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Lessons In Truth - Lesson 10 - Annotation 6

Lessons In Truth - Lesson 10 - Annotation 6

Why is it necessary to be mentally and physically relaxed when entering "the Silence" or "the secret place"?

6. It is only as we become mentally and physically relaxed that we can actually enter "the Silence" that takes us into "the secret place" and there receive the spiritual sustenance that is necessary for our well-being.

Webster's dictionary includes among other definitions of the word relax "to lessen the tension, to release, to slacken." This means that in order to relax ourselves mentally, we are to release our mind from thinking of the things we need to do in our everyday living, and especially to release the mind from the tension of confused or disturbed thinking. Sometimes we let ourselves become tense through an ardent desire to contact God, but this defeats our purpose. Relaxation takes place in the body as we release muscles and nerves from tension.

The quieting of mind and body is done so that there will be no interference with our conscious "waiting upon God" (Emilie Cady Lessons In Truth 10:20). In no other way can we become a receptive channel for the working of Spirit. We have to feel that Spirit is working in us, and this feeling cannot come to us if we are tense in either mind or body. While our body is relaxed, it is alive and ready to carry out any command. While our mind is quiet, it is alert and ready to hear the "still small voice" of God.

The musician who does not relax mind and body before his performance cannot give a true rendition of the composition, for the principle of music must have a responsive vehicle through which to express. God, as Principle, must also find responsiveness in us in order for Him to do His perfect work.

If the body is tense, too much attention is given to it by the mind, and the latter cannot reach the point of either meditation or concentration. Perhaps none of us will follow exactly the same method of becoming relaxed in mind and body, but we must find the way that is right for us at any given time. Sometimes music can help to bring the desired quietness of mind and body; at other times just speaking affirmations of relaxation can gently bring both mind and body into the needed relaxation.

If we remain tense or strained in spite of all our efforts to relax, a change to some active work may help to remove the tension. There are times when work in the outdoors, such as gardening, can bring release from tension. If it seems wise to do some active thing, we may even find ourselves "entering the Silence" without effort while our hands are busy. Or perhaps we shall be able to return to our silence period after the outer work is done.

Certainly where regular periods for entering the Silence are possible, one needs to assume the position that is best for him. We do need to know, however, that with practice the Silence can be entered instantly, and is not dependent on outer circumstances.

"It is not the position of the body so much as it is the attitude of mind and heart that expresses true devotion" (You Can Be Healed 136).

By being constant and regular in our silence periods, we soon learn to commune easily with God at any time, in any place, under any circumstances. When it is not possible to be in an environment that is conducive to "entering the Silence" such as quiet surroundings and a comfortable chair, we still may be able to go instantly into the presence of God by turning our attention within, with full cooperation of mind and body.

"When we are truly relaxed, we are as unconscious of the body as we are of well-fitting clothes. The body is the clothing of the soul and the soul is the clothing of the Spirit, and a body so cramped that it cannot let go and relax is closed to the beauty and life that Spirit seeks to express in it through the soul" (Effectual Prayer 40).

Preceding Entry: How do we center our mind on the Eternal (God)?
Following Entry: How does the attitude of thankfulness bring the fulfillment of our righteous desires?