The first five talks are high definition and good sound. Halfway through the 5th talk, the camcorder ran out of storage space. So the last half of the 5th talk (Gloria Holt) and the remaining talks are from the webcam stream, which is poorer quality in picture and sound. I regret not having been better prepared. Next time will be better.
Welcome and Introduction by Rev. Tom Thorpe and Mark Hicks
Presentation by Rev. Eleanor Fleming
Presentation by Rev. Sherri James
Presentation by Rev. Bob Brach
Presentation by Rev. Gloria Holt
Presentation by Rev. Laura Barrett Bennett
Presentation by Rev. Joanna Gabriel Thompson
Presentation by Rev. Cecilia Loving
Presentation by Rev. Tom Thorpe: Genesis 3: Promise and Possibility
Click here to download Rev. Tom's presentation file in Powerpoint format.Presentation by Mark Hicks: The Metaphysics of Paul
Click here to download Mark's presentation file in PDF format.2016 Gathering Flyer