Metaphysical meaning of Phoenicia (mbd)
Phoenicia (in A.V., Acts 21:2, Phenicia; in Acts 11:19 and 15:3, Phenice), phoe-ni-ci-å (Gk.)--land of the phoenix; land of palms; land of palm trees; blood-red- purple.
Phoenix relates to the palm branch or the palm tree as an emblem of resurrection, from the ancient phoenix of Egyptian mythology that arose triumphant from its own ashes. The Greeks called the red and purple dye introduced from Phoenicia "phoenis," which holds to the same root. The phoenix was regarded as a manifestation of Ra and so became the symbol of resurrection, continuing to serve the early Christians as a symbol of the risen Lord.
A country to the north of Palestine and bordering on the Mediterranean Sea. Tyre and Sidon were its chief cities (Acts 11:19).
Meta. Conquering power, also resurrection into newness of life. (Land of palm trees, blood-red, purple, palm trees denote conquest and victory over error, even to the fullness of the resurrection life. Purple denotes power, and red denotes life activity; both enter into the idea and manifestation of resurrection.) This resurrecting power and dominion in Phoenicia, however, is hid under and suppressed by sense thought and belief. It must be lifted to a higher plane of understanding, realization, and use before it can become abiding in the consciousness of the individual and work for harmony and true upbuilding in his mind, body, and affairs. (See TYRE and SIDON, the chief cities of Phoenicia.)
Preceding Entry: Phoebe
Following Entry: Phoenix