Audio of Consecration of a House by Charles Fillmore

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Text of Consecration of a House by Charles Fillmore
TruthUnity note: I have not seen any publication of the text of Charles Fillmore's Consecration of a House. So the following is a transcription I made from this recording. There are a few places where her words were unclear and I am sure there are some mistakes. I will be grateful for anyone who can help provide the true words of this talk. - Mark
We are here to consecrate this house to God the good. Each room of this house shall henceforth be sacred and all its occupants will feel God's holy presence. No evil can enter here, there is no evil in God, God the good dwells here. Whoever enters here will be conscious of the one, divine presence of good.
There is only intelligence here. All ignorance is cast out. Whoever enters here will be conscious of the pure, the holy wisdom of God.
No untrue thing can enter here. There is no falsehood, no deception, no envy, no jealousy, no selfishness in this house. Every untrue thought is cast out. Whoever enters here will be conscious of the presence of Truth.
No thought of sickness can enter here. No impurity, no fear can enter here. All weakness and sickness are cast out. Whoever enters here shall be conscious of the presence of health.
Whoever enters here will be conscious of plenty, prosperity, even opulence. All foolishness, ignorance, doubt and superstition are cast out. God is here and God is security. Whoever enters here will be conscious of God's security.
This house is radiant with joy. No thought of sorrow or grief can enter here. All depression is cast out. The joy of the Lord is here. Whoever enters here will be conscious of the presence of radiant joy.
Only love dwells here. This house is filled with the presence of love. God is love and God is here. All anger, hatred and revenge are cast out. Whoever enters here will be conscious of the pure, the holy presence of love.
We are thankful to thee O Father that this house is filled with thy presence. We are thankful that we live in thy light, thy truth, thy health, thy prosperity, thy peace, thy wisdom, thy joy, and thy love. We are thankful that all who enter here will be conscious of this, thy holy presence. Amen.