Audio of God's Garden by Myrtle Fillmore

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Text of God's Garden by Myrtle Fillmore
It is the joy of the spring sunshine that fills my soul and wings my voice as it flows out to you. It is as impersonal and, I trust, as welcome as a breeze coming in at your open window. And, like the sunshine and spring air, it is laden with God’s blessings for you.
Your garden out there is aglow with beauty and color. You have joyous faith in the abilities of each seed to bring forth of its kind. You do not question your ability to prepare the soil in the ministries of the unfolding needs and so you cooperate with the natural law. Yet, in the preparation for such results, you have officiated in the miracle of growth and have filled the chalice of your brown garden with the beauty and splendor of God’s increase.
The frequent occurrence of this miracle has established your faith in a law which decrees that you shall reap as you sow. You are not anxious, you do not doubt, you do not question. You consider it your right to expect the freeing power to bless your work with success. You are pleased and satisfied with results of the natural law and this should prompt you to exercise the same faith in the spiritual law of your own consciousness. For here, too, you prepare the soil of your mind, plant the kind of seed you desire to have bud and blossom and fruit in your own soul and body.
Your soul and body are God’s garden, too. Here, the Creator works through your consciousness with His light and love and life to reproduce the beautiful patterns of your thoughts.
Into the chalice of your soul, which your faith holds wide, God pours His own ideas which take root in your desires, your acts and your very flesh. The miracles of growth are being performed all the time. It is always springtime in the soul. You are doing in the spirit just what the seeds in the garden have done. You prepare the garden of mind and heart with liberal words of Truth. In so doing, you are contacting the Christ Spirit and making use of a veritable element of Being and bringing into visibility the beauty and perfection of God’s ideal man and of heaven which are your home. And your words of life and health, joy and Truth, are God’s way and eternally bloom forth the radiance of their kind.
Transcription by Russ Hammock. Many thanks!