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Metaphysical meaning of Hiram (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Hiram (mbd)
Hiram, h1'-ram (Heb.)--whiteness; liberty; freedom; nobility; highborn; splendid.

a King of Tyre, a friend of David's: "And Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers to David, and cedar-trees, and carpenters, and masons; and they built David a house" (II Sam. 5:11). He furnished Solomon with material and workers for building the Temple, alsoHIVITE(I Kings 5:1-18). Solomon gave Hiram twenty cities in Galilee, but they did not please Hiram and he called them the "land of Cabul" (I Kings 9:10-14). b The son of a widow of the tribe of Naphtali. His father was a man of Tyre, a worker in brass. Solomon brought out of Tyre this Hiram, since he was a man filled with wisdom, understanding, and skill, to work all works in brass. He made the "molten sea" in the Temple, and did much of the fine work in it (I Kings 7:13-47).

Meta. Hiram was a builder; he was not of the Israelites (the religious and spiritual thoughts in man), at least not entirely, though the one Hiram was partly of Israelitish blood. He represents a constructive power in the reasoning faculty of the individual--a constructive power that is firmly established in substance and in an almost unlimited degree of fineness of discrimination, understanding. This power lends itself and its thoughts to the building of Truth in the consciousness and the body.

The skill of this Hiram thought is carried out in the affirmative, the positive, constructive attitude of building and doing. In order to spiritualize this ego, with the thought activities that belong in its domain, a balance between letting go and building up, denial and affirmation, must be established. For further suggestions along this line, and for an idea of the difference between the Solomon wisdom and the skill that Hiram signifies, see CABUL.

Preceding Entry: Hirah
Following Entry: Hittites