Download a PDF copy of the 1918 December issue of Unity Magazine
In this issue:
- The Birth of Christ in Individual and Universal Consciousness—Ida M. Mingle
- God-Man—Charles Fillmore
- The Law of Affirmation—Henry Proctor
- Non-Resistance—George Crouch
- Freedom—Ethelind Lord Campion
- From A Reporter’s Note Book
- Bible Studies
- Twenty Inspiriting Points From “Lessons in Truth”
- Bible Study
- Sunday Lessons
- Elijah Encouraged
- Elijah Meets Ahab in Naboth’s Vineyard
- Elijah Goes up by a Whirlwind to Heaven
- Elisha the Prophet Restores a Child to Life
- Elisha’s Heavenly Defenders
- Society of Silent Unity
- Class Thought and Prosperity Thought
- Extracts from Letters
- Publishers’ Department
- Prophecy Fulfilled