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Correspondence School Lesson Annotations

Correspondence School Lesson Annotations

Lessons In Truth - Lesson 1

1. What is the primary cause of suffering? 2. What is the Fountainhead from which we draw all our good, such as joy, strength, peace, health, and abundance? 3. What does it mean to be an heir of God? To what are we heirs? 4. Instead of seeking primarily for "demonstrations" or for manifest results, what must be our objective? 5. What is the purpose of meditation? On what should one's thoughts be centered in moments of meditation? 6. Should one be too busy to take time for meditation and prayer? Is it necessary to "practice the presence of God"? 7. What is the Christ life? Explain meekness, love, and forgiveness, showing what part they play in the Christ life. 8. What is the result of our persistently seeking God in every situation? Is there any condition in which God cannot be found? 9. Can man escape adversity by trying to run away from it? 10. What attitude of mind leads to complete deliverance from adversity? Where is victory first won?

Lessons In Truth - Lesson 2

11. What do we mean by the nature of God? Name and explain some of the other names used to define the different aspects of God. 12. What is the relation of God to man, and to all His creation? 13. Is God a person? Explain. 14. What is love in Divine Mind? How does it manifest in man, and throughout all creation? 15. What do we mean when we say, "God is wisdom"? What is intelligence in Divine Mind? How does intelligence manifest in man, and in the rest of creation? 16. What is power in Divine Mind? How does it manifest in man, and throughout the universe? 17. What is substance in Divine Mind? How does it manifest in man, and throughout all creation? 18. "God cannot be separated from His creation." Explain this statement. 19. Explain God as Principle. Explain God as personal, loving Father. 20. What is satisfaction? How may we find satisfaction for all our desires?

Lessons In Truth - Lesson 3

21. Describe the foundation principle of Truth. 22. Explain God as "universal Mind." If there is only one Mind why does there appear to be many "minds"? 23. What is thinking? Can one come into a realization of Truth by arguing? 24. Explain the three phases of our being, and show the function of each and how they are related. 25. What is meant by error consciousness? 26. Through what faculties does man find God? 27. How does each individual receive his own spiritual revelations? Why should we not depend wholly on books and teachers for an understanding of Truth? 28. What is the direct road to spiritual attainment? 29. Is God responsible for keeping our thoughts right? If He is not, who is? 30. Do we have to beseech God for the fulfillment of our desires? Why? Does God change?

Lessons In Truth - Lesson 4

31. What is the meaning of denial? What happens to inharmonious conditions when denials are used? 32. Did Jesus teach that He was the means through which we may reach God? 33. What is the real Self of every man? Is the real Self ever sick? 34. What must we do to change our false beliefs about God, ourselves, and others? 35. Explain how wrong thinking affects our health and our circumstances. 36. Explain why we should not judge according to the appearance. Give examples. 37. Copy the four denials listed in the text and explain each in your own words. 38. Explain why there is no reality in fear, jealousy, or the sense of bondage. How may these feelings be overcome? 39. Why is it necessary for us to realize our oneness with the Father? 40. Explain the two ways in which denials may be spoken.

Lessons In Truth - Lesson 5

41. What is an affirmation? 42. What is the purpose of affirmations? What part do affirmations play in the fulfillment of our desires? 43. What is the power in an affirmation that brings about its fulfillment? What faculty of mind is most necessary to make our affirmations effective? 44. Copy the four affirmations listed in the text and explain each in your own words. 45. Should denials and affirmations be confined to set forms or set rules? 46. Are supply and demand equal? 47. What changes take place through the use of affirmations? 48. Can we make contact with our Source at all times and under all circumstances? 49. Is it wise to commit affirmations to memory? 50. Will Principle always work in the solving of life's problems?

Lessons In Truth - Lesson 6

51. What is faith? Explain the definition of faith as given in Hebrews 11:1. 52. What part does faith play in accomplishing our desires? 53. What is meant by blind faith? 54. What is intuition and how does faith work with intuition? 55. What is understanding faith? Does an understanding faith increase one's power to demonstrate? 56. How may we know what effects will follow certain states of mind? 57. What are the "promises of God"? 58. Does asking for the thing we desire play a part in spiritual demonstration? 59. What is desire? What is man's true desire? 60. In reality, can we desire that which belongs to another?

Lessons In Truth - Lesson 7

61. What is evidence of the most advanced teaching? 62. What constitutes the greatness of the Sermon on the Mount? 63. Define personality. 64. Define individuality. How do we cultivate and strengthen our consciousness of our individuality? 65. Explain what John the Baptist and Jesus Christ represent. 66. Give some of the ways in which we may improve our personality so that it becomes a fit instrument for the expression of individuallty. 67. How may we handle the emotions of fear and timidity that sometimes arise in the presence of an aggressive personality? 68. Should we ever feel afraid in the presence of a truly great person? 69. What is meant by the "still small voice" (I Kings 19:12)? 70. Are you necessary to God? Explain.

Lessons In Truth - Lesson 8

71. What is spiritual understanding, and how is it attained? How did Peter know that Jesus was the Christ? 72. What is the relation between spiritual understanding and intellectual knowledge? 73. Can you cure yourself or another by speaking words of Truth from the intellectual plane of consciousness? Does true healing require something beyond this? 74. Can one person reveal God to another? Where must we all seek, and when do we become conscious of the indwelling Father? 75. Will beseeching bring spiritual understanding? Does spiritual understanding come to one who is seeking with selfish motives? 76. When we ask for spiritual understanding and do not receive it, what is the reason? 77. What is the first step toward attaining spiritual understanding? Name other steps. 78. What are some of the results experienced by us when we attain spiritual understanding? 79. Can one do too much "spiritual seeking"? 80. What is the law of growth? Can we receive understanding of the whole Spirit of God at once?

Lessons In Truth - Lesson 9

81. For whom does our soul long? Can full satisfaction be found in outer things alone? Explain. 82. What is "the secret place of the Most High" (Psalms 91:1)? 83. How does the intellect work with intuition? 84. What is our "hope of glory" (Col. 1:27)? 85. What is our key to power? 86. What is the "white stone" upon which man's spiritual name is written (Rev. 2:17)? 87. What must be our desire concerning the words of Truth that we speak? 88. Explain the importance of reliance on the indwelling Christ Spirit rather than relying wholly on external helps. 89. For what purpose did man come into the world? 90. How do we work out our own salvation?

Lessons In Truth - Lesson 10

91. Explain why "finding the secret place" may be instantaneous but the full development of the Christ consciousness cannot be hurried. 92. How close is God to us? Should we approach Him direct? 93. How are the qualities of life and love consciously incorporated into our soul, body, and affairs? 94. What is "the Silence"? Give steps that lead to entering "the Silence." 95. How do we center our mind on the Eternal (God)? 96. Why is it necessary to be mentally and physically relaxed when entering "the Silence" or "the secret place"? 97. How does the attitude of thankfulness bring the fulfillment of our righteous desires? 98. What are some of the changes that true prayer brings into our life? 99. How do we keep the blessings of Spirit flowing into our life? 100. Where must our expectation of good be placed?

Lessons In Truth - Lesson 11

101. What are spiritual gifts? What is the greatest gift? 102. Do our difficulties sometimes result in good to us? 103. Is God willing to grant to all men deliverance from sin? 104. Name the spiritual gifts enumerated by Paul in I Cor. 12:4-10 and explain each briefly. Is healing the greatest gift? 105. If a person has had healing power and it seemingly leaves him, how should he regard this change? 106. Do apparent failures sometimes lead to success? 107. What is the Holy Spirit? 108. Is cultivating a cousciousness of our oneness with the Father more important than demonstrating things? 109. What is the grace of God? 110. Should we measure our work by what others have done?

Lessons In Truth - Lesson 12

111. What is meant by "unity of the Spirit"? Why is the idea of oneness or unity of the Spirit important? 112. What reason have we for never being discouraged? 113. Is there any limit to God? What limits the manifestation of God in our life? 114. Is there any real wall of difference between the various religious sects? What will break down all the seeming walls and barriers between the sects? 115. Can people of all beliefs get help from God? 116. When we proclaim that we alone see Truth, what does this indicate? 117. What is the relation between the word we read and the word God speaks to us? 118. What does it mean to have a "single eye"? 119. Where does God ever live and where is He accessible to man? What does a knowledge of this truth do for us? Can we depend on the Christ in others to guide them into Truth? 120. What is "your Lord's" whole business?

How I Used Truth - Lesson 1

121. Is Christ lost? Why do we speak of "finding" the Christ in ourselves? 122. Explain how God "lives" and "works." 123. What does "anointing" signify? How are you the son of man? How the Son of God? 124. What causes us to lose the consciousness of our spiritual identity? 125. How is Jesus both the Elder Brother and Saviour of mankind? 126. Explain how your body can be called a temple of God. What takes place in a temple? 127. What could be considered the distinction between a Christian life (as popularly accepted) and a Christ life? 128. What is the difference between a "reflection of God" and an "expression of God"? 129. Explain fully the "will of God." 130. Is "salvation" to be ours at some future time in a faraway place, or when is it acceptable? When is man really "saved"?

How I Used Truth - Lesson 2

131. Why is the "spoken word" regarded as having more power than the "unspoken word"? 132. What is the meaning of the word criticize as used in this lesson? How is "condemnation" related to it? 133. What does it mean "to live more righteous lives" (text, page 
36)? What is the "righteous judgment" to which Jesus refers 
(John 7:24)? 134. Why should there be no condemnation of any person? 135. What is meant by "working against God"? 136. Explain: "Whose soever sins ye forgive, they are forgiven unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained" (John 20:23). 137. What causes a condemnatory attitude of mind? 138. In the light of Jesus' teachings, how can we handle the attitude of mind that condemns another? 139. How are we one with God and with each other? 140. Show how Jesus' statement "What is that to thee? follow thou me" (John 21:22) is related to the overcoming of the habit of condemnation.

How I Used Truth - Lesson 3

141. What is the purpose of a name? 142. What does God's name designate? 143. What is the meaning of I AM? 144. Explain the Third Commandment, "Thou shalt not take the name of Jehovah thy God in vain; for Jehovah will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain" (Exod. 20:7). 145. Why should a Truth seeker not use such phrases as "I am sorry" and "I am afraid"? 146. How do we ask "in His name"? 147. What did Jesus mean by the statement: "Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be made full" (John 16:24)? 148. How can we tell whether or not we are using His name righteously? 149. Explain how all power is given to the Christ. 150. What is an "overcomer," and what is to be overcome?

How I Used Truth - Lesson 4

151. What fact seems particularly difficult for one person to remember in regard to another? 152. What is a sure sign of a free soul? 153. Are we our "brother's keeper" (Gen. 4:9)? Explain. 154. What does it mean to proselyte? Why should one not be anxious about the welfare of another's soul? 155. What causes a person to seek that which is higher than he is now experiencing? 156. How do counselors, teachers, and friends often stand in the way of a person's attaining a desired consciousness? 157. To whom should each soul turn for guidance? 158. Should one who is apparently "going wrong" be specifically treated for his "sins"? 159. What did Jesus mean when He said, "I am the door" (John 10:9) and also "I am the way" (John 14:6)? 160. How do we "loose him and let him go" (John 11:44)

How I Used Truth - Lesson 5

161. What is it that is capable of supplying each soul with the fulfillment of its own particular desires in abundant measure? 162. What do we mean when we speak of God "immanent" in man and in the universe? 163. What is divine substance, and what is its relation to manifest objects? 164. What is the Holy Spirit? What is the relation of the Holy Spirit to the Father, and to the Son, or the Christ? 165. Explain how God is the supply and the supplier for all creation. 166. What governs the "shape" of our supply? What sets the "time" and the "quantity" of it? 167. Is it safe to teach that supply is a "gift" and does not depend only on the labor of head or hands? 168. What governs the outpouring of divine substance in our life? What inhibits its flow? 169. In its true sense, what is work? 170. How may the day of deliverance (salvation) from undesirable conditions "be hastened for every man?

How I Used Truth - Lesson 6

171. What does the hand represent or symbolize? 172. Why do we sometimes feel that we are "empty-handed"? 173. Why do we say that our hands represent the "hand of God"? 174. When do our hands serve as the "hand of God"? 175. How did the woman cited in the text (page 67) serve to bring freedom to a certain man? 176. Where does giving first take place? 177. What is meant by the statement in the text (page 67), "'Only say the word' of giving"? 178. What is the relation between the "word" and the "hand"? 179. Of what is "giving" the natural outflow? 180. What blessings come to us when we consciously serve as "the hand of God"?

How I Used Truth - Lesson 7

181. What is "negation" as used in this lesson? 182. Where does the belief in the "absence of good" exist? 183. Explain the meaning of the words temporal and eternal. 184. How would you help a dear one who appears to be "going wrong" (text, page 75) and expresses unkindness? 185. How would you "heal" the suffering of poverty? 186. Explain how the condition of evil is a "delusion of the senses" (text, pages 76-77). 187. What is a gift? What is the "gift of God" to man? 188. What is grace, and how is God's grace manifested? 189. What is meant by "the Godhead"? 190. Explain the meaning of the Scripture (text, page 79) : "To this end was the Son of God manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil [evil]" (I John 3:8).

How I Used Truth - Lesson 8

191. What is meant by the statement, "holding to the Truth"? 192. What is a "treatment"? What heals all disease and lack? 193. What is "tension," and what is its effect on us and those for whom we pray? 194. What is our responsibility? What is God's responsibility? 195. Give the metaphysical interpretation of the following Bible verses quoted in the text: "Jehovah will fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace" (Exod. 14:14); "For the battle is not yours, but God's (II Chron. 20:15). 196. What part does "praise" have in spiritual treatment? 197. What has "time" to do with answers to prayer? 198. Metaphysically, what is the "stone" that is so great which is rolled away? 199. What is the "Lord" that is to be trusted implicitly? 200. What is peace? How is the consciousness of peace attained by the individual?

How I Used Truth - Lesson 9

201. What is a "word"? To what do we refer when we write "Word" with a capital "W"? 202. Name the days or steps (giving the metaphysical meaning of each) in the creative process as given in Genesis I, and the first three verses of Genesis II, culminating in the seventh day (step) or Sabbath. What follows these seven days or steps? 203. Read John I and relate it to God's spoken word, "Let there be," in Genesis I. To what particular phase of the creative process does each chapter refer? 204. What is meant by "being" and what is meant by "existence" from a metaphysical standpoint? 205. How do we bring into existence (visibility or manifestation) the good we desire? 206. What do we mean when we say that divine substance is "forever waiting . . . for man to form it" (text, page 93)? 207. Explain the three realms in the universe (text, page 93) and show the relation of the "spoken word" to these three realms. 208. Why is it vital for us to center our attention on God? 209. Show how we may use the words "Let there be" as our "spoken 
word" to bring forth some demonstration of good in mind, body,
 or affairs. 210. What part does faith play in the process of bringing good into manifestation in our life? What other conditions should be observed for perfect results?

How I Used Truth - Lesson 10

211. What is meant by absolute Truth? 212. What is demonstration, and how is it made? 213. What is the primary cause of failure, poverty, sickness, and death? 214. Explain each of the following terms: omnipresence, omnipotence,
and omniscience. 215. Explain substance and life in the Absolute, as ideas in Divine Mind, and show how they are related. 216. How may we be free from all undesirable conditions and circumstances? 217. Do we overcome sickness, poverty, sin, and the like, or what is it that is overcome? 218. What is meant by the statement, "There is no evil"? 219. Why do we say that it is the "spoken" Truth that makes manifest? 220. Why is it necessary that we "realize" omnipresence?

How I Used Truth - Lesson 11

221. What is true prayer as brought out in this lesson? 222. What mental faculty (spiritual power) is of vital importance in the exercise of true prayer, and what is its function? 223. How can we say that good is the only reality in the universe? 224. Explain the meaning of the word fact. What is meant by "the contemplation of the facts of life from the highest point of view" (text, page 104)? 225. What is meant by "conscious oneness with the Father" (text, page 106)? What changes come about through this realization? 226. What is the "Spirit of truth"? What is its purpose? 227. What does it mean to "wait" on God (text, page 108)? 228. What is meant by the Biblical statement, "Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 2:5)? 229. Explain the distinction and relation between "revelation" (text, page 108) and "inspiration" (text, page 112) as used in this lesson. 230. How do we seek directly from the "Fountainhead," and how does its supply come to us?


Series 1 - Lesson 1

231. What is the difference between spiritual understanding and intellectual understanding? 232. What is God? 233. What is true prayer? 234. What is the "secret place of the Most High" (Psalms 91:1)? 235. What is meant by "enter into thine inner chamber, and . . . shut thy door"(Matt. 6:6)? 236. What is the meaning of the expression "going into the silence"? 237. How may one bring his thoughts under his conscious control? 238. Explain the meaning of the statement "In him we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28). 239. What benefit comes to us from praying to God as "our Father" (Matt. 6:9)? 240. What and where is heaven? 241. What is it to "hallow" the name of God? 242. What is "God's will" for man? 243. What is "our daily bread" (Matt. 6:11)? 244. Explain why it is necessary to pray believing that we have received. 245. What is affirmation? 246. How are we helped by affirming Truth? 247. How does one come into conscious unity with God? 248. What is meant by "holding a thought" as used in connection with prayer? 249. Give three affirmations that help one to realize his unity with God. 250. Name and explain the eight necessary conditions of true prayer that are mentioned in the final paragraph of this lesson.


Series 1 - Lesson 2

251. What is the one way to health? 252. Explain what is meant by the statement that there is no reality in disease. 253. What reason have we for believing in health as our birthright? 254. Since we are the offspring of God, why have we appeared to be unlike Him? 255. What is forgiveness of sin? 256. What is repentance? 257. How is the mind renewed? 258. What is the relation of forgiveness to healing? 259. What place has prayer in the attainment of health? 260. Is there any true foundation for the belief in fleshly heredity? Explain. 261. Is it wise to be watching for error continually? Give reasons. 262. What is a treatment? 263. In what respects does it differ from the old concept of prayer? 264. Explain how to treat another. 265. Is it right to give a treatment to any person who has not requested it? 266. What is meant by holding a person "in the universal"? 267. Is it possible to heal all diseases? Explain. 268. What is an "overcomer"? 269. Is there a power of evil? Explain fully. 270. What is the difference between real spiritual righteousness and morality? What is morality? What is spiritual righteousness?


Series 1 - Lesson 3

271. What is prosperity? Explain fully. 272. What is substance? 273. What is matter? What is the distinction between substance and matter? 274. What relation does divine substance bear to man's supply? 275. Explain the meaning of the Scripture, "Seek ye first his kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matt. 6:33). 276. What is the truth back of the command, "Lay not up . . . treasures" (Matt. 6:19)? 277. How may we become conscious of substance? 278. Give three affirmations of your own for the realization of divine substance. 279. What is the law of giving and receiving? 280. What has the keeping of this law to do with the demonstration of supply? 281. Is there any reality in the belief in "luck"? What is it that is called luck? 282. How may we overcome worry about supply? 283. Was Jesus poor? 284. Why does the apparent source of income sometimes stand in the way of one's receiving a bountiful supply? 285. What has faithfulness to do with demonstrating prosperity? 286. What is the true object of all work? 287. What is the relation of praise to the manifestation of supply? 288. When you give to another or do something for him, why should you trust divine law for recompense rather than demand compensation from him? 289. How would you build a consciousness of prosperity?


Series 1 - Lesson 4

290. What is the "church of Christ"? What do we mean by "universal church" and "particular or individual church"? 291. What is a "sect"? What causes the forming of "sects"? 292. What is the basis of real unity, and why? 293. Why are the members of the "church of Christ" referred to in some translations of the Bible as a "peculiar people"? 294. What is the purpose of the "church of Christ"? 295. Explain the meaning of the word "restoration" as used in this lesson. 296. What are the two phases of growth which the members of the "church of Christ" experience? 297. What place has thought in the restoration to divine perfection? 298. Explain fully the meaning of the word "blessing." 299. What was Jesus' mission on earth? 300. What is meant by forsaking all for Christ's sake? 301. Explain the meaning of "spiritual gift." 302. Explain how baptism and the Lord's Supper are the means by which man becomes a conscious member of the "church of Christ." 303. What does water baptism symbolize? 304. Explain the symbols of the Lord's Supper. 305. Explain why and when the use of symbols becomes unnecessary. 306. How do we reach the consciousness where we discern the Lord's body? 307. What relation is there between food and the redemption of the body? 308. Explain the "Sabbath."


Series 1 - Lesson 5

309. Why does man ever seek to exercise dominion? 310. Why does evil appear in the world? 311. What is the subconscious phase of mind? 312. Why is it important for the overcomer to understand the functioning of the subconscious phase of mind? 313. What is the carnal mind? What other names are given to it? 314. What is the Christ consciousness? 315. What is overcoming? 316. What is it that man is to overcome? 317. Explain the teaching that all men are sinners in Adam and righteous in Christ. 318. Show the justice of the statement, "As in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive." — I Cor. 15:22. 319. What is meant by "work out your own salvation"? 320. What is meant by "race consciousness"? 321. How do race beliefs become a part of the consciousness of the individual? 322. What is flesh heredity? How is it overcome? 323. What two mental steps are taken in overcoming? 324. What is the difference between an overcomer and one who merely does the best he can? 325. What have one's ideals and standards to do with his spiritual growth? 326. Why is it important that an overcomer identify himself only with the highest? 327. What work will each overcomer do for the world? How will he accomplish this work? 328. What changes take place in a man's conversation when he becomes an overcomer?


Series 1 - Lesson 6

329. What is meant by "demonstration" in Truth study? 330. What is the "great demonstration"? 331. What is consciousness? What is its importance in demonstration? 332. What is the Absolute? 333. How is sin the cause of what is called death? 334. What is sin? 335. What is the meaning of "the Devil"? What other names are given to him? Is there a personal devil? 336. Explain where the Adversary gets its power. 337. How may one overcome adverse states of consciousness called "the Devil," "the Adversary," or the Accuser? 338. What is the Christ righteousness? 339. What deceptive thoughts concerning life does the Adversary give to the race? 340. What is reincarnation? What purpose does it have in the experience of man? 341. What is resurrection? 342. How does salvation come to men? 343. What has man to do with the working out of his own salvation? 344. What is the first step in putting off the "old man" (Eph. 4:22)? What is the first step in putting on the "new man" (Eph. 4:24)? 345. What is meant by the expression "the law of sin and of death" (Rom. 8:2)? 346. What is "the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus" (Rom. 8:2)? 347. How does the body benefit by salvation? 348. Where is the river of life? How do we become conscious of it?


Series 2 - Lesson 1

349. What is God? 350. Is God a person? Explain fully. 351. What is God as Principle? as Law? 352. What is meant by "God immanent in the universe"? 353. Explain omniscience 354. Explain omnipresence 355. Explain omnipotence 356. How does God dwell in man? 357. Explain God as the one Mind 358. What is meant by studying Mind back of nature? 359. Is man capable of understanding God? 360. What is man's inheritance from God? 361. How are divine ideas brought into manifestation? 362. From what source did Jesus feed the multitude? 363. What idea was back of Jesus' work in healing the sick and raising the dead? 364. How shall we do the works that Jesus did? 365. What and where is the kingdom of heaven? 366. How does man enlarge his concept of God? 367. Why are we not always conscious of our oneness with God? 368. How are we awakened to the knowledge of God?


Series 2 - Lesson 2

369. Give both the religious and the metaphysical terms for the Holy Trinity. 370. What will aid us in understanding how the one Mind creates? 371. Explain how mind, idea, and expression are in all that appears (manifestation). 372. From what source did the idea-man spring? What other names are given to this idea? 373. What is meant by the term "the first-born of all creation" (Col. 1:15)? 374. Explain the meaning of the names Christ, Jesus, and Jesus Christ from the historical and metaphysical standpoint. 375. When one is quickened to spiritual understanding and knows the Father or Christ (the Son, or I AM) within, what will be the result? 376. Is the Son limited by time, or in knowledge and power? How can we overcome belief in these limitations? 377. What is the meaning of the word Logos? 378. Explain how the Father can be in the Son, and the Son in the Father. 379. What was Jesus' realization of oneness with the Father? 380. What was Jesus' custom in the matter of self-identification? 381. Why did many of the Jews not recognize Jesus as the Son of God? 382. How are we begotten by the Word? 383. How do we manifest Christ? 384. How do we abide in Christ? 385. Through whom are the divine attributes, or ideas, brought into expression and manifestation? 386. What is meant by "asking in His name"? 387. Explain how our bodies are transformed. 388. Give in your own words five affirmations for the realization of the indwelling Christ.


Series 2 - Lesson 3

389. Give reasons for considering the Scriptures allegorical. 390. What phase of creation is described in the first chapter of Genesis? 391. What evidence have we in the Bible that this is an ideal and not a manifest creation? 392. Who or what is Jehovah, the Lord God of the Scriptures? 393. Explain the difference between ideal man and manifest man. 394. What is a "thought center"? 395. How are thought centers formed? 396. How does man lose his consciousness of divine harmony? 397. What and where is the "tree of life" as spoken of in the Scriptures? 398. How is man restored to divine harmony? 399. What is the object of man's existence? 400. Give the phases of man as a threefold being, and explain the result if he fails to recognize this unity of his being. 401. What is the result if man fails to recognize the unity of his being, as spirit, soul, body? 402. What is meant by believing on Christ unto salvation? 403. Explain why we should be wise in the use of the term I AM. 404. How does man identify himself with the Absolute? How and what is it to acknowledge the Son? 405. What is the way to build a consciousness of eternal life? 406. How should the Scriptures be "divided" in interpreting the use of the term man? 407. What is Christ? Explain fully how Christ is man's salvation. (See Col. 1:27.) 408. To whom do we refer when we say: "Son of God"; "Son of man"; "son of man"?


Series 2 - Lesson 4

409. What is thinking? What is a structure, and what builds all structures? 410. What is the Superconscious phase of mind? 411. What is the conscious phase of mind? What other names are given to this phase of mind? 412. What is the subconscious phase of mind? What other names are given to this phase of mind? 413. How are the conscious and subconscious phases of mind related? 414. Name some of the functions of the body carried on by the subconscious phase of mind. 415. How may one take conscious control of the involuntary functions? 416. What does the "heart," as the term is used in the Scriptures, represent? 417. From what source have many of the subconscious thought currents come? 418. Why do we sometimes think one thing and manifest another? 419. How is Jesus Christ the Saviour of mankind? 420. What is the atonement? 421. Why is it so important to think the Truth about life? 422. What line of thinking will overcome the belief in materiality? 423. Why should we hold ourself and others, in the one all-knowing Mind? 424. How may all thought be brought into harmony with divine law? 425. How does man demonstrate the mastery and dominion which are his as mentioned in Genesis 1:26? 426. What place has order in Divine Mind and in man's consciousness? 427. Why is it necessary to be still in order to come into a realization of Truth? 428. What is meant by the statement, "I will put my law in their inward parts, and in their heart will I write it" (Jer. 31:33)?


Series 2 - Lesson 5

429. Explain why man should be in conscious control of all his thoughts. 430. Explain in detail the process of denial and affirmation. 431. Describe In your own words how the body is reconstructed by affirmation and by denial. 432. How is thought controlled? 433. What is the one true standard of thinking? 434. Are specific denials always necessary? 435. Why is it Important to make the right use of the power of the mind to deny and to affirm? 436. What have affirmations to do with making thoughts substantial (establishing faith) in consciousness? 437. Explain the Scripture, "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me" (Matt. 16:24). 438. What is "the world"? 439. What is "the flesh"? 440. What is "the devil"? 441. What is the basis of universal unity and cooperation? 442. What is the place of man's overcoming? 443. Explain how one overcomes wrong beliefs of "the world," "the flesh," and "the devil" as mentioned in the temptation of Jesus recorded in Matt. 4:1-11. (Also recorded in Mark 1:12,13 and Luke 4:1-13).


Series 2 - Lesson 6

444. What is the Word of God, or the Logos? 445. How was the universe created? 446. How does man "make" his world? 447. Show how a perfect body and a perfect world may be "made" by each man. 448. What is the new birth? How does it take place? 449. What changes follow man's new birth? 450. Explain fully how this promise is fulfilled: "He shall have whatsoever he saith" (Mark 11:23 A.V.). 451. Why is it necessary for man to express divine love in all his words? 452. What heals a rebellious state of mind? 453. What kind of words must be used in restoring the soul and body to health? Show how the Word is carried to man's soul, body, and affairs. 454. What kind of words make for power and cast out negative conditions? 455. What kind of words must one use to build a consciousness of abundance? 456. How may one attain the consciousness necessary to speak real creative words? 457. Explain the difference between substance and what man calls matter. 458. What is the fourth dimension? 459. How is the physical body redeemed? 460. What does it mean to "keep my word" (John 14:23), as instructed by Jesus? 461. In the Scriptures what does the apostle Paul represent? 462. Describe how you would carry the Word (Logos) to all parts of your body. 463. What is the result when spiritual law is given unlimited expression in man's thoughts, feelings, words, actions, and reactions?


Series 2 - Lesson 7

464. Explain the significance of the number twelve as used in the Scriptures. 465. What is meant by the promise that the overcomer shall sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel? (See Matt. 19:28.) 466. How is a new state of consciousness developed in man? 467. Name two of the "thought centers" mentioned in the lesson, giving the location of their expression in the body. 468. What does the gathering of the disciples in the upper chamber symbolize? Name these disciples, and the spiritual faculty each represents. 469. How is death of the physical body to be done away with? 470. What is the true method of prayer? 471. What place in man's body symbolizes the point at which man first makes conscious unity with God? 472. Define praise and show why it must be active in the life of every man. 473. What is the effect of praise on man's body? What is the effect on the earth? 474. Why is it unwise to seek light and help from mediums or fortune tellers? 475. Why do the predictions of mediums or fortune-tellers sometimes come to pass? 476. What is the true and sure way for man to bring good to himself? 477. What is joy? Where is the source of joy? Why have so many persons been disappointed in their search for joy? 478. What is the universal substance? 479. Is it God's will for man to suffer? 480. Explain the truth back of Jesus' saying, "And all things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive" (Matt. 21:22 A.V.).


Series 2 - Lesson 8

481. Give a concise definition of faith. 482. Where should faith be centered? 483. In the creative process, what is the second day's work"? 484. What is the meaning of Peter's walking upon the water? 485. How is a consciousness of faith in God, the good, developed? 486. Why is it unwise to wait for a great consciousness of faith before using faith at all? 487. What results are obtained by man when he uses faith and love together? 488. Explain: "According to your faith be it done unto you." — Matthew 9:29. 489. What is the difference, if any, between faith and belief? 490. What place has faith in the ministry of healing? 491. What is patience? How is it related to faith? 492. Explain how an affirmation of Truth is "the prayer of faith." — James 5:15. 493. What is meant by the "trial of ... faith"? — I Peter 1:7 (A.V.). 494. What is it to have faith in God? 495. Why should man have faith in himself? 496. What is the basis for man's faith in himself? 497. What is the Christ righteousness? 498. How is the Christ righteousness established in man's consciousness? 499. Explain the relation that faith bears to the demonstration of eternal life. 500. Why should we have faith in all men?


Series 2 - Lesson 9

501. What steps are taken In the process of thinking? 502. Define "imagination." 503. Give original illustrations of the power of the imaging faculty. 504. What is the first thing necessary in demonstrating perfection in body or affairs? 505. Where does man get the ideal images? 506. How are diseases harbored indefinitely in the body? 507. How often is the physical body renewed? 508. Why do scars and deformities often remain if the body is being continually made new? 509. What effect does spiritual treatment have on pictures of error? 510. Explain an individual's improvement in appearance through the changing of his mental pictures. 511. Explain the importance of the imagination in the forming of character. 512. How may anxious thoughts be overcome? 513. What explanation is there for the appearances of ghosts? 514. Why is it unwise for one to give himself up to excessive daydreaming? 515. is there any power outside of man to harm him? 516. What is the cause of "bad dreams"? 517. Which of the sons of Jacob represents the imagination? 518. How should all dreams be interpreted? 519. Why should children be taught to be fearless? 520. What relation does "beholding" bear to the work of transforming man?


Series 2 - Lesson 10

521. What is will? What is understanding? What is the relation of will to understanding? 522. What is the will of God, and what is it to do His will? 523. Is it God's will that man should suffer? Give reasons for your answer. 524. What has the will to do with the fulfillment of God's promises? 525. What have the sayings of Jesus to do with the development of the will? 526. Explain the scriptural passage "resist not him that is evil" (Matt. 5:39 A.R.V.). 527. What does a state of "mental resistance" indicate? 528. What faculties are represented by Ephraim and Manasseh? 529. What phase of mental action is illustrated by the tape recorder? 530. How does man exercise control of his faculties and all their expressions? 531. How should children be taught in their formative years to use will and understanding? 532. Why is it unwise for one individual to dominate another? 533. What has free will to do with expression? 534. Explain the text "the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and men of violence take it by force" (Matt. 11:12). 535. What is the difference between mental suggestion and spiritual realization? 536. What has the will to do with the forming of a perfect physical body? 537. What is it to be reconciled to God? Give three affirmations that have helped you to bring about this reconciliation in your own consciousness and in your body and affairs. 538. What is the difference between desire and will?


Series 2 - Lesson 11

539. Explain how Jehovah is the "judge" of all the earth. What is the "earth"? 540. Why is Jehovah sometimes regarded as a God of wrath and vengeance, and sometimes as a God of loving-kindness and tender mercy? 541. What is righteousness as applied to Jehovah? What is righteousness as applied to manifest man? 542. What is judgment? Explain "Judge not according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment" (John 7:24). 543. What is righteous judgment and what effect does it have on the organism of the person judging righteously? 544. What is justice? 545. What is the sure way to establish justice in one's affairs? 546. How may the belief in injustice be overcome? 547. How do you help those who come to you suffering from seeming injustice? 548. Explain the Scripture, "Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors" (Matt. 6:12). 549. What is "the day of judgment" and where is the "judgment seat"? 550. What results follow resistance to judgment? What is chastening? 551. Why is it important to take the right attitude toward the so-called judgments of the Lord? 552. What line of thought will overcome fear of these so-called "judgments"? 553. Quote at least four commandements of Jesus, giving Bible references, that will help one to overcome the tendency to unwise judging. 554. What is the meaning of "fire" spoken of in the Scriptures? 555. Give the meaning of the words translated "hell" in the Bible. 556. Explain the "unpardonable sin." 557. Give five affirmations that will help to quicken one's faith in divine justice. 558. What is the "saving grace" of God?


Series 2 - Lesson 12

559. What is love as related to God? -Show how love functions as a faculty in man. 560. What is the difference between universal love and personal love? 561. What hinders the full realization of God's love? 562. Explain how we may come into the consciousness of divine love. 563. What nerve plexus in the body of man is regarded by metaphysicians as being the center of emotions and feelings? 564. Explain how adverse feelings and emotions intman's consciousness may be erased, how his consciousness may be transformed, bringing his body and his entire world into harmony. 565. Why does it sometimes seem hard to express love? 566. Explain how peace will be fully established upon the earth. Give at least two Bible prophecies (with references) of universal peace. 567. What effect do evil thoughts and words have upon man's whole being? 568. What is Unity's teaching about vegetarianism? 569. Which of Jacob's sons and which of Jesus' disciples represent love? 570. What is the cause of darkness in the consciousness? 571. Why is it unwise to love worldly things? 572. How does love help one to build a consciousness of eternal life and to demonstrate it? 573. How is fear overcome? 574. Give two Bible prophecies of universal peace. 575. What is the meaning of the prophecy, "All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword"? — Matt. 26:52. 576. Explain the first commandment as it was given by Jesus, giving the Scripture quotation and Bible reference. 577. Explain the second commandment as it was given by Jesus, giving the Scripture quotation and Bible reference. 578. What is the relation of love to wisdom?

Methods and Ideals - Lesson 1

579. What do you understand to be the underlying purpose of a study class or center? 580. Should individual expression be encouraged among the students? Why? 581. What should be the relationship between the teacher, or leader, and the students? 582. How does the training of additional workers help in the growth of a center? 583. What constitutes the strength and the character of a work? 584. Explain the attitude of Unity centers and study classes toward the churches. 585. Should you encourage your members to withdraw from their churches and affiliate with your center? 586. What is the value of co-operative, systematized study? 587. Of what help is the silence in these study periods? 588. Why are healing meetings of great importance?

Methods and Ideals - Lesson 2

589. What is the object of studying Truth? 590. Why is it better to conform to one standard of teaching than to embrace many ideas? 591. What is the one recognized source of understanding? 592. Is there any place for personality in the work of a class or center? 593. What do you understand by laying the foundation of your work "in Christ Jesus"? 594. Is the leadership of a center for the promotion of any individual? 595. Why is it good practice to avoid teaching the various "isms" of the day? 596. What is the "inspiration of the Almighty"? 597. Of what value is clear, spiritual vision in the growth of this work? 598. Where is the place of contact between God and man? 599. What is the avenue through which we contact God? 600. Of what value to the class is the period of silent meditation?

Methods and Ideals - Lesson 3

601. What relation does the work of healing bear to the activities of a center or class? 602. What is the relation between teaching and healing? 603. What is spiritual healing? 604. Do you believe that it is necessary to lay on hands or to resort to any other external method in healing? 605. What workers in a center or class are eligible to help with healing work? 606. Of what help is it to the class or center to have a regular healing group? 607. Should the healing ministry "be confined to physical ills? Along what other lines may it be applied? 608. Through what medium is the healing accomplished? 609. Which do you consider of more importance: healing or understanding? 610. Give an outline of the way in which you would conduct a healing service.

Methods and Ideals - Lesson 4

611. Why is co-operation necessary to the success of a center or class? 612. What is the best way to secure co-operation between individuals? Between centers? 613. Where does co-operation begin? 614. Why is one who is personally ambitious unlikely to make a success of a spiritual work? 615. How would you handle inharmony or dissension in your class or center? 616. What encouragement should the teacher or leader give to individual workers? 617. How may one know that the work of a center is measuring up to the highest standards of Truth? 618. How would you overcome the thought of competition in your work? 619. Why is it essential that every worker in a center live up to the standards of Truth? 620. What is your obligation in adopting, as a part of the name for your center or class, the name used by any of the leading Truth schools?

Methods and Ideals - Lesson 5

621. What is the idea back of the exchange of money in any center or class? 622. What is the real source of a center's supply? 623. Why should the work be conducted upon the voluntary offering plan? 624. What is the law in regard to giving and receiving? 625. What should be the object in teaching the law of giving and receiving, in a center? 626. Do you consider it advisable to give out blessed money, envelopes, and banks? If so, why? 627. Why should one never make a direct appeal for money? 628. What relation does the service which a center gives, bear to its income? 629. What should be the attitude of teachers and healers in regard to finances? 630. Do you believe in tithing as a means of demonstrating prosperity? 631. How does it help to bless the offerings received for the upkeep of the work? 632. What is your idea regarding individual compensation for teachers and healers?

Methods and Ideals - Lesson 6

633. Does a successful work depend upon a large attendance? 634. Is it wise to depend upon social functions to attract a following to your work? 635. What methods would you employ in advertising your work? 636. What would you do to bring out additional workers in your center? 637. Of what importance are auxiliary clubs, such as men's clubs, Good Words clubs, and so forth. 638. Why is it advisable to encourage the children and the young people? 639. Do you consider it necessary to organize the work of your class? 640. What part do originality and independence play in the work of a center? 641. What should be your general attitude in handling problems that arise in connection with your work? 642. What should be the character of the literature handled by Truth centers? 643. Give an outline for conducting a meeting.