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Series 2 - Lesson 11 - Annotation 18

Series 2 - Lesson 11 - Annotation 18

Explain the "unpardonable sin."

18. The "unpardonable sin" is resistance to the Spirit, consciousness of good and evil. This has reference to man's opposition to the action of the Holy Spirit, the movement of God in and through his consciousness; resistance to any good. As long as man is not willing to accept the leading of Spirit, as long as he refuses to accept the truth that he is a son of God, a spiritual being, the image-likeness of God, he must suffer and atone for his transgressions.

As long as man recognizes and gives power to evil, he will continue in any unforgiven state in his own consciousness and will have to meet conditions produced by the error that he has held in his own mind. Resistance can keep man from being free; thus the fault for his bondage lies within himself. No sin need remain unpardoned because the love of God for man, His beloved son to whom He has given His own Spirit, is always available. God is always ready and willing to forgive man his mistakes. However, when man is not ready or willing to accept forgiveness from God, then his sin (short-coming) remains unpardoned — actually only by himself, because God as love has already forgiven the sin and the sinner! We have the assurance of Jesus Christ, "For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you" (Matt. 6:14). We have also David's praise for Jehovah's mercies in the words:

Bless Jehovah, O my soul,
And forget not all his benefits:
Who forgiveth all thine iniquities;
Who healeth all thy diseases;
Who redeemeth thy life from destruction
    (Psalms 103:2-4).

Preceding Entry: Give the meaning of the words translated "hell" in the Bible.
Following Entry: Give five affirmations that will help to quicken one's faith in divine justice.