Hi Friends -
It just may be that 10 years from now we will be back in Kansas City celebrating the rebirth of metaphysical Bible interpretation in American religion and culture. That is the vision and hope for the ten speakers who have put together this conference. If you are one of the 40 percent of people in Unity and New Thought who want the Bible to be a relevant part of our movement1 then this event should be important to you. It is certainly an opportunity to get on the ground floor of what is likely to be a long-running annual conference that makes an impact on American spirituality.
The gathering is an opportunity to reframe our message to those in the mainline and evangelical churches who are looking for a better way. Metaphysical religion is one of three great strands of the western church — a welcome addition to the mainline and evangelical approach to Christianity.2 And the Bible serves as an important point of continuity for those who come into our churches from another Christian denomination.
So, do you want to grow your church? Would you like to take back the Bible from literalist interpretation and make it relevant in your faith journey? If so, a first step we can take together is seven weeks from now.
The planning and the finances for this conference are being managed so that it is self-sustaining with a diverse group of speakers and a new location each year. We picked Kansas City this year because it was the most central location, but it will go east or west next year. We chose to have it for one day, because we could cram in 10 speakers, but we hope for a two-day 20-speaker event next year. Regardless, this is a gathering — a time to come together for those who want metaphysical Bible interpretation to flourish in our culture.
I hope you will send in your registration today. If you can't attend, then consider becoming a sponsor. Each speaker is traveling on their own funds and all proceeds are divided equally after tithing the hosting facility. We need your support. Finally, share this page with your friends or share the Facebook Event link.
Thank you,

The Metaphysical Bible Gathering 2016 is scheduled for Saturday, October 29, 2016 at Unity of Independence, situated in a suburb northeast of Kansas City, Missouri. The ten speakers for this gathering are leading metaphysical Bible interpretation in New Thought and Unity. Each speaker is well-known and Spirit-directed and each message promises to be a diverse and powerful testimony about how Truth transforms consciousness through scripture.
The doors will open at 9am with coffee and fellowship. We start at 9:30 and run pretty much non-stop until 9pm, breaking only for 10-minute breaks between speakers, a 30-minute lunch and a early-evening common meal. The cost is $99, which includes lunch and dinner.
Metaphysical Bible interpretation is telling the story about our spiritual transformation of consciousness. When interpreted metaphysically, the Bible is the story of our spiritual journey toward a clear and pure consciousness that is open, receptive and responsive to Spirit. Metaphysical Bible interpretation gives us not only a gauge as to where we are but valuable insight as to how to grow through a particular phase of that journey.
Most important, this event is a gathering — the first annual coming together of New Thought, Unity and mainline Christians who find in the Bible divine ideas that work to transform our minds and solve problems in unexpected ways. While we have ten notable speakers lined-up, our prayer is that the atmosphere will be interactive and conversational and that, collectively, we will be the good soil upon which the seed of Truth will fall, yielding a rich harvest in the coming year.
- Rebecca Gittrich Whitecotton, Seeking Unity: A Sociological Analysis Of Factors Which Draw Spiritual Seekers To The Unity Church Of Christianity. The University of New Mexico, 1997.
- Catherine L. Albanese, A Republic of Mind and Spirit: A Cultural History of American Metaphysical Religion. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2007.