An Unpublished Manuscript by Charles Fillmore

Unity Archives has referred to unpublished Charles Fillmore material in it's catalog: (p.16):
The Book Manuscript File includes manuscript and editorial copy for books written by Charles S. Fillmore or books published posthumously using compilations of his writings. Items separated from the Reference File and Training School File constitute a portion of this subseries. Also noteworthy are collected manuscripts for books that were at one time under consideration for printing, but have not been published to date. These include: The Hidden Man of the Bible and The Story of Jesus' Soul Evolution.
Manuscripts written by Charles Fillmore which have not been published by Unity are collectively known as "Unpublished Fillmore." More information about these manuscripts has been collected and placed in a Unity Archives Ready Reference File folder labeled "Unpublished Fillmore".

The Hidden Man of the Bible was given as a workshop in 1934 and then a series of talks in 1935. Here is an advertisement for one of the 1935 talks.

Dr. Blaine Mays talks about The Hidden Man of the Bible
Dr. Blaine Mays, Co-Minister, Community Church of New Thought
Dr. Mays spoke about Cora Fillmore at the 2017 Fillmore Festival. We anticipate that he will do so again at the 2018 Fillmore Festival. He resided with Cora Fillmore for four years when he was a ministerial student, beginning in 1951. In this clip from his 2017 talk, he discusses The Hidden Man in the Bible.
Manuscripts, transcripts and edited lessons are in the Unity Archives collection 3026, (Papers of Charles S. Fillmore), Box 71, Folders 3026 through 3037. PDF copies of all documents in these folders is given below. So that a student can reference the original document, the file names of the PDF for these documents begins with 3026-71-foldernumber.
Folder 3026 - The Hidden Man of the Bible 1 of 6 - Lesson 1 - October 9, 1934
- 3026-71-3026-Hidden Man of the Bible 1934-INTRODUCTION.pdf
- 3026-71-3026-Hidden Man of the Bible 1934 Lesson 1 October 9-MANUSCRIPT.pdf
- 3026-71-3026-Hidden Man of the Bible 1934 Lesson 1 October 9-TRANSCRIPT.pdf
- 3026-71-3026-Hidden Man of the Bible 1934 Lesson 1 October 9-EDITED LESSON.pdf
Folder 3027 - The Hidden Man of the Bible 2 of 6 - Lesson 2 - October 16, 1934
Folder 3028 - The Hidden Man of the Bible 3 of 6 - Lesson 3 - October 23, 1934
- 3026-71-3028-Hidden Man of the Bible 1934-3 of 6 Lesson 3 October 23-MANUSCRIPT.pdf
- 3026-71-3028-Hidden Man of the Bible 1934-3 of 6 Lesson 3 October 23-EDITED LESSON.pdf
Folder 3029 - The Hidden Man of the Bible 4 of 6 - Lesson 4 - October 30, 1934
Folder 3030 - The Hidden Man of the Bible 5 of 6 - Lesson 5 - November 6, 1934, 1934
- 3026-71-3030-Hidden Man of the Bible 1934-5 of 6 Lesson 5 November 6-MANUSCRIPT.pdf
- 3026-71-3030-Hidden Man of the Bible 1934-5 of 6 Lesson 5 November 6-EDITED LESSON.pdf
Folder 3031 - The Hidden Man of the Bible 6 of 6 - Lesson 6 - November 13, 1934, 1934
- 3026-71-3031-Hidden Man of the Bible 1934-6 of 6 Lesson 6 November 13-MANUSCRIPT.pdf
- 3026-71-3031-Hidden Man of the Bible 1934-6 of 6 Lesson 6 November 13-EDITED LESSON.pdf
Folder 3032
Folder 3033
Folder 3034
Folder 3035
Folder 3036
Folder 3037