Extracted from Unity Magazine, August 1918, page 177
Unity Magazine one year, in the United States $1.00
Unity Magazine one year, in Kansas City, Mo 1.25
Unity Magazine one year, in Canada 1.12
Unity Magazine eat year, all foreign countries 1.25
Sample copies of Unity Magazine. Weekly Unity and Wee Wisdom will be sent gratis upon request.
Favor will be conferred upon the publishing department of the Unity School if each subscriber, when renewing his subscription, will copy his name and address exactly as it appears on the mailing wrapper in which the last issue of Unity Magazine was received.
Please notice the color of the magazine wrapper. A pink one indicates the expiration of your subscription.
A mark around this notice shows that your subscription expired last month. Promptness in renewing will be gladly appreciated.
For the convenience of our subscribers, we would suggest that when the blue mark or pink wrapper is noticed you tear off that part of the wrapper upon which your name and address appears, inclose it with your renewal and mail it to us. W e will understand that it is your renewal.
Frederick Elias Andrews, from Unity Society, will speak at the Boston Metaphysical Club, 212 Huntington Chambers, 30 Huntington Ave., Sunday, September 1, 8 p. m., subject, "Is Christianity Practical." Following there will be a two weeks' course of lessons given Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, afternoons and evenings, and a healing service Sunday evening, September 8. Mr. Andrews will remain in Boston for the purpose of organizing new centers and classes, and will conduct a training school for teachers and workers. His headquarters will be 90 Fenway, Suite 4, Boston, where he will be pleased to meet all who are interested.
The Unity Society of Practical Christianity in St. Joseph, Mo., holds services each Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, in the I. O. O. F. Hall, Seventh and Charles Streets.
The speakers from Unity Society in Kansas City will deliver lectures in the following order:
- August 4, Olive R. Huston, subject, "Twenty-third Psalm."
- August 11, Viva M. January, subject, "Rocks and Lighthouses."
- August 18, George Huston, subject, "The Inner Urge."
Richard Lynch, who is delivering a series of addressess on the fundamental principles of Practical Christianity in St. Joseph, Mo., announces his subject, "Health, and the Healing Law," for Sunday morning. August 25. at 11 a. m.. in the I. O. O. F. Hall. Seventh and Charles Streets.
Kate M. Nevill, who is spending a vacation in Kansas City, will open a two week's course of lectures at Lincoln, Neb., beginning Sept. 15th, full outline of which will be published later. Miss Nevill will go from Lincoln to points in Oklahoma, where she will continue activities as demand is made for instructions in the application of the Principles of Practical Christianity. Oklahoma points now contemplating a course of lessons by Miss Nevill, should communicate at once with the Field Department, so that definite arrangements may be made.
A need has been felt in Kansas City for Unity neighborhood meetings. Each district will be organized and have meetings of its own one night in the week. The first district, which includes part of Roanoke and Westport, was organized Tuesday evening, July 15, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Wallace, 4205 Mercier. A president and secretary-treasurer were elected and it was decided to have a meeting each Tuesday evening at some house in the vicinity. Mrs. Viva January will conduct the meetings in this district. Other neighborhoods will be organized this fall.
The men members of the Unity Society of Practical Christianity. Kansas City, Mo., have organized themselves into a body and have chosen for their name "The Men's Unity Extension." Their purpose is to become a working body in the Society, and to in every way possible further the work of the institution. The men are enthusiastic and are taking hold of the new work with interest. A l l men interested in this organization and wishing to become members, should hand or send their names to the Secretary, 913 Tracy Ave.
One of the chief factors in the growth of the UnityCenter is the Woman's Auxiliary, which meets the last Friday of every month.
In the last year this Society has grown nearer to its ideal and motto, "Loving Service," than ever before. In the early days of this organization, it was known as the "right hand" of the Board; later it was advanced to the "heart" of that body, and in consideration of the work now in progress, it might be called the "backbone" of the Unity Center.
Our share of the building of the new Auditorium was five hundred dollars. We have also pledged five hundred dollars to the organ fund, three hundred and fifty of which has already been raised.
Many new names are being added to our membership, and our success is growing with each year.
We look to God for all good things, and give thanks continually.
WHEREAS, the undersigned are the legal owners and holders of all the capital stock of Unity School of Christianity, and corporation of Missouri; and.
WHEREAS, we have by good management largely increased the number of members and adherents of the School, and have also made material progress and gains for the corporation; and in accomplishing this result have been aided and encouraged by the many members enrolled and adherents of the School.
NOWTHEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, Charles Fillmore, Myrtle Fillmore, Lowell Fillmore and Royal Fillmore, the undersigned, being desirous of firmly establishing, further promulgating and of perpetuating the principles and teachings of Unity School of Christianity as the same now are established and taught by us and expressed in the printed books, magazines and pamphlets issued under our direction or with our approval, and as these principles and teachings may be added to or corrected from time to time; and desirous of being helpful generally in all matters pertaining to education and m fixing high and broad ideals and standards of correct living and thinking for all persons, and more particularly for all persons who are now or may be hereafter enrolled on our books as members or adherents of the School aforesaid.
Do NOW DECLARE that we hold all our right, title and interest in said corporation (represented by said capital stock) in trust, and dedicate same to be used to carry out the purposes herein expressed and referred to, so that all persons who now are or may hereafter be members and adherents may, while so enrolled and upon proper application, receive the benefits of all the principles and teachings and other help that the School can give; reserving, however, to ourselves and our successors tine right to manage and control the business and properties, and to a reasonable compensation for our time and services, and to name our successors who will carry out the purposes herein declared.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 3d day of August, 1918, at Kansas City, Missouri.
Charles Fillmore (Seal)
Myrtle Fillmore (Seal)
Lowell Fillmore (Seal)
Royal Fillmore (Seal)
The foregoing is a document the execution of which has long been contemplated by the legal owners of the financial mterests of the Unity work. When the business was incorporated a few years ago everything was transferred to the company by the owners, Charles and Myrtle Fillmore. Then there had to be stockholders and officers to comply with the corporate law, so those having the business in charge, Charles Fillmore, Myrtle Fillmore, Lowell Fillmore and Royal Fillmore, became the stockholders. But their intention was to give outright all their mterests to the Society to be used for all time for the benefit of its members. Legal authorities differed as to how this could be done and it has been in abeyance for over a year, until the foregoing plan was proposed and accepted.
We trust this will answer the often received inquiries from our members as to the legal ownership of the Unity possessions. We have worked for thirty years building up this Society and have given all the fruit of those years to the spread of this gospel. Counting both property possessions and good will, this represented a gift of over half a million dollars. AD we have retained is the privilege of managing the affairs of the Society until such time as others are raised up who are competent to carry it forward to its ultimate as a world educator of Practical Christianity.
Our call for special testimonies of the good received from Unity literature has far exceeded our expectation and it is going to take some time to select the twenty best. The contest closed August 1st, in accordance with the original announcement.
We have three boxes full of letters and they are all fine. How we shall ever select the best is looming up for settlement Pray for us.
The Publisher's Note, in reference to the "Soldiers' Literature Fund," which appeared in die June Unity Magazine, referred particularly to financial contributions to defray the expense of publishing and distributing Unity literature to the Soldiers' Camp Libraries. Should our readers desire to send the Unity Magazine to the soldiers they should comply with the "notice'' appearing on front page of the magazine, and send them direct.
Would you care to have us send you six assorted recent issues of Unity Magazine? The only charge made for the valuble reading is for the expense of mailing them, which is ten cents. The magazines sent wffl be ones taken from our surplus files, and will therefore be our choice. If you want the six magazines, send a dime (or ten cents in stamps) and we will mail you an assortment.
A complete list of all Unity publications will sent free of charge to anyone requesting it.
NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.—The society of the Inner Life, 28 west 72d street. Mr. Walter N. Weston leader, has called Mrs. Lydia Collins, formerly with the Unity School of Christianity in Kansas City, to be an associate worker. Sunday services: 11:15 a.m.. Mr. Weston; 8:15 p.m., Mrs Collins. Meetings Mondays and Thursdays at 3 p.m. and on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8:15 p.m. Phone Columbus, 5522.
Los ANGELES, CAL.—The Unity School of Christianity has secured larger quarters for all of the meetings of the School Services are held in Hall 210, Columbia Trust Bldg., 313 West Third St The room is open every afternoon except Sunday, from 2:00 to 5:30. Meetings as follows:
Sunday, 11:00 a. m.. Address, Emma H. Luke; 7:45 p. m.. Praise Meeting, First Sunday evening of each month. Wednesday, 3:00 p. m., Good Words Qub, Emma H. Luke; 7:45 p. m.. Healing Meeting. Benlah M. Anderson. Thursday, 3:00 p. m.. Course of Lessons in Truth, Oarinda C. Pier; 7: 45 p. m.. Address, J. Frank Hazelton. Friday, 7:45 p. m.. Concentration Class, Emma H. Luke. Beulah M. Anderson, Teacher and Healer, receives patients at her home, 1238 W . Fifty-first street Phone Vermont 4063. Emma H. Luke, Teacher and healer, receives patients at her home. 1127 West First street Phone Pico 3129. Patients received every afternoon at Unity Headquarters.
VANCOUVER, B. C—The Unity Society of this city is holding meetings at the Fairview Theatre, Grantine St, near Sixth Avenue, each Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. There is a Sunday school connected with the work of dm Society, and a Booster Qub has been formed. Miss Martea Gould Powell is the speaker at the Sunday meetings. or farther information concerning the work of the Society call upon Mrs. J. A Stewart, 2208 Cypress St.
HURLEY, N. MEX.—Mr. Herbert T. Shaw hai opened a free reading room at his Studio, where metaphysical literature, including Unity School publication, may be found.
SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH—The Unity Center, Mn. A. K. Myers, leader, wishes to call one of die Field Lecturers from the Unity School of Christianity in Kansas City, Mo., to give a series of lectures and lessons on Practical Christianity. There are a large number of readers in Salt Lake City, and if all would cooperate with Mrs. Myers it would be possible to accomplish a good work. For further information call upon Mrs. Myers, 639 S. 2d St. East, or phone Hyland 3140 M.
PHILADELPHIA, PA.—The following is a list of the various Centers in this city: Truth Center, 1328 Walnut S t , Mrs. M . L. S. Butterworth, leader. Room open daily for reading, healing and consultation. Lessons and lectures are given on Practical Christianity. The Cermantown Center, 6043 Germantown. The Unity Truth Center, Pressor Bldg. Annex, 1713 Sanson St. The New Thought Book Shop, 1524 Chestnut Street
PITTSBURG. P A.—The office and healing rooms of the Ministry of Truth have been moved to suite 21 and 22 Blair Building. No. 12 Federal Street, one block from the North End of the Sixth Street bridge. Private interviews, treatments and lessons from I to 5 p. m. daily. All Truth seekers in city and vicinity are invited to call, get acquainted and assist in arranging for a greater work. Unity literature kept in stock. W. L. Peters, teacher and healer.
NORWOOD. O H I O — A new Unity Center has been organized in this city by Mr. W. J. Holt. Meetings are held Sundays at 3 p. m. in Moose Hall (formerly the old Baptist Church). A goodly number attended dte initial sneering and much interest and enthusiasm was manifested Unity readers in this city and vicinity will do wefl to attend and lend their support to Mr. Holt.
GERMANTOWN, P A.—Mrs. Constance Gummey has been elected president of the New Thought Center, 6043 Germantown Ave., place of Mrs. Butterworth, WICHITA, KANS.—Mrs. Laura Edwards, 1007 West Douglas Street, invites Unity subscribers and Unity friends, and all who are interested in Practical Christianity, to meet at her home Wednesday, August 7th, at 8 p. m., to organize a Unity Study Class. Mrs. Edwards trusts that later on the class shall be strong enough to call a lecturer from Kansas City Unity School of Christianity, who will give a series of lectures and lesions and merge the Study Class into a Unity Center.
People writing to the Silent Unity Department for prayers, or advice in spiritual unfoldment, should sign their name and address in full, if they desire a letter in return. Every case is taken up in prayer when it is received, but quicker and better results are obtained when a systematic method of cooperation is established between us and the writer. However, if you desire prayers and do not, for any reason, wish to sign your nane, be assured that we shall gladly unite with you in speaking the Word. We know that the Christ of God in you (your Real Self), will be manifeted in perfection of health, prosperity, happiness and spiritual satisfaction.
When telegraphing to Silent Unity for prayer* be sure to give your street number. This vrill enable us to send a return vire if the case requires it.
Dear Unity—I know there must be some readers who, like myself, have been waiting until they could send a larger offering for help received through your Society. I have decided to send an offering each week, no matter how small it may seem and to increase it whenever I can. This need not interfere with offerings sent at other times. We all give something when we attend church, and as Unity has become the great church of my life, and the means by which I have attained lasting help and benefit, I feel it is my duty to give as freely as I can for the assistance I have so freely received.
I was inspired to begin this method of tithing after reading the article, "The Grace of Giving," in the July Unity Magazine. When the postman handed me my copy, I was thinking strongly of telegraphing Silent Unity for prayers for my husband, but after counting my money I found it would take all that I had to pay for the telegram and leave nothing to send to the Society. I gave up the idea and got out some of my statements of Truth, all of which I keep and treasure highly. After holding Silence until late in the night, my husband began to feel relieved, and the next morning was able to g& up and take a walk. He had not been out of bed for three weeks previous to this time. I believe most of us spend too much time looking around for something to lean on. The thought came to me that after two years of constant study of Unity literature and correspondence, I surely could do something for myself. I know that should I reach out my hand for help again, your strong arm will meet me half way and lift me up as it has done many times before.
I am going to start tithing by sending twenty-five cents this week, with the belief and trust that I will be able to double and treble it soon. If others, having the same attitude, would send their tithe each week to help spread abroad the tidings of Truth, I am sure both the giver and Unity would be abundantly blessed.—Mrs. Tom Louie, 1163 E. 11th St, Los Angeles, Cal.
A change of consciousness often suggests a change of name. W e rejoice in the change of consciousness of our readers, but because we have a card record of all who write us for prayers, we cannot always rejoice in the change of name. If you have been writing us under the name of "Mrs. John Jackson," and suddenly come into the realization of individual identity as "Mrs. Mary Jackson," kindly inform us that you were once "Mrs. John." Often when people change their address, they change their signature. This is perfectly natural as the idea that brought about the change of address is also responsible for the change in the name, but in writing or wiring us from the new address, kindly mention your former address. If you should wire or write us when away from home, be sure to give your permanent address, else we will make out a new card for you and carry you along as a new reader.
For example, the name Smith appears in our records about seven hundred times. This means that we have seven hundred people by the name of Smith before as for reference whenever that name comes in, and unless the name is written exactly the same each time, information may be listed on the wrong card, and confusion invited. It is therefore absolutely imperative that people who write or wire for healing give us their present name and address, and former name and address if a change in either has been made.
We thank our many friends for writing their full name and address at the top of the first page of their letters to us, as suggested on our Silent Unity letterhead. This establishes a closer identity in the healing ministry, and also enables us to keep the records clear in your case.
The Divine Order and Harmony of the Spirit is now established in all our activities and affairs.
Many requests for the names of our subscribers in various places are coming to us, the object of the writers being to get acquainted with others of like thought It is a rule among publishers not to give out the names of subscribers, because people do not like to be intruded upon. However, those of the same spiritual thought are often strengthened by coming in touch with one another, and for this reason we desire to help make such acquaintances. We will not give the names of our subscribers, but instead will publish the names of those who have written to us for lists. We cannot grant the privilege to everybody, but to those only who we have reason to believe are sincere seekers for Truth. The following would like to meet Unity people in their vicinity:
- Mrs. Laura Edwards, 1007 West Douglas, Wichita. Kansas.
- Mrs. Earl W. Gooding, 672 Spring Street, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Mrs. E. R. Downer, 1125 East 43d St., Chicago, 111., care of G. E. Willey.
- Mrs. E. N. Eaton, Colfax, Cal.
- Mrs. Elmer Keys, 306 Holmes St., Lansing, Mich.
- Mrs. Howard Davis, 1003 N. Broad St., Elizabeth, NJ
- Mrs. A. N. Lincoln, The Liniakea, Alaska and King Streets, Honolulu, T. H.
- Lillian F. Mithchcll, Tuttletown. Cal.
"I have now the abundance that belongs to the kingdom of God, and I know that die Father who distributes this abundance is only waiting my recognition to furnish me with such supply there will not be room enough to receive it."
Gathered together under the title of "Unity Prosperity Series" are three booklets that explain some important laws that govern Prosperity, Opulence, Success, and true riches.
At present the series will contain three booklets, but from time to time we will make additions so the set will be a complete Series on this subject All forthcoming booklets will appear in the same uniform binding as each of these three.
Those desiring the present series may order it at this price: fifty cents for the three booklets; single copies each 20 cents. The following is a partial description of each booklet:
By Sophia Van Marter
Author of "Faith That Removes Mountains."
Success and prosperity are the result, the manifestation of superior ability. Every man and woman is naturally endowed with this ability, but through lack of understanding many fail to realize prosperity. This helpful booklet contains simple instruction, for those who desire to know more fully how to demonstrate abundance, and it really meets a very great need in supplying the primary instruction for the realizing of success and prosperity.
In a manner unusually attractive, Mrs. Van Marter tefls a number of incidents how the people in the practical world are applying this teaching. Read the first and fundamental steps in demonstrating prosperity and success as given in this booklet, clearly and with understanding. A brief outline of the contents follows:
The Source from which we may draw whatever we •ay desire—Our Kingdom, our treasury, our supply —Large fortunes—All real ability is based on spiritual understanding—How to overcome poverty—How to succeed—Abundance of supply— Overcoming circumstances—Ideals are necessary—Satisfaction.
"Prosperity and Success" is bound in Antiquarian cover, designed in bronze. The paper is toned antique book, and the type is large and clear. In Prosperity Edition with handmade envelope. Price 20 cents.
The complete title of this new booklet is "Wealth and Wisdom Through Mind Action." Wealth, like every other manifest thing, is an attitude of mind. To attain wealth, the proper mental activity must be maintained until the entire mentality is impregnated with the consciousness of riches.
At the close of each chapter there is given a valuable affirmation for meditation. These thoughts release the power contained in the words, and the mind quickly takes hold of that power and establishes a consciousness identical to that of its source. As a result unlimited success and prosperity become manifest
Bound in a paper cover to harmonize with "Prosperity and Success," and inclosed in a handmade envelope. Price, 20 cents.
The conception of God's infinite substance and the manner in which one may acquire this substance and bring it into visible manifestation is dealt with in this booklet Giving is as great a problem a* receiving. One must first learn to give, then the receiving comes automatically. One must learn to give, not as charity, but as described in this wonderful little booklet Printed on good book paper in large, clear type. Art cover in two colors on artistically designed Antiquarian paper. "Giving and Receiving*' is inclosed in « handmade envelopes. 32 pages. Price 20 cents.
Montpeiier, Vl—Seal my name to "one brick;" weave my substance into the "House of the Lord," and quicken my heart to the presence of Christ I would open every avenue in my being toward the "Central Light" I would clear every pathway of all obstruction to that "Light;" and I would hold my purged heart to catch and reflect it throughout my being and environment. Your school has brought me to the dawn. Bring me to the noontide of his Presence. Give me light and more light and more.
May your sun increase. May the light of your "House" flood the world with its glory. May your "Foundation in Christ" bud and blossom and fruit to the feeding of die nations and the redemption of all people.
I am glad to have had a part in the building and to have received a measure of the grace of the Supreme Architect. May his face be the Light within your sanctuary now and forever. J. B. E.
Dululh, Minn.—I enclose four dollars, the balance due on my Brick Motto: "Universal Love works with me, by me, for me and through me." I am also sending a few stamps to help out with cost of mailing. I must do something in return for all the blessings I am receiving through your Unity literature. God bless you andyourwork.—P.S. P.
When writing for change of address, please be sure to give your name just as it appears on the Unity Magazine wrapper, and also state the old address as well as new. Subscribers are requested to send their change of address so that it will reach us before the 5th of the month. Unity Magazine is mailed from the 12th to the 15th of each month, but at it requires several days to correct our list, we should have notice of change by the 5th. We shall appreciate having the change of address at an early date.
"The Lord appointed seventy oihen."
The Silent Seventy is the department of Unity work organized for the special purpose of distributing literature. It developed out of a growing demand from our readers for literature to pass on to others. This department of our work is founded on the incidents related in the tenth chapter of Luke, when "seventy others" were sent out to teach and heal. Members of the Silent Seventy receive and distribute pamphlets and sample copies of our magazines. These members "abide in every city and place."
You who have been benefited by the study of the Truth which sets free, and who desire to help others to see the Light, are invited to join the Silent Seventy and take up this work. There are no membership dues; however, freewill offerings are welcome. Write the secretary for bulletin and further information.
Each month we will publish a testimonial from a member; this month we give the following:
Worcester, Mass.—I am more enthusiastic than ever. I have made many new friends through the distribution of Unity literature. For a while at the beginning of the year, I was overstocked with tracts. It occurred to me to cany an assortment when I went marketing. I don't know why it is, but perfect strangers will approach me, and after a few remarks about the goods for sale, pour out all their troubles. It used to annoy me exceedingly to be hindered about my errands, but now I welcome every interruption; it gives me a chance to tell them about Unity and to distribute the pamphlets. Of course, I have never seen some of these people again, but a few have afterwards met me on the street and told me how much help they have received from reading the literature; so I feel that my time has not been wasted.
I have five cousins and an adopted brother actively engaged in the war. I have been sending them my Unity Magazines as soon as I was through with them, and in my letters I enclose a tract or two. The boys like these teachings, and are literally clamoring for more now; they have written home, praising this literature, so I am now going to send some to their parents.—C. F. C, S-70 No. XX-24.
We quite often have requests from subscribers living in Anrtnlia, South Africa, and other far distant countries that the Silent Unity "Clan Thought" and "Prosperity Thought" be given in Unity Magazine for one month in advance. In response to such requests we give below the thought that will appear in September Unity Magazine:
September 20 to October 20, 1918
Held dairy at 9 p. m. "I mil fear no evil; for Thou art n>ith me."
September 20 to October 20, 1918
Held daily at 12 m. 'The Lord it my Shepherd: I shall not want
Lets just be glad.
So many joys are given
To us each day and moment that we know.
For you and me the blue sky arches over.
For you and me the slender daisies blow.
Address all letters to
Add here the department whose attention you want, as:
Publishing Dept
or Silent Unity
or Silent Seventy,
or Good Words,
or Editorial Dept.
Do not write to individuals if you want a quick response. They may be absent and your letter will be delayed.
"Blessed is he that thrice blessed is he who, having found it, puts something of himself in the task before him. For such a one thus becomes a Creator—he becomes one of the gods." -Advanced Thought
Do you want to keep him from harm? Do you want him to know and understand the power of the protecting Word? Do you want him to come back after the war, unsoiled in soul by the terrors and temptations of that hard life?
If you do, you will be interested in what is written here: If every boy in the trenches, or in the navy, could realize the truth of the words in the Psalm, "I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me," it would be a glorious victory over fear. T o realize the presence of God, a man must learn the true character of God. He must be able to comprehend God as Spirit, all powerful. He must understand his relation to God and the wonderful power of the Word.
Unity Magazine and Weekly Unity will help the boys to understand these things. They will Ell them with a new trust and courage. We suggest that you send one of the magazines to them for one year.
The dollar that you pay for this is insignificant compared to the comfort, the pleasure, the assurance and the strength that they will bring to them. With your subscription we will send the boy, free, a copy of "Bulletproof Soldiers," a booklet which tells how a London Doctor protects British Soldiers from harm. We will also take your boy up for protection in the prayers of the Silent Unity Society and write him a letter stating that a friend over here is sending him Unity Magazine or Weekly Unity and a copy of "Bulletproof Soldiers," and that we are 'praying for his safety.
Fill out the blank below and send it at once to Unity School of Christianity, Tenth and Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, Mo.
Dear Friends:
I am inclosing $1.00 for which please send Units Magazine or Weekly Unity and a copy of the booklet, "Bulletproof Soldiers," to the boy whose name appears below. Also please enter his name on the Silent Unity list for Prayers for Protection.
Soldier's or Sailor's Name is:
My Name is
City State..

There is a great underlying spiritual law in the universe that the average man knows little about This law controls your, health and happiness. The law is that thought has its direct effect upon health. The law is no respecter of persons. Everyone may use it for good. Jesus used it His disciples used it People today are using it. You may use it.
The book, "Christian Healing," by Charles Fillmore, was written for the purpose of helping students to understand and apply this law in the right way.
The author of the book tells many truths that he has learned about the working of the Law, during more than thirty years of practical experience in teaching and heab'ng.
Every student of metaphysical healing should own a copy for study and reference. It is also good for those desiring to keep themselves well by use of the healing law.
There are twelve regular lessons in the book, with working statements accompanying each, besides other helpful chapters on the following subjects:
How Microbes Are Made; The I Am in Its Kingdom; How Shall the Dead Be Raised? The D e velopment of Divine Love; The Ministry of the Word; Ye Must Be Born Again; Obedience; The Church of Christ; The Lord's Body; The Restoration of God's Kingdom; How Mental Healing Is Done; Sample Treatments; Six Days' Treatment Instruction.
The present revised edition of "Christian Healing** contains 260 pages. The price of the book, in neat paper cover, is 75 cents a copy. In substantial binding of dark green cloth, with top and title stamped in gold. "Christian Healing" sells for $1.50; Trench edition for soldiers, khaki binding, price, $1.50; handsome limp binding, $2.50.