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Series 2 - Lesson 6 - Annotation 12

Series 2 - Lesson 6 - Annotation 12

What kind of words must one use to build a consciousness of abundance?

12. To build a consciousness of abundance, we need to use words of faith, substance, love, service, joy, prosperity, opulence, plenty, gratitude, fulfillment. These words have as their sustaining power the God-ideas which enrich our consciousness and replace beliefs of lack, poverty, failure, and so forth. Whenever a thought of insufficiency enters into our mind (consciousness) we should immediately deny it as having reality and replace it with an idea of the bounty of our loving Father. Repeatedly doing this, using the power of the Word, we build a consciousness of abundance which in turn fills our life and affairs with all good.

Preceding Entry: What kind of words make for power and cast out negative conditions?
Following Entry: How may one attain the consciousness necessary to speak real creative words?