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Read John 20:19-31.
An overcomer is one who recognizes the Truth of his being and is renewing his mind and body and affairs by changing his thoughts from the old mortal beliefs to the new as he sees them in Divine Mind. He is one who demonstrates the divine law, not only in surface life but in innermost consciousness. Spiritual power, mastery, and dominion are attained by the overcomer. "He that overcometh, I will give to him to sit down with me in my throne."

"Christ Mind" and "Divine Mind" are the same in essence, but there is a difference as to how the terms are used. We speak of Divine Mind to describe God and the universe and all that is in the universe. That portion of Divine Mind that indwells us is Christ Mind. Identifying with the Christ simply means that we connect our sense of I am with the great composite of all divine ideas—THE CHRIST.
Ed Rabel - Metaphysics 1, Christ In You, The Christ Mind
- Ed Rabel
The way of overcoming is, first, to place one's self by faith in the realization of sonship, and secondly, to demonstrate it faithfully in every thought and act. One of the laws of mind is that man becomes like that with which he identifies himself. Christ is the one perfect pattern. Everyone desires to overcome all errors. Each should, therefore, be wise and identify himself with the Christ.
No external condition or circumstance can hold man in bondage when he makes mental contact with God.
It was to the overcomer that Jehovah spoke when, through one of the old prophets, He said, "I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten."
We have many blessings. Begin to praise God for the abundance of all things; your words will crack the omnipresent ethers, and good will flow to you from every direction.
The work that I have to do as an overcomer for the world is to help establish a new race consciousness, a new heaven and a new earth, "wherein dwelleth righteousness." By being true to my highest understanding of Truth, I never swerve to the right nor left for any reason.
I affirm:
"I am an overcomer, through Jesus Christ and I rest in the realization of His grace and power."