Fillmore Bible Society 2023 Gathering
November 3-5, 2023 is our first Gathering of the Fillmore Bible Society at Unity Village Conference Center. Unity World Headquarters has given us complimentary use of the Conference Center to host our meeting. Registration is now open. Also, lodging is available at the Unity Village Inn at a discounted rate for attendees of the Gathering. Scroll down to learn more.
We’ve spent three years creating the Fillmore Study Bible New Testament. This conference is about how it can serve the needs of churches, their congregants, our culture and society. We’ve lining up 20 speakers to give different perspectives on that goal.
This conference is also about building a Fillmore Bible Society, not a school, and to do that we need participation from a wide audience of Fillmore students. Ideal participants are those who are interested in others’ ideas as much as their own, who will listen, collaborate and encourage those who haven’t had a chance to speak.
Friday’s morning and afternoon focus is the organization of the Fillmore Bible Society and training in how to become an annotator. Friday evening and all of Saturday has 16 speakers giving short presentations how the Fillmore Bible teachings can serve the needs of churches, their congregants, our culture and society. And we will do plenty of singing as well. It’s not exactly an open mic, but it’s definitely unscripted and promises to be a party. On Sunday we will organize carpools for visits to Kansas City Unity churches and their Sunday Bible study groups.
Friday Morning: 9:30am-11:30am. We begin with presentation of how to use the Fillmore Study Bible, how the team created the Fillmore Study Bible New Testament and what is involved in annotating Scripture. This provides the training you will need to become an annotator of the Fillmore Study Bible. We will also discuss plans for annotating the Old Testament and gather ideas for printing, publishing and promoting the FSB. Led by Mark Hicks, Editor of The Fillmore Study Bible.
Friday 11:30am-1:00pm. Unity Gifts and Books open.
Friday Lunch Noon-1:00pm. We have box lunches, salad and refreshments. You may take your lunch and be alone for a while on the lovely Unity grounds or eat together in the meeting room. Catering by DeVine Catering, who has catered several Unity events. Mixed sandwiches (Turkey Club on Multi grain bread, Roast Beef on Rye, Mediterranean vegan wraps, Chicken Veronique on Croissant), Italian Salad, Assorted Dinner Rolls OR Jalapeños Corn Muffins, Fresh Fruit Bowls. If you're local, feel free to bring refreshments for everyone throughout the day/evening. We anticipate attendance to be 50-75 people.
Unity Village Tour and Archives 1:00pm-2:30pm. Unity World Headquarters will lead a tour of the grounds and a visit to the Archives.
Friday Afternoon: 2:30pm-4:30pm. This afternoon is an open discussion of how The Fillmore Bible Society can be organized for the long term, what the vision, mission and strategy should be, and ways the Fillmore Bible Society may interact with churches, ministerial programs and national organizations. Discussion is lead by Fillmore Bible Society contributors.
Friday 4:30pm-6:00pm. Unity Gifts and Books open.
Friday 5:00-6:00pm: Dinner (served) in Unity Hotel Meeting Room. Catering by DeVine Catering. Grilled Tuscan Talapia with Lemon Thyme Sauce, Lemon Parmesan Cod, salad and refreshments (no alcohol). If you're local, feel free to bring refreshments for everyone throughout the day/evening. We anticipate attendance to be 50-75 people.
Our Metaphysical Disk Jockey.
Friday Evening Session: 6:00pm-8:00pm. Four talks, 20 minutes each, on how the Fillmore Bible teachings can serve the needs of churches, their congregants, our culture and society. 10 minutes of singing to open and between each talk. Closing prayer.
Saturday Morning Session: 9:30am-11:30. Five talks, 20 minutes each, on how the Fillmore Bible teachings can serve the needs of churches, their congregants, our culture and society. 5 minutes of singing to open and between each talk. Closing prayer.
Saturday 11:30am-1:00pm. Unity Gifts and Books open.
Saturday Lunch Noon-1:00pm. We have box lunches, salad and refreshments. You may take your lunch and be alone for a while on the lovely Unity grounds or eat together in the meeting room. Catering by DeVine Catering, who has catered several Unity events. Mixed sandwiches (Turkey Club on Multi grain bread, Roast Beef on Rye, Mediterranean vegan wraps, Chicken Veronique on Croissant), Italian Salad, Assorted Dinner Rolls OR Jalapeños Corn Muffins, Fresh Fruit Bowls. If you're local, feel free to bring refreshments for everyone throughout the day/evening. We anticipate attendance to be 50-75 people.
Walk at The Labyrinth at Unity Village: 1:00pm-2:30pm. Unity World Headquarters will lead a Labyrinth Walk.
Saturday Afternoon: 2:30pm-4:30pm. Five talks, 20 minutes each, on how the Fillmore Bible teachings can serve the needs of churches, their congregants, our culture and society. 5 minutes of singing to open and between each talk. Closing prayer.
Saturday 4:30pm-6:00pm. Unity Gifts and Books open.
Saturday 5:00-6:00pm: Dinner (served) in Unity Hotel Meeting Room. Hawaiian Sugar Rubbed Smoked, Roasted Lemon Marinated, Firecracker, Jamaican with Pineapple Rum Glaze, salad and refreshments (no alcohol). If you're local, feel free to bring refreshments for everyone throughout the day/evening. We anticipate attendance to be 50-75 people.
Saturday Evening Session: 6:00pm-8:00pm. Five talks, 20 minutes each, on how the Fillmore Bible teachings can serve the needs of churches, their congregants, our culture and society. 5 minutes of singing to open and between each talk. Closing prayer.
Sunday Morning: We will organize carpools to several Unity churches in the Kansas City area. We are aware that the following churches have Bible study groups: Unity Temple on the Plaza, Unity Southeast in Kansas City, Unity Church Universal (913 Tracy), and Unity of Independence. Our goal is to learn from them how Bible study can be incorporated into the Sunday experience.

Cost/Financial: $99/person. Each attendee will receive a free Fillmore Study Bible New Testament, compliments of a few very generous donors. All funds (registrations and sponsorships) will be distributed as follows: Donation to Unity Village, pay for the box lunches, dinner and refreshments; any remaining funds are distributed to the speakers and volunteers. Sponsorships are tax deductible. Let Mark know if you or your church would like to sponsor this 2023 Gathering.
Meeting Location. We meet at the Unity Hotel and Conference Center. Unity World Headquarters has given us use of the Conference Center for free. This does not include lodging.
Lodging. The $99 for registration does not include lodging. If you wish to stay at the Unity Hotel you must call and make a reservation. For Reservations at the Unity Hotel, guests should mention they are coming for the Metaphysical Bible event. They can call the Front Desk at 816-347-5537 or use this online booking link https://www.choicehotels.com/reservations/groups/PA65S6
Meals. Catered by DeVine Catering. Assorted sandwiches and salad for lunches, fish dinners (talapia and salmon) in the evenings with a few vegetarian alternatives. See the agenda above for details. The Unity Village Cafe will be open both days from 11:30am-1pm and 4:30pm-6pm. If you're local, feel free to bring refreshments for everyone throughout the day/evening. We anticipate attendance to be 50-75 people.
Information Table. We will have one or two tables at the back of the room for sharing materials you might have, such as flyers for events, study groups, alternative ministries, etc. We will assume everything on the tables are free for the taking. If you have a book you're selling then it's up to you to collect the money.
Entertainment between sessions and during dinner. At the front of the room will be a keyboard and a 1/4 jack for a guitar. We have a disk jockey for music/entertainment between speakers, but if you would like to play during lunches or dinners or between sessions, feel free to play.
Morning Prayer/Meditation. Are you an inspired person who can lead an early session of prayer/meditation before we start the 9:30 morning sessions? At the front of the room will be a keyboard and a 1/4" jack for a guitar. We should also have a 1/8" jack for a mobile device. Let me know if you can start us off each day.

Session Speakers:
David Adams: David is co-minister at Unity of Independence and a Grammy® award winning tenor in Kansas City. You can learn more about David at DavidAdamsTenor.com.
Kathy Beasley: Kathy is a 2018 Unity Urban Ministerial School graduate and a 2019 licensed and ordained Unity Minister, Religious Science (CSL), and Divine Science Minister. She has served as the Spiritual Director of the Central Florida Center for Spiritual Living and, most recently, as the Associate Minister of Unity of Central Florida in Orlando. Rev. Kathy serves on the board of directors of the Unity Urban Ministry School, works as the Sr. Manager of the Silent Unity Prayer Ministry, and is a minister at large and a traveling speaker. To find out more about Rev. Kathy, go to: https://about.me/RevKathyBeasley
Ed Biagiotti: Ed is co-host with Darrell Fusaro of Funniest Thing! With Darrell and Ed, broadcast live to 170 countries with fans in all 50 states. Each week these unlikely saints administer a refreshing dose of laughter and love that will inspire you to step out boldly. Although Ed’s favorite saying is “You Deserve a Donut!”, he is likely to speak on “Spiritualizing Your Consciousness”.
Sandra Campbell: Sandra is Associate Minister at Unity Temple on the Plaza and Executive Director of the Unity Urban Ministerial School.
Randy Fikki: “The Invisible Spiritual Substance”. Randy is an ordained interfaith minister who leads the ministerial team at Unity Southeast in Kansas City. You may follow him at facebook.com/randy.fikki
Eleanor Fleming: Language of the Soul Eleanor is a Unity minister who teaches classes at Unity of Independence Many of her classes are recorded and streamed on Youtube and TruthUnity..
Darrell Fusaro: Darrell is co-host with Ed Biagiotti of Funniest Thing! With Darrell and Ed. Darrell is also author of Break Out of Your Box and What If Godzilla Just Wanted a Hug?. His talk title is “Joy is the strength of the Lord”. You can see more about Darrell at This Will Make You Happy!
Candace Henry: Rev. Candace is a dedicated Transition Specialist and Interim Ministry Consultant at Unity Worldwide Ministries, where she brings her passion for communication, mediation, and addressing unconscious bias to the forefront. She is also a devoted mother to two young adults and has birthed Empower American Children, a platform dedicated to listening and learning about the challenges faced by inner-city youth. Go to CandaceHenry.com for more about Candace.
Jesse Herriott: Jesse is the minister at Unity of Birmingham. His current research and teaching explores the interplay of Western Psychotherapy with the Esoteric teachings of the Western Mystery Tradition, the Spiritual & Esoteric Wisdom of Africa, and the Wisdom Teachings of the East. Links and more about Jesse are on the church website.
Mark Hicks: Mark is the founder and developer at TruthUnity Ministries and cohost with Susan St. John of the Society's Sunday Lesson Study Group. You can learn more about him on the TruthUnity About page.
Gloria Holt: Rev. Gloria is well known and much loved in Unity. After retiring from a long career in public education, she was ordained in 2006, partnered with Sallye Taylor in Soul Food Bible Ministry, taught Bible for many years at Unity Village, served as Senior Minister and continues to serve at ministerial mentor at Unity Southeast in Kansas City. She will lead our Saturday night celebration of Unity in Kansas City.
Sherri James: Sherri is the Senior Minister of UPChurch: Universal Principles for Better Living, Inglewood CA. Learn more about Sherri at UPChurch.org and SimplySherrij.com
Graeme Johnson: Graeme Johnson was ordained in 1977 and served Unity in Australia and New Zealand for nearly 50 years. He recently retired from his online teaching ministry of Intrapersonal Bible Study and is working on a book about Holiness/Wholeness based on the Book of Exodus. He resides with his wife, Marita, in Whittington, Victoria, Australia.
Ginny Roll: Reverend Ginny Roll was ordained a minister in 2007 and has served churches in Hawaii (internship), Virginia Beach, Newport News and, most recently at Unity Williamsburg Spiritual Center in Williamsburg, Virginia. Ginny currently teaches online classes with SEE students and Leadership classes with those preparing to become Licensed Unity Teachers. She is also a regional trainer for Light and Love Ministries training those who wish to create a prayer chaplain program within their ministry.
Susan St. John: Susan is Minister of Worship & Pastoral Care at MacNeill Baptist Church in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and cohost with Mark Hicks of the Society's Sunday Lesson Study Group. You can follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.
Mary Salama: Mary is an independent Bible scholar and a Fillmore Study Bible contributor.
Thomas Scheinler: Tom is spiritual leader of Unity of the Seacoast in Dover, New Hampsire. His contributions to the Fillmore Study Bible include Galatians and several chapters in Acts. Tom is grounded in the Bible, Unity, and New Thought. Tom offers a perspective from his life. “Blue Collar Unity” or looking at God through your own lens. He takes a metaphysical, allegorical approach to the Bible, focusing on the life lessons from the Bible and seeing Jesus as the “Way-Shower.”
Anna Shouse: Anna's presentation is “Open Your Eyes–There’s Something to See!” based on 2 Kings 6:17. Want to see God? Put metaphysical Bible understanding to work. Your eyes, ears, and heart will increasingly sense God’s Presence and Power! Anna is an ordained Unity minister who has joyfully served ministries and ministry leaders since 1995. She is dedicated to the ever deeper awakening of herself and all people to the Christ within—the inner spiritual life—so that we may live with meaning, integrity, service, and abundance. Rev. Anna holds a Ph.D. in Communication and Human Relations from the University of Kansas and an M.A. in Addiction Counseling from the Hazelden-Betty Graduate School of Addiction Studies.
Steven Szydlo: Steven, aka Steven Tom Thorpe is a Los Angeles based actor. He has been applying metaphysical principles as a way of life for the past five years. Currently, he is a member of the Audio/Visual team at Unity of Santa Barbara and has been a regular guest on the podcast, “Funniest Thing! with Darrell and Ed”.
Ken Turner: Rev. Ken is the Minister of Unity of Chicago South (UCS), which recently transitioned to a completely online platform.. He is the author of Course in Nazarene Prosperity, a consciousness-building work based on over 42 statements attributed to Jesus. He co-hosted the spiritual center's podcast, Innerquest, and has over 20 years of experience as a community-access TV producer. You can read more about Ken at R. Ken Speaks.
John Zenkewich: John is the founder and spiritual leader of Unity Long Island and The Christic Way. He is also the host of the Unity Weekend Message podcast. He is also a member of Association de Magiciens Internationaux, the International Brotherhood of Magicians and the Society of American Magicians. His talke is "Making the Bible Stories Your Own." In this session we will journey from an intellectual interpretation of the Bible stories to an immersive experience of metaphysical magic leading us to a greater understanding and experience of how a Bible story or parable applies to our own spiritual journey and development of spiritual consciousness.
Other Information
Sunday 9am - 11am. For those not choosing a church visit, we will have a Nature walk (weather permitting) and/or free time at the village. Goodbyes at 11am in the conference room.
Call for event volunteers, speakers, and music leaders: We will need 2-3 people to welcome guests, collect donations and pickup mid-day box lunches. Please let Mark know if you can help with the organizing or if you would like to present. We have spaces for 16 speakers giving 20 minute talks. And we would be delighted for those who can lead singing and play piano to lead us between speakers. Let us know and we'll share the microphone.