Fillmore Bible Society
The Fillmore Bible Society are collaborators who comb through dozens of metaphysical books written by Charles Fillmore and his students as well as over 70 years of Fillmore articles and sermons for metaphysical insights into the Bible. They edit and submit these insights as short annotations which are then applied to the text of the American Standard Version of the Bible, both online and in print.
Membership is open to collaborators who contribute an accepted set of annotations for at least one chapter of the Bible or who contribute to The Fillmore Study Bible in some other significant way. You can see examples of the content and style we are looking for in the first ten chapters of The Gospel of John. Contact Mark Hicks if you wish to collaborate. We plan to appoint an Editor and a peer-review committee for the processing of contributions.
This collaboration project is managed by TruthUnity Ministries, which is the publisher of The Fillmore Study Bible. In time the society will become free-standing with its own board, Editorial staff and peer-review committee.