How To Let Myrtle Fillmore Help You

Hi Friends —
When I ordered the 1956 original edition of Myrtle Fillmore’s How To Let God Help You I received a nice surprise. I found stuffed in the book at 24-page booklet entitled “GUIDE BOOKLET for use with How To Let God Help You” and on the front page it reads “A summer demonstration program designed to help the reader concentrate his thoughts and prayer upon one or more specific areas in his life.”
So what is new here is not just the booklet, which you can download by clicking through. I have inserted the 37 chapters of the original edition into the five sections of this booklet and placed the whole thing online. That gives us a true online study edition of Myrtle’s book.
For example, you can click to Practical Christianity and there you find a 4-page introduction to the seven chapters Myrtle’s correspondence on Truth. Or you can click on Abundance and read another 4-page introduction to the five chapters on prosperity, or you can click on Health and Wholeness and read the 5-page introduction to the nine chapters on healing, and so on. At the end of each section you will find a sentence completion exercise. All together, there are 35 of these sentence completion exercises.
The Guide Booklet turns How to Let God Help You into a self-study resource, which I am calling to “How to Let Myrtle Fillmore Help You (Learn How to Let God Help You)“.

If you click through on your smart phone you will see a menu like this one. Scroll to the top of the page and click on it to expand the menu. If you click through on a tablet or computer you will see the expanded menu on the right side of the page. Either way will let you quickly read these short excerpts from Myrtle Fillmore’s helpful correspondence with others.

But there’s more. If you click through to the TruthUnity homepage you find a Google calendar with several group classes offered by Unity ministers. One of them is the “How To Let God Help You, Unity Long Island Discussion Group” led by Rev. John Zenkewich this coming Wednesday at 7pm Eastern time, via Zoom.
John has been holding classes Wednesday night for several years and one of the benefits of so many of us learning to use Zoom is that we can now participate in his classes. Other classes are also on the calendar, notably Eleanor Fleming’s class on Letters of Myrtle Fillmore and Nancy Norman’s Infinite Prosperity classes.
Which brings me to the real point of this post. Self-study is important, but growth and transformation often occurs in a group setting led by a mentor. Ideally that group setting is face to face in a church with a spiritual leader guiding the process. You may not feel quite the same in a Zoom setting, but know that these three fine Unity ministers serve Unity congregations or have served for many years as congregational ministers.
What’s new and exciting today is not being able to access resources online. That has been available for some time. What’s really new is the being able to connect with a wider choice of Unity ministers and Licensed Unity Teachers, three of whom are highlighted here.
I don’t know how all this will pan out over the long run, but it is apparent to me that many of us are about to find ourselves becoming digital disciples of Unity’s secret sauce: the wisdom of it’s credentialed leaders: Licensed Unity Teachers and Ordained Unity Ministers.
Sunday, October 25, 2020

Guide Booklet
for use with
How To Let God Help You
for use with
How To Let God Help You
A summer demonstration program designed to help the reader concentrate his thoughts and prayer upon one or more specific areas in his life.
How to Let God Help You contains a wonderfully useful selection of the practical teachings of Myrtle Fillmore, cofounder of Unity.
You can go about demonstrating its teachings in whatever manner seems best for you: by setting aside a regular study period each day, by studying a certain portion whenever other duties permit, or in whatever way you like. This booklet divides the book into certain natural areas: home, supply, health, and so forth. But there is nothing arbitrary about the arrangement of this booklet or the chapters in the book itself. If you like, you may take up first whichever area seems most needful to you.
At the end of each section of this booklet there are statements, which you can complete by quoting from the book. You will find it helpful to write down each statement as it appears herein, and then write down the rest of the statement when you find it in the book. The very act of writing down the statement will serve as an affirmation.
(Note: The last five chapters in the book are not included in this course of study, since they are largely inspirational or biographical in content.)
Lee’s Summit, Missouri
Download a PDF of Myrtle Fillmore How to Let God Help You (1956 edition)
Download a PDF of Guide Booklet for How to Let God Help You
Download a PDF of Myrtle Fillmore How to Let God Help You (2000 edition)