Series 2 - Lesson 3 - Annotation 16
How does man identify himself with the Absolute? How and what is it to acknowledge the Son?
16. We establish first that the Absolute is God. Webster says of the word absolute: "Not dependent on anything else; not determined by or effected by anything outside itself; fundamental; ultimate; intrinsic; unqualified; self-contained and self-sufficient." Through our studies we have come to see that this definition applies to God as the Absolute of all existence, the self-existent One. How then do we identify ourselves with the Absolute? We are always so identified, but if we are not conscious of this oneness with God, then we need to seek quickening through prayer. We need to become alive and alert to this relationship we have with our Father-Mother God; then we are truly "identified with the Absolute."
The Son is a term for our own divine nature, our God-Self, the divine pattern in us; but only as we become consciously identified with God (the Absolute) can we express and manifest this nature.
To "acknowledge the Son" requires that we first identify ourself consciously with God (the Absolute), then proceed to manifest our sonship in thought, word, and deed. Acknowledgment, so far as spiritual growth is concerned, is never merely in words, but must be the actual living of that which we would acknowledge. Thus to truly "acknowledge the Son" we must be living according to the divine pattern in all phases of our life, our business relationships, our human relationships, our social relationships.
Preceding Entry: Explain why we should be wise in the use of the term I AM.
Following Entry: What is the way to build a consciousness of eternal life?