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Metaphysical meaning of Simon (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Simon (mbd)
Simon, si-mon (Gk. fr. Heb.)--hearing; hearkening; obeying; understanding; announced; reported; reputed; famous.

a The apostle of Jesus Christ who was called Peter (Matt. 4:18). b A brother of Jesus' (Matt. 13:55). c Simon the leper (Matt. 26:6). d Another apostle of Jesus Christ, Simon the Zealot (Luke 6:15). e The father of Judas Iscariot (John 6:71). f A sorcerer who believed in Christ, through Philip's teaching (Acts 8:9-24). Simon is the same name as Simeon.

Meta. For the general significance of Simon, see SIMEON. Strength (Andrew) is clearly related to substance (Simon), which in spirit we call faith (Peter; John 1:40, 41). "Faith is the giving substance to things hoped for" (Heb. 11:1, with marginal note). What we hope for and mentally see as a possibility in our life comes into visibility, and we call it substance.

In Mark 1:29-34 Jesus' coming "into the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John," in individual consciousness signifies the coming of the spiritual I AM into a firm, unyielding, enduring consciousness of faith and strength (typified by Simon and Andrew), supported by the faculties of judgment and love (James and John).

The results are a positive activity of these spiritual forces, directed by the I AM, which brings about a healing, redeeming work within the soul (represented by Simon's mother-in-law who was healed by Jesus).

This living demonstration of the power of Spirit in the soul consciousness awakens the soul to the knowledge of the power of Spirit to free and to make whole. All that are sick, all thoughts of a demoniac character, are brought to Simon's door (the door of faith) and are healed.

Simon the Canaanite, or Simon the Zealot, another of Jesus' apostles, represents the zeal faculty in man. In the body this faculty is located at the base of the brain.

The house of Simon the leper represents a state of body consciousness in which vital substance has been vitiated.

Simon the sorcerer is the ambition of personality to handle the power of Spirit without paying the price through faith and love. The offer of money for spiritual power entails the thought of man's putting a price on the works of God.

The power of the Holy Spirit is obtained only by unselfish service; therefore personal power and glorification have "neither part nor lot" in the spiritual realm, the kingdom of heaven.

The only way to loose the bonds of personality, to make the heart right toward God, is through repentance, diligent prayer, and meditation, which transmute selfishness into unselfishness, personality into individuality. The law is: "As I live, saith the Lord, to me every knee shall bowAnd every tongue shall confess to God."

Sin, sin (Heb.)--clayey; muddy; marshy; miry; hateful passion; bloody disposition; rage; combat.

a A wilderness between Elim and Sinai, which the Israelites entered after they passed through the Red Sea out of Egypt and were on their way to Canaan (Exod. 16:1). b An Egyptian city (Ezek. 30:15).

Meta. Evidently very material, combative, destructive states of thought (muddy, marshy, clayey, rage, combat).

Preceding Entry: Simeon
Following Entry: sin