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Metaphysical meaning of Elisha (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Elisha (mbd)
Elisha (A.V., Luke 4:27, Eliseus), e-li'-sha (Heb.)--God is a savior; to whom God gives salvation; God of deliverance; to whom God gives victor; God is rich.

The man who was appointed prophet in Israel in Elijah's stead (II Kings 2 to 13).

Meta. Spiritual I AM.

The double portion of Elijah's spirit for which Elisha asked is the positive and negative, or "yes" and "no," of Truth. Elisha, the tender, retiring one, needs the ability to say yes and no with all the positiveness of Elijah. He can have this only by perceiving the true character of the change that is taking place in consciousness. Elijah is not taken away but is translated to a more interior plane. There is opened to the one who goes through this change a conscious unity with spiritual energies of which he has been heretofore ignorant. The chariot and horses represent the vehicles and vital forces that attend the transformation (II Kings 2:11, 12).

Elisha is often referred to by Bible commentators as a forerunner of Jesus. His character and his marvelous works are easily recognized as proceeding from the same spirit that inspired Jesus, and his gentleness and simplicity are paralleled only in the Master.

It is not difficult to see in Elisha an incarnation of the Christ, and he was in a certain degree God manifest. Jesus was a fuller manifestation of the same spirit.

If we admit that Elisha is a type of Christ, that is, the Jehovah, or supreme I AM of man, it should be equally admissible to allow that the other characters in II Kings 5, relating to the healing of Naaman the Syrian, are types of various kinds common to all men. Elisha apparently took no part in the healing, simply directing Naaman to bathe in the Jordan seven times. But there was a deep undercurrent of spiritual power at work in Elisha. He represented the higher self of the Naaman consciousness, which had been quickened. Jesus referred to this in Luke 4:27: "There were many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet; and none of them was cleansed, but only Naaman the Syrian."

Elisha's dwelling in Dothan means the spiritual I AM established in the understanding of divine law.

The servant of Elisha represents the outer activity actuated by the spiritual I AM. The servant (thought action, which had its origin in Spirit) became fearful. Our thoughts and words are propelled from the central I AM station, like the arrow from the bow. They are indued with intelligence and power, according to the sending capacity of the I AM. Jesus sent His word and healed the centurion's servant. When we judge by opposing appearances the result is fearfulness or timidity in execution.

Confidence is restored and all enmity is overcome through prayer and meditation. These make contact with the great I AM, Jehovah, and all thought realms are lighted up; the adverse intellect is captured and enlightened, "and the bands of Syria came no more into the land of Israel" (II Kings 6:8-23.

The truth revealed in II Kings 4:1-7 is the increasing power of Spirit. The increase of Spirit is realized in individual consciousness. It is brought about through turning the attention within and acknowledging the reality and power of Spirit.

Elisha (salvation of God) is man's spiritual I AM. The widow symbolizes the state of consciousness that believes in separation from God, or the source of being. The empty "vessels" are the life centers throughout the body consciousness that have been depleted through wrong use of mental powers and functions.

Bringing the vessels into the widow's house and shutting the door symbolizes concentration. Concentration is the result of denial and affirmation (the widow's sons), based upon understanding of man's true being. The "oil" symbolizes the oil of life, the vital fluid that renews and reanimates the body in the regeneration.

Preceding Entry: Elisabeth
Following Entry: Elishah