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Fillmore Wings Anticipated Schedule

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We meet by Zoom on Tuesdays from 11:30-12:30 Eastern (New York) time. You will find the link four the class on the Events page of TruthUnity. We began on September 3. Our focus is discussing the annotations for one lesson each month. Scroll down to see our two-year plan. You are welcome to join us at any time.

Eventually there will be a more formal class or course of some sort. But for now we need to get familiar with the lessons and work through their relevance for today’s world. We have a Licensed Unity Teacher who is prepping to lead and administrate what will eventually be a mentored study group. I am preparing pocket-sized study books.

What is the Vision for the Fillmore Wings Study Program? the Fillmore Wings Study Program is a series of lessons that cover Series One and Series Two of the Unity Correspondence Course over a two-year period. Here is the direct link to the Fillmore Wings Study Program on TruthUnity.

The original Unity Society Correspondence School consisted of two courses, Series 1 (also known as the “Beginner’s Course” having six lessons) and Series 2 (known as the “Advanced Course” having twelve lessons). Each lesson consisted of a manuscript and twenty annotations. Combined, there were eighteen lessons with approximately 20 annotations each, giving a total number of 230 annotations.

The Fillmore Wings Study Program is designed so that the eighteen lessons are covered in six three-month sessions over a two-year period. Each three-month session will cover three lessons, one per month. The Annotations for each lesson are covered at approximately five annotations per week, allowing for a typical lesson of 20 annotations to be addressed in one month.

Here is a schedule of the first set of sessions. Additional sessions will be added as needed to accommodate new cohorts of students.

The Fillmore Wings Study Program Anticipated Schedule
Session Materials Topics
Sept, Oct, Nov Series 1, Lessons 1-3 The Silence, Healing, Prosperity
Jan, Feb, Mar Series 1, Lessons 4-6 Body of Christ, Overcoming, Demonstration
May, June, July Series 2, Lessons 1-3 God, Christ, Man
Sept, Oct, Nov Series 2, Lessons 4-6 Thoughts, Affirmations, The Word
Jan, Feb, Mar Series 2, Lessons 7-9 Prayer, Faith, Imagination
May, June, July Series 2, Lessons 10-12 Will & Understanding, Judgment, Love