Download a PDF copy of the 1918 September issue of Unity Magazine
In this issue:
- Seed Time and Harvest—Imelda Octavia Shanklin
- Metaphysical Law of the I Am—Charles Fillmore
- The Kingdom of Heaven Within—Agnes Lee
- Peace
- The Marriage of the Resurrection—Ida M. Mingle
- Bible Studies
- The Study
- The True Character of God—Theo. Schobert
- Bible Study
- “Be Not Afraid. I Am With You Always”—Edward Weldon Carter
- A Morning Prayer
- The Bible
- I Am That I Am—Thomas J. Rowe
- Sunday Lessons
- Solomon Dedicates the Temple
- Review
- Asa’s Good Reign in Judah
- Jehoshphat’s Good Reign in Judah
- Society of Silent Unity
- Class Thought and Prosperity Thought
- Thoughts for Daily Meditation
- Extracts from Letters
- Silent Unity Healing
- Publishers’ Department