April 10, 2012
Dear Unity Friend,
Spring Is an exciting time. Many people are feeling a resurgence of new energy and life within themselves. Nature here has put on an exhibition of redbuds, dogwoods, azaleas, camillias, dozens of flowering shrubs and flowers and now green leaves on trees. A reminder to each and every person that the resurrection that is taking place in nature should now be taking place within themselves.
This reinforces our plans for our Fillmore Festival for 2012 titled "RENEWAL, REGENERATION AND REVIVAL OF THE FILLMORE TEACHINGS." There is a strong hunger for the Unity of the Fillmores, the greatest spiritual teaching on the earth plane.
A number of well-respected ministers have indicated that they will attend: Richard Billings, Bessie Duncan, Justin Epstein, Eleanor Fleming, Diana McPaniol, Michael Mullin, Nancy Norman, Analea Rawson, John Salunek and Mary Tumpkln. Some will be presenters, others will be guests.
It's time to mark your calendar and share with your congregation that this Festival wili be held on October 25-28,2012 at the Sheraton Oceanfront Hotel located in Virginia Beach, Virginia, This will provide an opportunity for those, who are passionate about the Fillmore teachings of Practical Christianity to immerse themselves in in-depth knowledge and application of spiritual ideas which can be applied in their lives, and in the development leading the growth and unfoldment of their ministry.
You will be receiving a package soon, with registration and hotel room reservation forms. We look forward to seeing you in October! Information will also be posted on our website next month at www.unitychurchoftidewater.com.
May your life be filled with a dynamic consciousness of God's presence and power. His blessings are yours!
Joyce Kramer and Richard Billings
5580 Shell Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23455
If you are inspired by the Fillmore Festival, then why not consider making an offering to Unity of Tidewater, which sponsors and hosts the event?