The first Fillmore Festival was held April 3-8, 1967 in Santa Monica, California. Dr. Sue Sikking, minister at Unity-By-The-Sea, hosted the event. Notable speakers included Lowell Fillmore, Johnnie Colemon, Ed Rabel, Eric Butterworth and Phil and Dorothy Pierson. The program said,
The purpose of these special days is to return, as Charles and Myrtle Fillmore did in the beginning, to the great reservoir of Truth from whence all Truth proceeds. This is the great God-Presence in everyone of us, that Paul called, "Christ in you, your hope of glory."
We have been challenged that we have drawn our beliefs from Theosophy, Christianity, Hinduism, Rosicrucianism, Buddhism, and other religious systems—and so we have. We have reached for the golden thread, the Truth in all religions and we have found it—for we have found Spirit. Our world is suffering from spiritual starvation, so our doctor-science tell us. All the world is seeking and searching for Spirit.
Unity's destiny is to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ who was truly the first to demonstrate Universality. He pointed out "the way," a way broad enough and true enough that every soul might walk upon it, regardless of their religious background or affiliations. Unity penetrates the invisible walls that separate man from man and man from God.
We are moving across the threshold of the new age, we are here to renew and rededicate ourselves to pure, unchangeable, unadulterated Truth—God in man and man in God.
You may download a PDF of the original program by clicking on the picture to the left. Thank you, Richard Billings, for lending your original copy.