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How I Used Truth - Lesson 3 - Annotation 1

How I Used Truth - Lesson 3 - Annotation 1

What is the purpose of a name?

1. The purpose means the object or intent, the aim concerning something. The purpose of a name is to bring to mind the person or thing being named. A name is a word, in any language, by which a particular person or thing may be identified. In other words, a name reveals to some extent the nature (or the character) of the person or thing to which we refer.

"A name identifier, a person or thing and distinguishes an entity from other entities. Then it also indicates the attributes or qualities inherent in a person or thing, so that the mention of a name calls to mind the totality of the qualities that the bearer of the name is known to possess" (W. I. Hoschouer; Unity).

Sometimes we say of a person, "He made a name for himself." By this we mean that his actual given name has come to stand for something he has accomplished. His success in an endeavor causes people to think of it whenever his name is mentioned. One who is fond of music may say, "I like Bach" or "I am very fond of Schubert." He does not mean the personality of either composer; he refers to the type of music that these composers gave to the world, which has come to be identified with their names.

We read the following on page 165 of the book Jesus Christ Heals (Jesus Christ Heals 165):

"Man gives a name -- that is, 'character' -- to every idea that comes into consciousness, and whatever he conceives a thing to be, that it becomes to him. So it is written in Genesis: 'Whatsoever the man called every living creature, that was the name thereof.'"

The name of a thing usually brings to mind in one or two words the entire idea of the thing named; that is, we do not have to describe the whole nature in detail every time we need to present the idea. When we say the name "oak tree" we are immediately aware that we are referring to the nature of a species of creation, and a certain type of that species. Thus we keep in mind that a name refers to the nature of a person or a thing. We may touch a piece of cloth and say, "This is wool," or "This is silk," and we are thus describing the nature of the fabric.

As we become conscious of the nature of God as Absolute Good, we are reminded of this nature every time we think of or speak His name. When we know the nature of man, the image-likeness of God, as good also, we are reminded of it every time we use the name "man."

When we think of or speak the name "Jesus Christ" it should bring to our remembrance the truth concerning Jesus and His relation to us. He is the embodiment of the entire nature of God -- of all that is good -- even as we are. Since He demonstrated this divine nature completely, He is thus our Way-Shower. His teachings and His life show us how to bring that same goodness into manifestation in our human experience by keeping our thinking, feeling, speaking, acting and reacting in harmony with the Christ or God nature within.

Preceding Entry: Show how Jesus' statement "What is that to thee? follow thou me" (John 21:22) is related to the overcoming of the habit of condemnation.
Following Entry: What does God's name designate?