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Series 1 - Lesson 5 - Annotation 18

Series 1 - Lesson 5 - Annotation 18

Why is it important that an overcomer identify himself only with the highest?

18. To identify is to make to be the same. Each one becomes like that with which he identifies himself. Many sad experiences are the result of a mixed identification. It occasions moments of peace, joy, and power as well as moments of sorrow and disappointment. To have experiences only of the God nature means dominion and life abundant. Man can be transformed only by beholding the pattern that from the beginning has been in the heavens of his mind; he must fix his vision and his aim upon the Christ ideal. He must have the "now are we the sons of God" vision. This vision will be the guiding light that assures dominion and freedom from adversity. It will transform his mind and transmute his body into a temple of the living God.

Preceding Entry: What have one's ideals and standards to do with his spiritual growth?
Following Entry: What work will each overcomer do for the world? How will he accomplish this work?