just fed over, there were only 5,000 adult males, because the women and children were not included in the census. So, there could have been 10,000 people there, couldn’t there have been? If you count the women and children, there’s a possibility. And here, in front of all their eyes, He demonstrates this multiplying of the loaves and fishes.

Now, I’d have gone home quite satisfied, if I had done it. But no, He doesn’t go home quite satisfied. He’s concerned about bits and pieces left over. He says, “Gather up the broken pieces, which remain over, that nothing be lost.” Here again, we’re not told why He was so concerned. I’m sure the reason He was concerned would be very interesting to know, but we’re not told. Obviously though, it had something to do with Jesus understanding the law of increase of good, but not wastefulness.

Do you understand? That if you really know the law of increase of good and supply, you probably, also know that if you become careless with that law, that you might lose the power. Wouldn’t you say? How about people who get spectacularly healed? Wonderful. Wonderful. “I’m an overcomer, I’m an overcomer.” Then they get careless and wasteful in their treatments of their healed bodies. Come on, folks. That can happen, can’t it? And can’t you see that if you become wasteful and careless about a body that’s been wonderfully healed, you might lose the healing blessing.

And so, I think that Jesus was concerned about, “All right. So, these are just bits and pieces of bread and fish, but they came from the Father. And so, they must not be wasted.” So, He had them gather up and there were the 12 baskets. Do you think that number 12 is accidental? Remember what 12 always symbolizes in the Bible. 12 divine ideas, the essential 12 powers of man. The bread come down from Heaven, the fish come down from Heaven.

John 6—Did Jesus see only the good?

All right. Where were we? I have often heard certain teachers and truth students say that, “Well, Jesus saw only the good. And Jesus taught and proved that everything is good.” Well, when I first came in to Unity and I heard certain of my fellow truth students say that, I assumed, “They know more than I do.” That they were in Unity before me. They must have studied the Bible, because all Unity students study the Bible thoroughly, don’t they? And they all know everything that’s in the Bible.

Well, I believed that. And I even heard a couple of times a teacher say that when I was going, “The secret of Jesus’ power is that He saw only the good, and He spoke only of the good, and He taught that everything is good. And we’ve got to do the same.” I fell for that. And so, I almost became an absolutist. Almost. Not quite. Because, then I joined a Bible class, Bible Interpretation, New Testament, taught by Elizabeth Sand Turner. Elizabeth Sand Turner is the author of the two best Unity books on the Bible, “Let There Be Light,” and “Your Hope of Glory.”

I was fortunate enough to be in her classes when she was teaching New Testament interpretation for the ministerial students here at Unity School for one summer. And, I loved her classes. She never went out into left field, she never became absolutism. She had a common-sense, clear vision of the Bible. And she knew her metaphysical symbols. She had read the metaphysical Bible dictionary many times, and so, she knew the meaning of all the important symbols. And her class, to me, was like a breath of fresh air.

And we came to the section that I’m going to read with you, which probably will be our last mystery for today. And she said, “Now, I know that many of you have been programmed with the idea that Jesus saw only the good, that Jesus acknowledged only the good, and taught that every thing is good.” She said, “I know, many of you have been taught that.” She said, “but I want to know, how many of you have your doubts about that?” And I raised my hand. And I was the only one that raised my hand. And she said, “Well, I’m glad to see at least one hand in this joint go up.”

And she said, “That’s wrong. That is an incorrect teaching. Jesus did not see only the good, talk only about the good, and call everything good. Jesus only worshipped the spirit of absolute good. The principle of absolute good was Jesus, God, and that was the God Jesus worshiped. Jesus did not worship anything existing in this world. Are you hearing me, folks, or not? Do you hear me? That Jesus did not worship anything existing in this world, nothing. He worshipped only the principal of absolute good spirit, whom He called Father.

Now, what about, well, but, but He saw only, no, listen to this. In Mark 7, and after I read this, I want you to tell me, did Jesus see only the good and acknowledge only the good and call everything good? Listen. In Mark 7, “And He saith unto them, are you so without understanding also? Perceive ye not that whatsoever from without goeth in.”

Oh, by the way, the reason He’s saying this is, His disciples failed to wash their hands when they ate. And that’s against Jewish law. Jewish law, back then at least. And they didn’t have knives and forks back then. That anything you eat, before you eat, you must wash your hands. Otherwise, you defile yourself. And so, Jesus was told, “You must make your disciples wash their hands.” And Jesus said, “No,” He wouldn’t.

And then He goes on, “Perceive ye not that whatsoever from without goeth into the man, it cannot defile him. Because it goeth not into his heart, but into his belly. This,” He said, “making all meat clean.” Now, then He said,

“That which proceedeth out of the man, that defileth the man. For, from within, out of the heart of man, evil thoughts proceed. Fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries, covetings, wickednesses, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, railing, pride, foolishness, all these evil things proceed from within and defile the man.”

So, did Jesus see only the good? Well, did He? What have I just read to you? I’ve read to you 12 evil things that Jesus sees people doing. And He judges it. Listen to the Matthew version of that same passage. He says,

“Are ye also yet, without understanding? Perceive ye not that whatsoever go with into the mouth passeth into the belly and is cast out into the draft. But, the things which proceed out of the mouth come forth out of the heart, and they defile the man. For, out of the heart come forth evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, railing. These are the things which defile the man. But to eat with unwashed hands defileth not the man.” (Matt. 15:17)

So, Jesus good and the bad in human nature. And He knew that in this world, there were too many wrong things going on. And that needed to be what? Changed. Needed to be coped with and changed. But, He didn’t go around seeing only the good. He went around worshiping only the good. And depending on only the good.

All right, friends. Our time is up. And, I’ll see you again tomorrow. Aren’t you glad you don’t have ...