The Consecration of the Room
Mary Brewerton de Witt
THE blessing of consecration, or purification, given here for house or room, has been used for a number of years, and many have been benefited by it. Sit quietly in the room and speak these words aloud:
“There is only one presence in this room. This one presence is the presence of God, or good. No evil can enter here. There is no evil in God. God, the good, dwells here. Whoever enters here will be conscious of the one divine presence of Good.
“There is only one presence here. This presence is the presence of life. There is no death here, nor fear of death. There is only life here. All fear is cast out. Whoever enters here will be conscious of this life, the pure and holy life of God.
“There is only one presence here. This presence is the presence of Truth. No untrue thing can enter here. There is no false hood, no deception, no envy, no jealousy, no selfishness in this room. Every untrue thought is cast out. Whoever enters here will be conscious of the presence of Truth.
“There is only one presence here, the presence of health. No sickness can enter here; no impurity or fear can enter here. All weakness and sickness are cast out. Whoever enters here will be conscious of the presence of health.
“There is only one presence here, the presence of purity. No impure thought can enter here. I live and dwell in the pure and holy presence of God. Whoever enters here will be conscious of the pure and holy presence of God.
“This room is filled with peace and harmony. I live and dwell in the presence of peace. No restless or discordant thought can enter here. No irritation or fear can enter here. The presence of God is peace. Whoever enters here will be conscious of the presence of peace.
“This room is filled with prosperity. I cannot lack for any good thing. There is no dissatisfaction here. Whoever enters here will be conscious of contentment, satisfaction, and prosperity.
“This room is filled with beauty. There is one presence here, the presence of beauty. In God is all spiritual beauty. My room is glorified by His holy presence. Whoever enters here will be conscious of the beauty of holiness.
“There is one presence here, the presence of wisdom. All foolishness, ignorance, doubt, and superstition are cast out. God is here, and God is wisdom. I live and move in the presence of wisdom. Whoever enters here will be conscious of wisdom.
“There is only one presence here, the presence of joy. Joy radiates here, filling this room. No sorrow can enter here. All depression is cast out. The joy of the Lord is here. I am surrounded by joy. I am filled with joy and happiness. Whoever enters here will be conscious of the presence of joy.
“Only love dwells here. This room is filled with the presence of love. God is love, and love is here. All anger, hatred, and revenge are cast out. Love fills these walls. In love I live, move, and have my being. Whoever enters here will be conscious of the pure, holy presence of love.
“I am thankful to Thee, O Father, that this room is filled with Thy presence. I am thankful that I live and move in Thee, O God, Thou holy One. I am thankful that I live in Thy life, truth, health, prosperity, peace, wisdom, joy, and love. I am thankful that all who enter here will be conscious of Thy presence.”
This blessing may be enlarged upon and added to; all those who use it realize the Truth in the Word, for every good word is a power.
Note—These blessings may be used also as prayers for spiritual development, peace, harmony, health, or prosperity, either for oneself, friend, or relative, or for business firms, institutions, the city, the country, or the whole world. Ideas as to the best methods to follow will present themselves in each individual case. A plan that has proved helpful is to begin with the first statement, and use each prayer for one week, holding the thought several times daily. The following form will show beginners how to adapt the prayers to various needs.
Thank you, Samuel Patrick ("Sammy") Smith, for sending me this wonderful tract. Sammy writes, “Fillmore’s Consecration of a House draws pretty heavily on this. An online search shows Mary Brewerton DeWitt having died in 1927. This edition is from May 1928, but there’s no indication of when it was first printed.”
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