Review of Unity Metaphysics
Compiled by:
Unity Correspondence School
March 1963
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Here are series of eight lessons, published in 1963 by The Unity Correspondence School, that explain the metaphysical underpinnings of Unity's Statement of Faith.
The controversy about Unity's Statement of Faith seems to focus on whether Unity should have any creed or dogma at all. While many people point out that Charles Fillmore "reserved the right to change his mind", few readers actually consider what the statements actually say. This series of lessons are important because they provide enough information to enable the reader to accept or reject the statements based on their content, rather than from a (dogmatic) position of whether or not Unity should be a creedless religious movement.
As best as I can tell, the lessons were originally meant for those who had completed Unity's Correspondence Course and who wanted a deeper understanding of Unity's Statement of Faith. So each lesson starts with "SYLLABUS for this lesson is built around UNITY'S STATEMENT OF FAITH, the CORRESPONDENCE COURSE, and WRITINGS OF CHARLES FILLMORE."
I hope you are blessed by these lessons and that they challenge you to develop your own Statement of Faith.