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Series 2 - Lesson 12 - Annotation 4

Series 2 - Lesson 12 - Annotation 4

Explain how we may come into the consciousness of divine love.

4. The way to God, the Father, is through the Son. The Son, I AM, the Christ, the ideal man, holds all the attributes or ideas of the Father. It follows that the Son, I AM, the Christ, the ideal man, which is the Spirit indwelling every man, is love in its perfection. It is also clear that since the Son dwells in every man the great fountain of love is within every one of us ready to be realized and used whenever we turn to it and become consciously one with it. Love is a reality; it is Spirit; it is substance; and every individual has free access to it whenever he brings himself into harmony with it. By expressing love in our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions In our everyday human relationships we come into the consciousness of divine love.

Preceding Entry: What hinders the full realization of God's love?
Following Entry: What nerve plexus in the body of man is regarded by metaphysicians as being the center of emotions and feelings?