Friday, September 22 2017, 9am-5pm
9:00 am - 9:30 am: Doors open
Setup, registration, coffee/tea, reconnecting and get-to-know-each-other time.
Set-up: We will set-up as many tables as are available so that most or all the participants will be seated at a table. This will enable them to take notes, use their laptops and mobile devices and to have a place to eat during the talks.
Schedule: After opening remarks by Rev. Joyce Kramer and Jim Blake, a new speaker is introduced each hour. Presentations should be about 45 minutes, leaving the last quarter hour for social interactions, restroom breaks and taking lunch and dinner, which will be available throughout the day.
9:30 - 10:00 Welcome, Opening music and Prayer
Mark Hicks, Rev. Joanna Gabriel, Rev. Blaine Mays
10:00 - 10:45 Speaker 1: Rev. Joyce Kramer
Rev. Joyce Kramer
Founder and Senior Minister, Unity Church of Tidewater
11:00 - 11:45 Speaker 2: Dr. Blaine Mays
Dr. Blaine Mays, Co-Minister, Community Church of New Thought
Dr. Mays is one of 22 ministers to receive an Honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from the Association of Unity Churches. He will speak on his experience and recollections of Cora Fillmore, with whom he roomed as a ministerial student at Unity Village.
11:45 - 1 pm Lunch
At 10am we will pass around a sheet for selecting your sandwich order. The cost is included in the conference fee. We break from 11:45 - 1pm for lunch and social time.
1:00 - 1:45 Speaker 3: Jim Blake
Jim Blake
CEO, Unity World Headquarters
2:00 - 2:45 Speaker 4: Rev. Sherri James
Rev. Sherri James
Senior Minister, UP CHURCH: Understanding Principles for Better Living (UFBL)
In 2015, Rev. Della tapped Rev. Sherri to succeed her in ministry and lead UP Church, the thriving spiritual community she founded in 1986. In 2013, Rev. Sherri created the Metaphysical Bible Hangout, a weekly metaphysical bible study, which broadcasts live on YouTube every Thursday night at 7pm Pacific. Recognized for her commitment to teaching, Rev. Sherri is the 2017 recipient of the Barbara Kimble Award for Excellence in Spiritual Teaching. Rev. Sherri is also author of The Money Poems, which speaks to the men and women in the “gig economy” who have to work multiple jobs just to piece together a full time income. Rev. Sherri resides in Southern California and blogs weekly at
3:00 - 3:45 Speaker 5: Rev. Eleanor Fleming
Rev. Eleanor Fleming, Founder, New Foundation Unity
Rev. Eleanor will present her study of Unity's "Methods and Ideals for Conducting Centers and Study Groups."
4:00 - 4:45 Speaker 6: Mark Hicks
Mark Hicks, Founder and Developer,
Download the handout and read more about this presentation at the Disrupting Unity page.
4:45 - 5:00 Closing prayer circle
Rev. Joanna Gabriel, Rev. Sherri James
5:30 - 8:00pm: Celebration of Rev. Joyce Kramer's ministry and birthday.
Food, celebration and socializing from 5:15-6pm. Service and presentations in the sanctuary from 6:00-8:00pm