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Series 2 - Lesson 8 - Annotation 3

Series 2 - Lesson 8 - Annotation 3

In the creative process, what is the second day's work"?

3. On the second day of God's creation He said, "Let there be a firmament." — Gen. 1:6. First, the "light" was spoken into existence. This light is God's presence within us and throughout the universe. When we attain the consciousness that God is within us, we have found the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world. After our illumination we must have a firm place established in consciousness. Faith is the firmament of mind; it is the reality, the substance; it is that faculty of mind which stands under formed aubstance and is the forming as well as the sustaining element in all organized life.

Preceding Entry: Where should faith be centered?
Following Entry: What is the meaning of Peter's walking upon the water?