Go Light Your World 2017 Conference
If Unity is about anything, it is about the spiritualization of the material world. It is about going to places in culture and society, where God is not recognized or heard, and, when we get there, speaking Truth to power. In the words of Chris Rice*, it is a call to go light your world.
The Go Light Your World* mini-conference explores and celebrates ways that Licensed Unity Teachers and others in Unity may launch ministries that directly engage culture with Unity's message of wholeness, empowerment and prosperity.
In the formative years of Unity, Charles and Myrtle Fillmore saw Unity as an educational movement, not as a church. Their message was wholeness, empowerment and prosperity. Their primary methods were publishing and prayer, but these Kansas City based ministries were augmented right away by field lecturers who were sent out to bring Unity's message directly into society. Many people in the field quickly caught the spirit of Unity's message and came to Kansas City for training.
Engaging culture is a work that is difficult for a congregational church to do. Churches are locality based. They must focus on the needs of any and all who walk in their doors. They have Sunday services to offer, buildings to keep and bills to pay. Their ministers are highly-trained professionals who carry on an extremely complex work. Things are complex in much different ways for those who directly engage culture. Licensed Unity Teachers are good candidates for this work because they are deeply trained in transmitting Unity's message without having to learn the complex skills of leading congregational ministry.
This mini-conference is meant to be a conversation by and for those who would engage culture with Unity's message. We hope to "paint a picture" of what engaging culture looks like from the perspective of those who are doing the work. We do not intend to address issues of training, credentialing, governance or support. If we are successful in "painting the picture," then we expect that leadership and support will come from Unity Worldwide Ministries and Unity World Headquarters.
Our recent 2016 Metaphysical Bible Gathering brought 55 persons together for an intense one-day gathering. 34 of them flew in from all over the country. We learned that much can be learned in a single, intensive day when Spirit-led people gather around a Spirit-led mission. We also learned that Unity of Independence is an ideal venue for such a meeting.
The content of this mini-conference is given by eight people who have deep experience in directly engaging culture with Unity's message of wholeness, empowerment and prosperity. Their ministries directly impact youth, women, men, peacemakers, the imprisoned, the hungry and others.
Our hope is that "painting the picture" will identify segments of society that need Unity's message of wholeness, empowerment and prosperity. Our hope is that Spirit is inspiring you and others to see the unique talents and skills you now have to engage culture. Our hope is that this conference is the first step in your commitment to shape a world that knows the one power and one presence of God.
All persons are welcome. Let's go light our world.

Thank you, Chris Rice. Your music and your podcasts light my world.