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How I Used Truth - Lesson 8 - Annotation 3

How I Used Truth - Lesson 8 - Annotation 3

What is "tension," and what is its effect on us and those for whom we pray?

3. Physically, tension is the act of stretching, straining, or tensing the body muscles. Mentally, tension is intensity of feeling or mental effort. There is a place for tension when it is directed to a specific end. Tension becomes detrimental when it is motivated only by anxiety, fear, or frustration.

What we seek in treatment is a complete release of any limited thoughts and feelings, so that the entire attention may be given to God, and to the action of His Truth. Ernest C. Wilson (in the book Soul Power 77) has this to say:

"Somewhere in all effectual prayer, and in every quiet miracle of answered prayer, a point of release can be discovered, a point in time where the one who is praying experiences a sense of assurance, a feeling of transference of the responsibility from his human hands to God's."

Sometimes in "treatment" a person begins to feel tense because he is anxious to bring about a demonstration for another individual in mind, body, or affairs. This type of tension has an undesirable result on both the one doing the prayer work, and the one for whom the "treatment" is being given. Tension interferes with the normal functions of the physical organism, such as breathing, circulation, elimination, and digestion. When there is tension in the mind resulting from fear of delay, or doubt as to the success of a demonstration, there is interference in the free flow of the action of Truth to bring forth the desired result. A person who is tense when he prays is not an open channel for the healing power of God. Unless the one for whom he prays is centered in Truth, his tension may be transmitted to that one. When this occurs, the treatment is only a mental activity, rather than spiritual treatment. Strain prevents the release of the mental cause of the unwanted condition. Release of tension is often expressed in the words "Let go and let God." When we do this, we release our own limited thinking and allow the ideas of God-Mind to illumine our consciousness.

The weariness that a counselor, or one praying for another, may feel in trying to help others is very often caused by misplaced zeal. In such a case there is forgetfulness of the great truth:

"The words that I say unto you I speak not from myself: but the Father abiding in me doeth his works" (John 14:10).

Should weariness come it is because one assumes that it is his own mental effort, his own feeling in the matter, that is the power that is going to make the desired change. The strain coupled with anxiety, that this assumption imposes, results in a feeling of weariness. The mind that is centered in God is able to accomplish good results through prayer, for that mind knows that

"There is but one Presence and one Power in the universe, God, the Good omnipotent."

When there is faith in God and in the perfect outworking of His laws, there is no opportunity for tension or weariness to take hold of the individual.

"Cast thy burden upon Jehovah, and he will sustain thee" (Psalms 55:22).

Preceding Entry: What is a "treatment"? What heals all disease and lack?
Following Entry: What is our responsibility? What is God's responsibility?