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Read Heb. 11:17-40; 12:1-6.
Patience is a state of mind that beholds the world from the harmony of the Christ Mind, a freedom from personal thinking. It is an attitude of mind characterized by poise, calmness, and a quiet restful trust, especially in the face of trying conditions. It has its foundation in love. "Great peace have they that love thy law; and they have no occasion of stumbling."
The first requisite in the development of patience is spiritual understanding. The larger our vision of life, the more freedom we feel, and we are spared the friction and frettings that come to those who are centered in personality.
Whether one is patient or not depends on his view of life. If he is selfish and self- centered and lives in a material world, bound by his own interests, he lacks the qualities that go to make up patience.
We may take the gift of patience and make use of it. We may receive it by faith, and then work it out in every department of our being by daily practice of Truth. Patience gives self-control. We unfold the capacity to direct our behavior in right ways, a result of spirituality.
I realize that I am feeding my consciousness on divine patience. When my thoughts are in harmony with divine law, they develop my body into God's beautiful, indestructible temple. "Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith."
I affirm:
"The serene, calm, trustful Spirit now accomplishes all the desires of my heart. I rest in peace."