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Metaphysical meaning of Pentecost (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Pentecost (mbd)
Pentecost, pen'-te-cost (Gk.)--the fiftieth (day). The day of Pentecost is the Greek rendering of the Hebrew "Hag-ha-Katzir" or festival of reaping, harvest of grain.

The "day of Pentecost" was with the Israelites the great feast of the harvest, or "day of the first fruits" (Exod. 23:16; Num. 28:26). It was celebrated on the fiftieth day after the Passover. The first Pentecost after Jesus Christ's ascension was the time of the first recorded coming of the Holy Spirit baptism upon His disciples and immediate followers (Acts 2:1-4).

Meta. The metaphysical meaning of the "day of Pentecost" is that in the unfoldment of the spiritual mind there are periods when the ideas that we have meditated on, and accepted as true, spring forth into consciousness, becoming living realities in our life instead of mere mental concepts. In this awakening we get the fruits of the ideas that we have planted in our mind; we have escaped from darkness (Egypt) and have entered into light (Promised Land).

When we fill our mind with true ideas about God and man we should gather our thoughts to one point or "place." That point or place is: "I am that which I conceive myself to be in Spirit." If we proceed in an orderly manner, there will be an inrush of spiritual force from the higher realms of consciousness that will fill the whole body, as described in Acts 2:2.

To the one who is awakened to spiritual reality, the "day of Pentecost" signifies the degree of mind action that brings to consciousness the presence of Spirit as substance.

"They were all together in one place" means the concentration of all the faculties and activities of mind and body in acknowledgment and praise of Spirit. The result of this concentration is that the ordinary thinking mind (conscious mind) and the superconscious mind (perfect Christ mind) blend and there is a descent of spiritual energies into the body--"it filled all the house."

"The multitude came together, and were confounded." Man's devotional nature often lifts him in consciousness until he realizes within himself the urge of Spirit for expression. His conscious, reasoning mind does not understand what is taking place, and he may feel that the condition is the work of evil; but faith (Peter), cultivated through religious effort, gives assurance that all is well and that the new experience is really a greater activity of Spirit in body consciousness.

Christian experience shows that a habit of praying and giving thanks to the Lord daily will finally lead to a state of exhilaration of the whole man similar to that produced by wine. On the day of Pentecost the spiritually exhilarated disciples were thought to be "filled with new wine." This stimulant of Spirit builds up the mind and the body instead of tearing them down, however, and each day adds some new joy.

The ultimate result of this outpouring of Spirit is that the disciples (faculties of mind) receive new power to express Truth ("speak with other tongues"), and go forth proclaiming the salvation of God through Christ, until the whole man is renewed and regenerated.

"The day of Pentecost" signifies a gathering of spiritual powers for the purpose of harvesting the first fruits of Spirit; otherwise, a dedicating of these new forces of Spirit to unselfish service in the vineyard of the Lord.

Spirit always manifests according to the measure of our faith and trust. When our people (thoughts) are gathered in the upper chamber (a place of high spiritual understanding) and are unified in thought and purpose (prayer), the way of the Lord is made straight. We receive the gift of gifts--the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Preceding Entry: Peninnah
Following Entry: Penuel